How to construct balanced ranges, how not to over- or under-bluff in frequent lines

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How to construct balanced ranges, how not to over- or under-bluff in frequent lines

Does anyone know any software (or reports) that allows to compare GTO bluffing frequencies for different hand categories on multiple flop textures, turn and river runout types?

Or can anyone recommend any people who can teach how to construct balanced ranges, how not to over- or under-bluff in frequent lines, especially in HU sessions, especially on turn and river?
And if yes, what is the process that those people use to achieve that?


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i-hate-soup 2 years, 5 months ago

Your basically asking how can I learn to be a great poker player. But let me do the best i can to help. You are going to need to learn the mechanics of a balanced game. The best way to do this is to learn the fundamentals this is done watching coaching videos and using solvers. You trying to understand the "why" from the coachs and solvers. Not mimicking. When you understand the why then you can play in balanced way....

Good luck on the journey

grand_ua 2 years, 3 months ago

Thank you for ideas how to approach it.
- I already know basic GTO fundamentals like bluff to value formulas, and I had a look into different solved solutions. But I fail to see how this sort of knowledge can be applied practically during play.

I have an access to solvers data that is combined by flop textures and runout types, and I can tell that GTO does not bluff simply using something like bluff-to-value formula on flops and turns. Bluff percentage before river changes a lot depending on how advantages turns and rivers will be for our range, and on our range and nut advantage.

Also to my knowledge only very few people even try to be balanced. Even most coaches do not really try, or they are not balanced by fact anyway.
I myself know only one player who did a focused effort to learn how to be balanced in frequent lines - his name is Doug Polk, so you most likely know that name too. Balance is such a hard problem for humans, that I would guess that Doug Polk 6 max play would be significantly less balanced than his HU anyway, and if we study his bluff frequencies by board textures and runout types, I would expect that they would not look so much balanced.
Do you know other names who play mostly balanced by chance?

If someone somehow obtained all your hand history and calculated stats from it, and studied your bluffing frequencies for hours, do you expect they would see balanced numbers there or not so much balanced? How about if they analyzed your bluffing by board textures and runout types?

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