NL10 QTs 3bet SB vs CO
Posted by Treysix
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Low Stakes
NL10 QTs 3bet SB vs CO
SB: $18.75 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $5.55
MP: $10.41
CO: $25.44
Rake is $0.37
I have this hands for review
Preflop is standard 3bet for me against solid reg.
my range is: JJ+, 55-33, 2h2s, 2h2c, 2s2c, AQs+, KTs, J9s+, T8s+, 98s, 65s, 54s, QdTd, 9s7s, 9c7c, 8s7s, 8c7c, 7s6s, 7c6c, AKo
On the flop I cbet with FD so I get some value when I hit my flush and I can make him fold some better hands like AQ, AK. I use standard 1/2 pot sizing against his presumed range :JJ-77,AQs,ATs,KJs+,QJs,JTs,T9s,AdKd,AdJd,9d8d,8s7s,8c7c,AQo+.
Against reraise I chose to call as I put him on something like JJ,QhQs,QhQc,QsQc,AdKd,AdJd,9d8d,8s7s,8c7c. And here I'm not sure if fold on the flop isn't better because his range is generally stronger than mine hand and even when I hit the flush he will beat as I block Qd and Td so he has stronger FDs in his range - AKs, AJs....Weaker FD can possibly only be 9d8d. He may also have something like Ad2d-Ad5d although it's not so frequent in these spots. He also could also reraise trips with 87s and maybe JJ and QQ if he flats this preflop but I'm not sure about this, majority of players would 4bet these or flat and call on the flop vs 1/2 cbet I guess. So let's put him on AdKd,AdJd,9d8d,8s7s,8c7c.
Against this range I have like 33% Eq. It's ok but I have quite bad reversed implied odds as he often hits better hand and stack me.
On the turn it's even worse as 8 comes and it completes his possible FH. For this reason I chose to fold as I'm pretty much done by the turn and his range.
What would you suggest? Bet/fold flop or X/C flop ? I mean I block a lost of his weaker hands with my hand so isn't X/C flop better as I generally only get called/raised by stronger hands? Or should I bet smaller as my range is way stronger then's gonna be harder on the turn and river though with smaller cbet on the flop. If I x/c flop then I have problem that I don't have enough bluffs when I decide to cbet my strong hands? Cause I'm gonna have like 33 value (JJ+, 2h2s, 2h2c, 2s2c, 9s7s, 9c7c, 8s7s, 8c7c, 7s6s, 7c6c) and I need that bluffs with draws here - I only have 12 combos of FDs plus some low pocket pairs I don't want to cbet - 33-55. AKo I don't want to cbet as I would only make him fold worse and call with better..
Hmm...Shall I x/c more then? Or bet small like 1/4 with most of my range ? Cause my cbeting range is pretty unbalanced here for 1/2 cbet- 33 value x 12 bluff. I would miss some value with smaller cbet though.
I think smaller cbet or x/c is the way but not sure.
Now I'm lost and don't know what the best flop strategy is.
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