80 points
Just play tight until you feel confident again, no need to play this high variance style, its OK to fold AJ or KQ or A3s when someone opens MP or whatever. Like there are ton of super straightforward nit regs I imagine they make like 1bb/100 anyway +RB . Just try playing tight, dont barrel low equitty hands and etc. Just take super profitable spots and dont get into spots where you dont know what to do , that would be a start.
July 18, 2016 | 8:26 p.m.
Fold to 3b super high(first thing i would do is start oppening less than 3x or just call more).
3b 10. at zoom I had much better success when i dropped my 3b to 6-7, I think its cos people play tighter in general so we are attacking strong ranges too much.
Fold to steal looks high.
Turn and river barrels looks really high esp turn.(also same idea that people are playing tighter so no need to barrel everytime you have atleast some equitty which i imagine youre doing)
Folding to turn cbet just 31.. looks like you have tough time folding hands (wtsd 31 is super high also, esp at zoom where most guys just play really honest and tight and underbluff) .
Other idea start playing regular tables cause theyre softer than zoom.
July 18, 2016 | 8:19 p.m.
Im just raising the flop, a lot of action killers OTT, he bets less than 1/3 , you block his Ax bluffs so his range will be really strong here and no way he would fold KK after betting so small OTF he would feel like he induced you. Esp if there's no history no point in balancing here just trying to maximize EV. I like preflop call because this is purely KK or Axs, or obv AA. But you have too much FE preflop, so I think calling will show more profit. As played looks good to fold. Very weird line, definitely not a line you see people bluffing almost ever. Guy just pust you on AK+ and goes for max value with KK or some weird 7x, maybe 68s. Not calling ever vs this line not having the nuts unless this guy is really really good and aggro but vs most players its gonna be a fold 4sure.
March 27, 2016 | 10:58 a.m.
vs that sizing with no reads im just folding. Also villain is probably weaker player bombing with such a huge sizings and leaving only a half pot OTR, unless he tries exploitably to fold out everything worse than a queen. Anyway when he leaves half pot OTR he almost certainly will not follow up with a river bluff, so probably just jamming the turn here as played or folding the flop if you don't have idea about his play or range.
March 21, 2016 | 3:56 p.m.
very strong board for IP, all suited two pair, A4s, A2s, all sets, 42s maybe, then AJs+ for random A highs. Then for bluff he has only 78s, 79s and 89s. So to have Ace blocker here would be much more relevant, also you block backdoor heart draws that he might float sometimes. All in all im just folding to the turn bet if he's a good player he will fire his draw's regardless OTR and we can't really call river so hard to make that turn call profitable.
March 18, 2016 | 5:50 p.m.
Don't think 88 would be calling the turn, so basically youre trying to fold out hand like A9s, 9Ts, 9Js. Also he will have AQ probably 100proc of the time, +KQs maybe. I think turn bet is fine, river id just give up. Also flop I'd probably check back decent amount of the time with no backdoor draw, AJs without backdoor really low in your range so its fine to give up. Also regs are still pretty passive in nl50 so most likely they will not start bluffing with QJs ar some random air anyways. Plus a lot of good turn cards that you can delay cbet on. So no need to put such a high variance 3 barrels which most likely will show losses in long run. Bunch of better ways to play this hand IMO.
March 18, 2016 | 5:38 p.m.
Pay attention to sizing, when opponent bets so small on such board he will never have AA or KK, also since I expect regular to almost never bluff when everything misses, im betting big myself unless you think he will bet KJ or missed FD, which IMO is most underbluffed situation. Against a fish I wouldnt mind a check, because they are much more likely to blindly bet any missed draw.
March 17, 2016 | 10:29 p.m.
when you have a lot of sets in your range and your range is not capped nobody will almost ever bluff especially in nl50 and this guy is 19/17, this purely almost always 77 or AA. Vs aggro reg I wouldnt fold either, because with 45s or whatever this line will probably be profitably since you will almost fold 80-90 proc of your range by the river. But this guy is definitely not thinking that IMO.
March 13, 2016 | 11:50 a.m.
Very easy call imo, I think with this sizing he won't raise 78o, and if we count all other two pair and sets he only has 36 value combos(which he might lead a lot of them himself), and its very easy to overbluff this spot with a bunch of 9T,56,9J and etc. not mentioning FDs. AJ almost top of our range also.
March 11, 2016 | 3:06 p.m.
yup, You might still improve and win a big pot against AQ or he might be just a fish making a random raise with like Qx or 7x and just check/fold OTT. Turn his range becomes even stronger and pot is getting big so you don't have as much implied odds and equitty to call I think
Feb. 3, 2016 | 6:34 p.m.
AK,AQ, TT+, 89s, A2s sometimes, 89s is good because most people will fold 88 or 99 preflop so you're never dominated. Suited broadways also. Just look against what kind of players are you playing if they fold a lot I would 3b suited connectors more or small cards if they call a lot you can 3b more broadways and etc
Feb. 3, 2016 | 6:27 p.m.
is this limit holdem?
Feb. 3, 2016 | 6:11 p.m.
Makes no sense to ch/r this board with a big range disadvantage, so most people will have value only here, I like overfolding here. If we actually think more about it A9 will be a better hand to call here than AK, since AK block his only potential bluffs, KT,KJ and he's not ch/raising AK or AJ-AT almost ever so.. I like the fold here.
Feb. 3, 2016 | 5:56 p.m.
Standart squeeze? they can 4bet everytime and make autoprofit against such a wide range, its just way too loose and KJ plays awfully when called against super strong range.. big spew preflop and big spew OTR.. just bet turn 50proc pot and vbet blank rivers small river too, they will put you on AK most of the time, on Q river im just ch/folding, UTG almost always would check twice with AK too, so its not like he's capped or anything. You're more capped since you would lead a lot of AK here OTR, im not sure I would even fold KQ to this line because it makes 0 sense at all.
Feb. 3, 2016 | 5:49 p.m.
sizing of a raise OTF looks like he wants to maximize his FE here, I would discount all QQ from his range and atleast 1c each of 88 and 77, its not a big deal but I think it matters a little bit that he made it 19doll instead of 18 or 17, so I would think it makes his range a little bit weaker on average. KK might play this way like 10proc of the time also although unlikely. I would look into his timing if he made a raise fairly quickly I'd be more inclined to believe that he's more likely to be on tilt and weaker. His range is FD or sets so I'd fold on a spade, I think that he would still continue to jam all the FD OTT, so when turn bricks we can get it in ~+80proc favorite vs his FDs and fold when spade hits so just calling flop>shoving flop(Sucks that we have As, would be pretty hard to fold OTT with nut FD but since he will have flush himself a lot and sets still we can't really call on a spade anyway). Also he should check 9Tss almost always on this turn i think so his range didn't really improve on a 6. Other thing on a spade I think 80proc of players would ch/back a flush so a lot of the time you will be able to realize your equitty.
All in all on I think on average your equitty OTT is somewhere from 20-35prc, on average it probably will be a break even call or slightly losing against a tight or solid reg and here vs a player which seems to be raise happy I'd call turn for sure as played or just fold a flop. Folding seems as an option if you think he doesn't have a bluffing range or not big enough part of his range... Then again he's 22/18 might not even peel 3bets with 9Tss , TJss or KJss , QsJs, which then would make it really easy fold OTF... hmmm so If he folds a lot to 3b its better to fold I guess the flop. If he acted pretty quickly preflop and OTF I would go with my line call and call turn on a blank, quick timing would usually be a big indicator of a tilt so yeah, overall very tough spot here indeed.
Feb. 2, 2016 | 9:17 p.m.
Well, I already was a decent tight abc player capable of bluffing and understanding more than average player since I was playing nl2-nl5 for a couple of years before(busting my roll, cashing out back n forth and starting over again from 0 by playing freerols to win a few dollars and trying to play fixed limits or whatever to be able to start building my bankroll back). Then from 2015 when I turned 18 created an account on my real name and finally broke through micro stakes after watching a lot of videos, reading, analyzing etc. Still need to put much more volume than I do now because i'm really lazy sometimes and also work on my game if I really want to keep on moving forward.. also I tried recently and really liked doing session for 30min strictly and then having a couple of minutes break really helped to keep myself focused and fresh so I really noticed that im not tilting almost at all now and game quality really increased. All in all I'd say practice playing gonna help you the most and try to review hands to see where you made a mistake try to analyze and think about how you could've played, I probably played like 300k+ hands at nl2 and nl 5 lifetime but I was just grinding mostly not analyzing anything, my game was just at the same quality most of the time, so you can do it quicker for sure if you spend time working to improve your knowledge... Wish you goodluck!
Jan. 28, 2016 | 10:25 p.m.
Keep it simple no need to bluff in nl10 in these very slim spots(he can have all the sets, you're not super happy to bet 3 streets even with aces since he has 12c of sets here and T8s). Check/f turn and move on, this is a very marginal spot to bluff.
Jan. 28, 2016 | 8:12 p.m.
You're playing against fishy opponent and you will be overbluffing here a lot if you bluff all QJ, + some other missed draws. I would consider bluffing some QJ with a spade vs a better player, you dont need to balance against a fish and bet itself won't show much profit in this spot(he should fold AJ,AQ,QJcombos so i would bet 35-50proc pot at most as played, he will not fold pair or better here). More attractive here is to just bet pot or a slight overbet turn to fold all his better gutshots and 78, 98 type of hands and just give up OTR, or as played bet small OTR IMO. Also checking a turn is fine. However I think betting turn like 2dollars is gonna show most profit, you have tons of draws in this spot and its good to put a lot of pressure here.
Jan. 28, 2016 | 8:02 p.m.
Also advice is to open atleast 50proc when its folds to you on BU or SB since people play really tight and straightforward. For 3betting 3x IP is standart, OOP you can pot, it also varies if your opponent folds a lot to 3b you can 3b smaller against him or if you're against a fish you can make it very large.
Jan. 28, 2016 | 7:55 p.m.
30k is not much at one level, its gonna be hard to move up but keep improving and dont give up. I started 2015 at nl2, now I'm at nl50-nl100 living from poker, just never give up, gl:)
Jan. 28, 2016 | 7:52 p.m.
def just calling, looks very much like AA when he makes such a small 4bet, dont see any value in 5bet shoving here without reads that he's just a fishy player. Also no need to make it 10bb pre against a 100bb stack, people overfolding to 3bets anyway so there is no point to make his range even stronger here when he defends his raise.
Jan. 28, 2016 | 5:45 p.m.
well first thing that I notice that you don't defent BB enough, folding hands that have extremely +EV call against wide button opens and 3b is quite high from BB so I imagine you 3b such hands like QJo and similar which are almost always just a call. Also Cbet is way to high, youre giving up on the turn too often because of this and I imagine you Check/Fold way too much too which is a big leak, try check/calling more middle pairs and weak TP instead of cbetting this will improve your winrate quitte a bit because people like to stab very wide when you check in micros, and since you cbet most of your range when you check its indeed extremely proftable to stab any two cards whenever you check.
Jan. 14, 2016 | 11:28 a.m.
winning with the redline at nl5 how is this possible?? or i missread something
Jan. 14, 2016 | 8:45 a.m.
against 17/12, + also using more than 4x sizing, that looks super strong, never calling here with KQo. Weird small pot sizing from potentially a very poor postflop player, so it might be an indicator that he completely missed the flop with AK. I would probably call because of his flop sizing I think he will overbluff here a lot with AK being tilted that probably everyone folds to him when he has a good hand and when he has air people just keep calling lol IMO his range here is QQ(1c)89dd(1c) or air(AK) most likely(he might be a decent player that just want to cbet this board with a wide range and he chooses small sizing but thats very unlikely given how tight he is). Im calling in this spot to get a read on this guy and this line looks very bluffy couldnt ever fold.
Jan. 9, 2016 | 10:36 a.m.
3b a little bigger atleast 4x, he doesnt fold much to 3bets so you give him very good price to play in position when he opens just to 2,2x. Flop you have 0 FE im always starting this hand with a check especially given that the fish will never fold anything on this board.
Jan. 9, 2016 | 10:12 a.m.
if there is still a group available PM me. nl50-100z
Jan. 9, 2016 | 9:13 a.m.
nl10 has insanely high rake, its not even possible to have such a winrate. 40k is very small sample and even a loosing player have a chance to still be winning after that. 200k+ sample is good to have an idea what your actual winrate is. IMO you just ran very hot in nl10 and then had a downswing in higher limits and maybe overadjusting too much thinking players are much better in nl16 or nl25 which is not true at all. Anyway good luck and never give up its never easy to move up stakes:)
Jan. 8, 2016 | 5:31 p.m.
3betting is ok, calling is ok too to keep the fish in, if the fish is really bad i like calling more. River is very easy value bet, he has a lot of KJ and AJ that would play this way and ch/back this river. Also TT will hero call or A9.. You only lose to QJ or JJ. Maybe KT im not sure how passive players are here but anyway youre good extremely often and players dont bluff with bet/check/bet lines often at all. Checking river makes no sense since youre like 90proc favorite against his range.
Jan. 7, 2016 | 7:31 p.m.
its good that fish is in the BB so he will surely have all KJ combos, OTT he's repping KJ, JJ or a combo draw im not sure how much is left in the stacks but probably just jamming here OTT vs this range, a lot of action killers OTR can come, so just keep it simple and
jam and that range is very likely to call all in no matter what size you choose, however if you just call or raise small OTR you might lose a lot of value against KJ on some rivers.
Hi, firstly, calling 3b with small pairs OOP is not profitable(way too many flops you cant continue, a lot of players really burning money in this spot).
River you want to bet quitte big with your bluffs close to a pot, this bet looks too valuish if you also bluff with this sizing its very easy for him to call there any pair really. Also if you bet around pot sizing, this would 100proc be an easy fold. Now I see him once in a bluemoon bluffing with like KK getting tired of another Ahigh flop and this smalish bet thats looks like 100proc Ax+ :)) Anyways this is really not a line anyone would be bluffing, Ace of hearts is live and it makes it clear fold OTR. He has to be bluffing lsomewhere 35??proc for us to call. My guess would be somewhere from 0.1-1proc this is a bluff. Calling would be super -EV in this spot
Sept. 21, 2016 | 12:44 a.m.