NL50 can I still valueshove?

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NL50 can I still valueshove?

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $50.50
SB: $53.92 (Hero)
BB: $55.11
UTG: $60.85
MP: $59.02
CO: $197.96
villain is 23/19 over 460 hands. AF f/t/r: 4/5/1, opens UTG 14%, cb 52%, WTSD 27%, WWSF 42%, WSD 47, seems std enough
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with 6 6
UTG raises to $1.50, 3 folds, Hero calls $1.25, BB folds
Flop ($3.50) 5 6 4
Hero checks, UTG bets $2.25, Hero raises to $6.50, UTG calls $4.25
I strongly considered x/c, but then I decided that:
1)there is value in coolering worse sets
2)I may not have 78 in my perceived range, so my perceived raising range doesnt have to be that strong
3)If I have 78, I could also have 67 etc...also random stabs, since I x/r a bit more than majority of the regs.

I would x/c both 44 and probably 55.
Turn ($16.50) 5 6 4 A
Hero bets $10.00, UTG calls $10.00
River ($36.50) 5 6 4 A 2
Hero bets $35.92 and is all in, UTG calls $35.92
Yeah I have no idea what to do here. x/c doesnt make sense, but both other options have merits.

jam: He doesnt have 3x in his range (I think..maybe like A3s?) and he might decide to station me, thinking that my valuerange isnt that wide anymore (I mean, I cant jam 44 for value..) and I can have random 7x. People also dont fold sets. Im not sure he still has 78, since my line till the river is somewhat strong and I assume he'd wanna just gii vs twoaprs+ and deny me equity with my 7x).

x/f: he isnt calling with worse too often anyway, my line is too strong and he can have some hands that beat me.

Yeah ok I have no idea here.

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