QJs flop dilemma 10NL
Posted by Alex Geiger
Posted by Alex Geiger posted in High Stakes
QJs flop dilemma 10NL
BN: $11.04
SB: $9.32
BB: $10
UTG: $10.43 (Hero)
HJ: $10.80
CO: $4.40
SB: $9.32
BB: $10
UTG: $10.43 (Hero)
HJ: $10.80
CO: $4.40
BN: 38/22/5,9 TotColdcall: 26 (154 hands)
SB: 37/18/0 TotColdcall: 29 (79 hands)
SB: 37/18/0 TotColdcall: 29 (79 hands)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $0.30, HJ folds, CO folds, BN calls $0.30, SB calls $0.25, BB folds
Hero raises to $0.30, HJ folds, CO folds, BN calls $0.30, SB calls $0.25, BB folds
(3 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $0.70,
BN calls $0.70,
SB folds
BB's and SB's preflop calling range against UTG raiser weighted towards pp-s and suited connectors, some AJ+ and KJs+ combos.
BB won't flat with 2 overs because SB is behind him. SB won't flat with 2overs because He's OOP. However T8x is a good board for SC type hands.
Please explain me why should I cbet this fop OR why shouldn't
Worst situation: both player calls. I don't feel comfortable even in a Qx turn. Jx could be terrible because there are a whole lot pair+draw combos and 2pair combos
Better situation: just BB flats.
Unfortunately I'm OOP
I probably barrel all Jx+ turn cards and diamonds.
Best situation: just SB flats.
I'm IP
I can realise my potential equity
I can bet/fold turns and rivers comfortable
BB won't flat with 2 overs because SB is behind him. SB won't flat with 2overs because He's OOP. However T8x is a good board for SC type hands.
Please explain me why should I cbet this fop OR why shouldn't
Worst situation: both player calls. I don't feel comfortable even in a Qx turn. Jx could be terrible because there are a whole lot pair+draw combos and 2pair combos
Better situation: just BB flats.
Unfortunately I'm OOP
I probably barrel all Jx+ turn cards and diamonds.
Best situation: just SB flats.
I'm IP
I can realise my potential equity
I can bet/fold turns and rivers comfortable
(2 Players)
Hero bets $1.50,
BN calls $1.50
(2 Players)
Hero bets $7.93,
BN folds
I think He has an inelastic calling range here. He definitely checks back 2pairs and trips, and I hope him call with Jx and 6x. [I timed a lot before ship]
Final Pot
wins $5.13
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