Live 1-3 Large Straddled Pot
Posted by Ryan
Posted by Ryan posted in Mid Stakes
Live 1-3 Large Straddled Pot
Hero covers table
Bttn straddles $5 and has a $400ish stack
SB calls and has a $250 stack
3 other players call and have between $200-$300 stacks
Hero has KJhh CO and raises to $36(often would make it $40, but thought we could shave a bit off and have similar fold equity)
Button calls pretty quick and is a passive player from what I can tell. I expect him to flat things like AK preflop, maybe even JJ or QQ(at a lower percentage), think he will cold calls things like AQo as well as mid pocket pairs and maybe some KQ and AJ.
SB calls and is a loose aggressive asian that is a losing player from what I can tell.
Others fold and it's 3-way to the flop
AQ3 rainbow with one heart
SB checks
Hero checks
Button checks
Pot = $110
Turn 3
SB checks
Hero bets $50
Button calls
SB folds
River 2
Pot is $200
Button has around $300 behind, maybe a little more
On the flop, I wasn't confident I had much fold equity getting called in two spots with a 12x preflop open size, and this lead me to check the flop. I could see maybe C-betting around 30-40% however, but if I go any bigger I think it begins to bleed money, and I do not think either player has a capped range
On the turn after it checks through, and the SB checks again, I bet in a 45% turn bet to fold out mid pairs, and maybe miscellaneous hands that got sticky preflop(maybe a hand like T9s for example.)
When the button calls, I think he can certainly have some AJ in his range, maybe some AK/QQ that slow played the flop as this is a thing that happens in live games. I do think most AK would have bet the flop, but I would account for him having maybe 1 or 2 combos in his check back range on a dry board. Also think he could have like 1 combo of QQ, however this may not be 100% accurate. AQ I would guess exists at a low percentage as well. Think ATs is likely in his range, maybe some A9s, but think it begins to get dicey once we drop below ATs. Think it's pretty common for players to flat at least half of the AJo and KQo combos tho in the games I play in
I considered betting the river 75%-100% pot, but opted on a check because I wasn't confident villain would fold Qx 100% of the time after I checked the flop, which is a pretty big issue.
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