Dealing with underbets
Posted by BigDickPlaya
Posted by BigDickPlaya posted in Low Stakes
Dealing with underbets
At times in one of my pools, the better players will start using small bets preflop- and sometimes from all all positions. Why are they doing this and how do I best deal with/exploit it? Further, they'll then underbet the flop to something like 25-40% pot.
For example: In one of my 10nlz games, .22 and .28 are common OR sizings, and again - many of these players will use this same size from all positions. Again - why are they doing this and what is my best approach to calling/3betting? Naturally, I see my VPIP and PFR gap increasing in games like this, even when I'm 3betting ~10%. Is this ok? Then, when dealing with the flop, we see the aforementioned underbet IP. What is their strategy here and is it sound? Can I exploit this approach easily?
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