Adjusting to a Straddle
Posted by DegreesOfFreedom
Posted by DegreesOfFreedom posted in High Stakes
Adjusting to a Straddle
Let's say we're playing $2/$5 and there is a $10 straddle and we have $500. If there's no straddle then we're a playing a 100BB game. Some people would say that with a straddle we're playing a 50BB game and should adjust accordingly.
So I have this question. Let's say that we're not comfortable stacking with AQs with 100BB but are comfortable doing so at 50BB (arbitrary but let's assume this is our situation). So if we assume that a straddled game is truly 50BB then we should stack off with AQs.
... But what if no one else at the table makes the adjustment? To their ranges, etc.? What if everyone else kept their preflop stackoff ranges (and other ranges) just as they were at 100BB e.g. AKo+, QQ+. Then stacking off with AQs would be just dumb, wouldn't it?
So I'm confused.
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