5/10 Live - How to proceed on the Flop?
Posted by ChipNinja
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High Stakes
5/10 Live - How to proceed on the Flop?
5k eff with decent reg
I raise QsJs UTG to 40 co calls decent reg calls OTB and SB calls.
Flop T85dds
I cbet 90 co calls 90 decent reg raises to 380.
Should I be check calling this flop instead of cbetting? I don't expect this flop to get raised a ton but when it did I felt like betting was a big mistake because I was getting blown off of my equity. Is check calling better than cbetting? Can I ever call this flop raise? I don't really know what his flop raising range is but I'm assuming that it's just T8s and sets, maybe QdJd/Jd9d/9d7d/7d6d.
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I like to x/c (or x/f against huge bets) this spots because our perceived range does not connect a lot with this board, maybe TT-88 but if we consider how many offsuit combos we have I don't see many reason to bet this texture, specially being multi-way. Our hand is too weak to bet on this situation and 9d, Qd, Jd which are a good portion of our outs does not gives a very strong hand, considering that their ranges are more suited heavy than ours so we have considerably reverse implied odds on 1/4 of our outs. I don't think we can call a raise on this texture with Q high and also our overall equity OTF is not that great.
I run some rough simulation on PPT and QsJs has around 27% equity against 4%-14% from CO and 4%-22% from BN. It can wide but giving that price he has a lot of suited combos that connects a lot with board and I think x/f is a good option.
I don't think x/c is a good option here at all, I would consider it with a better draw. I don't think we have too many offsuit combos given that we opened UTG. Are we not c-betting this spot at all then? If we do have a c-bet range here, our hand is one of the best ones to bluff with and there are a lot of turns we can barrel.
What are your reasons for cbetting so small? It's barely more than half pot.
I actually agree thinking again. Nice to see that I changed my view in 2 weeks lol.
x/c and having QJ high ott oop sucks a lot but this texture and our hand blocks a little bit (not reason enough to x/c) of our 3 street bluffing equity. Their calling range should contain T9, 98/sets and against this range we are looking kinda poor in terms of raw equity but in great shape in terms of implied odds for our semi bluff.
If I decided to bet flop (of course to b/f) I would continue on spades/A/K/Q/J/9/low diamonds. There a plenty of card to continue and I am ok with cbetting also.
I like check-calling a lot in this situation. First, because we are multiway and checking has often more merits multiway, especially live (we get to see the other players reveal their interest in the pot). Adding to that we are 500bb deep with a weak hand that has a lot of hidden potential (GS and backdoor FD), I'd much rather check/call flop and see a turn.
From then on, we'll be able to have much better reads on where we stand, and we can therefore decide to donk bet some turns, X/C some, X/R some, etc. Note that I would also advocate this kind of line with overpairs or top pairs.
I will check-fold if flop bet big,decent reg will bluff much in this wet flop with KQ,5xs even for balance. Actually gave up this pot is a better idea.
I think checking the flop is for sure the best option but you're not checking to fold or call specifically necessarily. It's a spot where you really shouldn't be cbetting 4 ways but you can check and make things happen sometimes. If you're going to cbet here make sure you cbet bigger. You're just asking to get raised here.
Don't see any other play than C/C flop.
Why does everybody want to bet bigger here? Do you want to only cbet very infrequently with mostly 2pair+, some draws and some backdoors? Because it seems to me that, as soon as we consider cbeting overpairs or top pair type hands, or more bluffs for that matter, our sizing should be small?
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