NL50 can I still valueshove?

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NL50 can I still valueshove?

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $50.50
SB: $53.92 (Hero)
BB: $55.11
UTG: $60.85
MP: $59.02
CO: $197.96
villain is 23/19 over 460 hands. AF f/t/r: 4/5/1, opens UTG 14%, cb 52%, WTSD 27%, WWSF 42%, WSD 47, seems std enough
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with 6 6
UTG raises to $1.50, 3 folds, Hero calls $1.25, BB folds
Flop ($3.50) 5 6 4
Hero checks, UTG bets $2.25, Hero raises to $6.50, UTG calls $4.25
I strongly considered x/c, but then I decided that:
1)there is value in coolering worse sets
2)I may not have 78 in my perceived range, so my perceived raising range doesnt have to be that strong
3)If I have 78, I could also have 67 etc...also random stabs, since I x/r a bit more than majority of the regs.

I would x/c both 44 and probably 55.
Turn ($16.50) 5 6 4 A
Hero bets $10.00, UTG calls $10.00
River ($36.50) 5 6 4 A 2
Hero bets $35.92 and is all in, UTG calls $35.92
Yeah I have no idea what to do here. x/c doesnt make sense, but both other options have merits.

jam: He doesnt have 3x in his range (I think..maybe like A3s?) and he might decide to station me, thinking that my valuerange isnt that wide anymore (I mean, I cant jam 44 for value..) and I can have random 7x. People also dont fold sets. Im not sure he still has 78, since my line till the river is somewhat strong and I assume he'd wanna just gii vs twoaprs+ and deny me equity with my 7x).

x/f: he isnt calling with worse too often anyway, my line is too strong and he can have some hands that beat me.

Yeah ok I have no idea here.


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oblioo 10 years, 3 months ago

Yes I think your whole line including the river shove is good! Your 7x and 8x air has missed, so you can easily get hero called by A7s, A8s, two-pair (A2s, A4s, A5s) and 44 and 55, all of which may check back if you check. A 14% UTG range should not have 87s or 33, so you don't really have to worry about that; all that beats you is ~3 combos of A3s. wp imo.

SPrince 10 years, 3 months ago

What 7x-8x does he have except 76s,77-88 that are just calling flop? He`s not flatting A7-A8s vs utg.

I dont like having a raising range vs utg on this board since hes gonna have gss, oes ,bdsd+bdfd he`ll double/triple barrel or (b,x/c,x/c decent %).

oblioo 10 years, 3 months ago

edit: you're right; for a minute I was being dumb and thinking hero was BTN when I was thinking about his cold-calling range pre. On further thought I like a c/c or bet OTF.

jaypatel33 10 years, 3 months ago

Looks good as played, yea river is kinda tricky spot, but we gotta go with now I feel. Villain can still be felting worse like A2,A4,A5.

PhisyFishy 10 years, 3 months ago

You really think villain bet-calls these hands on the flop? I'd be very surprised if he does.

I agree its a value shove though. I don't even think its that close.

cpau 10 years, 3 months ago

@ SPrince - What GS and SD you put him on for raising UTG ? 77, 88, maybe 33, but I dont htink he has all those 79s, 98s, A7s, A8s..

Vilain can easily have bdfd (with his suited broadways), but its not on that many turn cards that he would fireimo (only the 1/4 turn card that give him FD). As a bluff, I think he would bet overcard like KJ (on good turn card like T+) and his bdfd that turned into a FD. He will also continue with his overpair, but I think he will continu with them if we x/r anyway (maybe less likely to put more money in the pot with them if we c/r)

Im not saying x/r is the best option here, but Im just not sure vilain will continue to fire as much as you said when we c/c. That being said, I think x/c flop is a balanced play while x/r is more exploitable (what can you have other than nutty hand for x/r on a 456r flop?!)

I'd like to have thoughts on that, because I could also be wrong.

cpau 10 years, 3 months ago

If you do that with the right frequency, it allows you to do it with your set too, In that case, I'd x/r 44 and 55 too. I dont understand why you said 66 is a x/r but the 2 other sets are x/c.. I mean, UTG doesnt have str8 in his range, but lots of overpairs that you can get value from. I guess you can get the x/r + one street of value against overpair in this spot.

DiamondClub 10 years, 3 months ago

I agree with cpau. I would also consider raising a little bigger here OTF, since you will be quite polarized given what you said about x/r'ing KJs, ATs w/ BDFD. I also think it's a good board to do it on v UTG because his range is quite broadway heavy and by raising aggressively like you suggested we can get him off overcards a.s.o. so the sets should definitely be in there too I think.

Limp Limpson 10 years, 3 months ago

Almost any decision I make is going to be exploitative.
I'd be x/raising strong broadways with backdoors because
1)I think he will be somewhat overfolding, ie I dont expect him to stack off with AA once I x/r otf. Im most likely going to be overbluffing in this spot, but given population tendencies, I think thats fine.
2)blockers, so it's less likely that he has a hand that can call even one raise, in case Im wrong about AA.
I dont really expect him to adjust.
Thats why I'm willing to x/r 66 and not 44: I think he is just folding too often. With 66 I get the benefit of coolering worse sets and I think that compensates for the fact that I may get one less street of value from AA on a lot of runouts. By raising 44 Im giving up some percentage of value I'd get from hands that he is going to barrel but fold to a raise+I'm sometimes gonna end up on a wrong side of a setup.

This spot sucks, because I still may get value from worse sets and possible twopairs+occasional herocall with like QQ (my guess/assumptions can be wrong), but he does have AA, A3s and possibly even 33?

Obviously all of these are just guesses. I may be wrong, I have no idea.

Limp Limpson 10 years, 3 months ago

oh and fwiw I think that he does have 33...sample is not that big, he could be running bad utg. And you can construct 15% opening range that includes 33 (AA-22,AKo-AJo,KQo-KJo,AKs-A2s,KQs-KTs,QJs).

"Open any pair" is too widespread idea in the community to assume that he golds 22-44

cpau 10 years, 3 months ago

@ SPrince - I open a different 14% from utg. Only difference is I open 22,33, ATo and I dont open T9s, 98s, 87s and nothing worse than A8s.

I like the fact that the SCs and Axs in your range allow us to hit the flop on lower flop tho.

taaazz 10 years, 3 months ago

What do you guys think about leading this board?
My reason is that this board is not one that he might stab particularly often (I think), since our CC range @ SB will usually be pretty narrow, so there isn't all that much FE to be had. Leading looks more like a weak pair that hates to XC but doesn't want to XF either, which might make him inclined to raise a wider range for thin value. And I'm not sure he's going to BC flop with an overpair since there aren't any draws and we have a narrow range to begin with. - just a random thought

Your line is obv good and I too think it's a value shove otr.

Limp Limpson 10 years, 3 months ago

yeah I didnt think of leading.
But...assuming he raises flop with AA, doesnt he almost always xb ott? Which sucks for us...and lead/call, lead is just way too cluster** of a line.

But I guess it could work (meaning lead/call, check/eval)

cpau 10 years, 3 months ago

if he doesnt bet/call flop with overpair, then, hero's strategy to x/r broadways with bdfd is pure gold ! He would be way too exploitable if he bet/folds too many overpair imo.

taaazz 10 years, 3 months ago

The way I see it is this:
-the board hits our range pretty well - it is not one that he might stab w/ 100% of his range,
-our CC @ SB is pretty narrow and pair/strong BRDW heavy - not much FE to be had,
-he might not be planning to get 3 streets with most of his overpairs, but considering that leading might be perceived as a weak overpair that doesn't really want to XC, but doesn't want to XF either, so it leads, he might call us down with hands that otherwise check a street (overpairs, to be precise),
-XR in this exact spot looks incredibly strong, I think, and I wouldn't be surprised if he BF most of his overpairs,
-given that leading looks significantly weaker, he might go out of line with some hands that we would like to be XR as a bluff here (like 2OvC w/ bdFD or the others that you mentioned).

Limp Limpson 10 years, 3 months ago

to be precise, I never said that I expect him to fold overpairs otf. I expect him to not stack off with them, meaning fold ott or otr....

taaazz 10 years, 3 months ago

Depends on the player, but I'd usually lead with a balanced range, and then, if I knew Villain's tendencies, I would play exploitively.

Sauce123 10 years, 3 months ago

Fold preflop, I don't think you can play a hand this weak against 15% with only .5bb in there and an active player in the hand. Esp with stars rake.

cpau 10 years, 3 months ago

Its kind of a standard to me to flat PPs vs an utg raiser at micro's since people tend to give you action from utg when you spike your set. Anything im not seing/understanding correctly ?

Aleksandra ZenFish 10 years, 3 months ago

I read your answer multiple times and after not understanding it well over few tries, wondered if you can elaborate a little on what you said
Confusing me is don't you think you have enough of implied odds 100 bb deep, and , second, if not, what hands do you find playable from SB ? :)

vkartmann 10 years, 3 months ago

im folding pre; reasoning: 1. rake 2. range disadvantage 3. bb squeeze 4. EV calling < EV folding because folding makes your more $/hour

taaazz 10 years, 3 months ago

What would your default CC range look like in this spot?
Sth like {88-JJ,AQ,KQs}?

DiamondClub 10 years, 3 months ago

I am folding this PF as well. It's just a bad spot to set-mine OOP and against an active player. I talked about this to my coach and when we were coming up with a SB strategy he advised me to play raise/fold from the SB v UTG and MP. I think that makes sense, since it is much easier to play than having a calling range. l think there may be some extra EV in having a CC range but I don't think it matters too much. That is probably going to change at higher limits.

I think your range will be pretty face up when you flat in the SB, also I would pay attention to the opening sizes. I like e.g. flatting sth. like KQo v an MP min-raise, I think against minraises is when you can start having a calling range in the SB.

DjuNKeLL 10 years, 3 months ago

Even though villain is tight from UTG, his low cbet% and WWSF makes me believe he is not the type that fights a lot for pots postflop, and therefore I would probably add hands like 77, AJs, KJs, QJs (maybe JTs).

taaazz 10 years, 3 months ago

Thanks, guys. Appreciated as always. :)

I don't really get why a range being face up is such an issue at lower stakes. Do you expect people to own you postflop every time you call there?
I also don't expect the BB to SQZ all that much given our CC range is tight and UTG's range is strong in the first place.

What kind of SB 3b range vs EP/MP would you suggest, then?

DiamondClub 10 years, 3 months ago

SB v UTG, I 3bet something like KJs+, ATs+, AQo+, TT+ as a default. I don't think it's wrong to have a flatting range like you suggest, it probably doesn't make a huge difference. I feel that I start x/f'ing the flop too much when I start calling the SB w/ PPs because most people c-bet a little too much rather than too little (like this guy). You are right that ranges being face up is probably not much of an issue. vkartman also made a good point that you save a lot of rake by not playing a postflop pot vs a strong range.

jaypatel33 10 years, 3 months ago

I never got the whole face up range thing. If he thinks we have only pocket pairs and is going to fold to a ch/r because we hit a set, then we can ch/r liberally.

DiamondClub 10 years, 3 months ago

I think you will have to x/r bluff this board a ton to make up for the fact that you won't be able to stack people with your sets very often because it is quite obvious that you are set-mining there. I think this is different when we are in the BB obviously because not only do we get a better price but we also see a flop 100% of the time when we call. Even if the BB isn't that aggressive, seeing every flop guaranteed is quite nice becaue sometimes the BB will have a hand.

Also, if we really call a fairly narrow range and we want to raise the flop w/ all of our sets, you will end up in a situation where you x/r 1/3-1/2 of your range... Not sure whether that's so great.

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