Chavdar Georgieff
22 points
Its hard to quantify mathematically all the factors for setmining threshholds
Like u need better odds if u r OOP vs IP even if u close the action in BB since its harder to extract value OOP.
Also player types count a lot.Vs habitual pot controllers u need much better odds since on a lot of boards they go into check calling modes with Overs/TP so u wont be able to stack them where u would normally stack a more casual player.
Great series i hope u can do some more math based ones on 3/4/5 bet dynamics and optimal stack sizes for each.
July 11, 2015 | 12:47 p.m.
Hey John,
Really good stuff man thanx for the series.Im a bit late to the discussion but i`d like to chime in a few points hoping it will help people here:
1.ICM. I believe Icimizer has a future game simulation(FGS) option at least 1 round deep so u can use it in the future to account for EV of next round(Nash based).Really helpful if u r BB next hand.
2.On blockers:If u are considering tiny edges like 0.1-0.2% in the edge function of ICIMIZER
then 1.8% blocker effect is really huge.Plus dont forget that 7 is a blocker as well however small(to 77 since they are almost always calling ur shove).
Also blocker effects should be considered not just vs the OR but the players behind u too.
3.On taking marginal EV spots to build a stack:Here u are mostly gambling on Variance hoping to be on the positive side of it since ur EV is mostly 0.But variance is not created equal:
Imagine shoving J4o SBvsBB @10 BBs and calling off say j7o in BB in the same spot.
Both are kind of close in EV i.e vry marginal vs Nash ranges but id always go for case #1 if looking for positive variance play.
Hope u continue the series
July 4, 2015 | 10:54 a.m.
Just remember the level of awareness you are in during deep zazen( what it feels like)
and try to transcend to the same level of awareness during play.That should take care of the tilt issues
BTW Its a good idea to Start all your poker sessions with a short meditation session to get into that mindfullness&awareness zazen gives you.Not easy but def possibble and then my man your are sailing,sailing
Feb. 14, 2015 | 10:09 a.m.
Good stuff thx man
Dec. 23, 2014 | 8:50 a.m.
The A8o hand around 30 min don't u think his 3 bet is very polarized to monsters or crap?
I believe its either a fold or click it back 4 bet (based on what u know of that player)cause A8o plays very poorly post esp if up against dominating A type hands
Dec. 21, 2014 | 12:05 p.m.
14:00 m w T986 I really do not understand this play: u check to a 40 BB stack HU w a second pair gut shot and FD with the intention to CALL?Why?I could see c/r as an option but id rather bet out and get it in on the turn or flop if raised to
Dec. 14, 2014 | 9:20 a.m.
Hi Owen,
The Q8 spot with about 24BBs would u shove say 44-77,Axs,QJs-JTs type of hands
and if not are u flatting them since u suggest expanding 3 beting range only for value and the above are outside of it.
Nov. 9, 2014 | 4:40 p.m.
Srsly no reply to any of the above?
Esp on not pushing the 13 wrap +FD?
Oct. 30, 2014 | 6:44 a.m.
Hi Espen,
On the KT hand(6:45) when u cbet the driest flop of all times dont u think its better to check behind OTF.Your opponent is unlikely to call more then one street with under pairs and prly folds all else OOP since the K hits your range so hard.Also u have only 3 overs to worry about but pot control vs a better K or a deuce.Like what worse Ks u are getting value from that are in his OOP calling range vs the better Ks which are all in his range.
Jan. 22, 2014 | 12:18 p.m.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the prompt and detailed answer.
To your points:
3.Its a valid point getting paid on the top of your range for your loose open image.I think thats a pet peeve of VSelbst(but then you know she`s got this crazy image to cash out on).However i dont think is so applicable here since we are too short like 18-20 BB are and most opponents will have well designed reshove ranges for this stack sizes IMO irrespectfull of our image.Good point though i think its an asset in general.
2.This is where i disagree with you the most(respectfully).Now if it wasnt such a close spot u r right it wont matter so much if we dont know the exact profitability of the play since if for ex we had KQ instead we know calling the 9-10BB stacks we are well above the 0EV line so how much we dont care as the EV incurs automatically.However when the spot is so close inaccurate estimation about hand equity v ranges vs stack sizes might tip us into a negative territory albeit a small one and become a tie breaker.Its not a big deal either way but if so i prefer folding if multitabling and apply resources somewhere else.
3.I tried to model the spot in Icimizer but got a mess since some of the stack sizes will shove for 9-10 BBs(thats easy) but 3 others will 3 bet(to which we fold) so i couldn`t do it.However i checked Nash for 9 BBs cEV and incidently(rare for Nash) got approximately the same ranges as my experience tells me shorties will reshove i.e 8.4%, 55+ ATs+ AJo+.If so the bottom of your MR/c range should be Q9s but this is not taking into account the 3 20BB stacks to which you have to fold.Assuming 8% reshove range you have to fold 22%(1- 0.92x0.92x0.92) and since the Nash calcs account for FE you have to overcome a 0.22x2BBs=0.4BB deficit with a hand a tier above the Nash EV neutral bottom of the range.
Sorry for the long post
appologies for the time stamp thing i just assumed u remember the hand:its at 5:10 if it matters
BTW I wasnt ironizing with the "eliting comment"just meant u prly busy doing elite content;I have much respect for your game and character.
Jan. 21, 2014 | 6:01 p.m.
Hey Nick,
I bit late to the party as usual but i would like your input on the general spot of opening loosish in the EP as examplified by the QTs&t7s hands cause i run in a lot of trouble opening those myself:
Factors i consider
1.Stats/tendancies of opps behind:If i don`t have meaningful stats i cant make an informed decision
hence since it is a marginal spot to start with i prefer a fold.
2.Stack sizes and our hand equity:Even if i have meaningful stats on players behind if stacks are reshove but vary in size i need to know my hand equity vs reshove ranges x specific stack size.If i dont know it by heart and am multitabling i fold.Its too much and resource intensive work for such a marginal spot.
3.Loss of stack functionality.Even if u get the right price to call a shove u will loose like 66% of the time and when that happens your stack will loose most of its functionality namely reshove equity.When that happens not only you incure future" missed opportunity" costs but now your blinds are less protected hence u get less walks cause BTN/SB is going to shove much wider not fearing your reshoves.
Any other factors u might consider(ICM anyone) or flwas in the above reasoning?
I know u are prly busy eliting now so no worries if you have no time to chime on this one.
Cheers and gl
Jan. 21, 2014 | 11:20 a.m.
Good stuff as usual Akira.
2 Qs from me:
1.On the Party bubble u fold a8o to a MR 24BB deep(which i agree).What would u do with ATs here.I ask cause i busted on the bubble of Big11 shoving 25BB from the SB vs active BTN CL and wonder if it is not better to flat being the money bubble and all.
2.The j9s (and similar hands) do u consider his overall stats when deciding between 3bet and flat.This particular player seemed to have pretty nitty stats overall but my question is what do u look for:PFR/RFI or some positional open stats like raise in EP?
The AQ hand: i prefer to flat the squeeze cause that way u keep all his dominated As&BDWs in plus u are not folding any pair that decided to squeeze for value.You also IP so can jam any favoruble flop.
Thx for the great vids
Jan. 19, 2014 | 1:40 p.m.
My 2 c.Finding ICM adjusted solutions is like everything else in poker:you need to know the unexploitable/optimal line and THEN deviate from it(if necessary) to exploit opponents.Thats why i like to use Nash solutions as default ranges in ICImizer , get a feel for the baseline and then think in what circumstances should I deviate from it.Also you need to be aware of the flaws in all ICM models which are numerous but a subject for another discussion.
Jan. 18, 2014 | 10:41 a.m.
Hi Akira,
Nice vid def worth watching esp for the multitabling regs.I have 2 Qs for u:
1.Have u tried TOI(table of interest) and if yes what are the advantages/disadvantages of the two.
2.I see u click a lot with ur mose: dosnt SnT have built in Hotkeys for fold/call at least(cause TOI does)
Jan. 16, 2014 | 9:23 a.m.
Thx Nick
GL w your Elite promotion your vids rock
Jan. 8, 2014 | 12:32 p.m.
Hi Akira,
How shallow do u stop opening hands like KJ/A9s UTG.Under 20BBs?I have trouble opening those hands (and KQ/AT) UTG in the lower limit trnies cause people usually 3bet lrger or jam.I think u really got lucky with the KJvsTT hand since he only min 3bet it allowing u to peal IP.Would u have called a more standard 2.5x 3 bet in that hand?
Thx for the great vid i like this format much better then live vids cause u go into deeper analyses of the hands which is much better from learning point of view.
Jan. 8, 2014 | 11:12 a.m.
What about if we turn some of our made hands into a bluff(smth like 77-99).This way we can add value bets and still stay GTO and avoid being bluffed at if we check those(on condition our opponent is not bluff raising a lot).
Jan. 3, 2014 | 3:27 p.m.
Hi Nick,
A bit late to the party,i like this series a lot.I`ve been experimenting with the MR polarized range/ shove mid value hands a lot and here are my conclusions please correct me if I am wrong:
Its a great unexploitable(given proper range construction) strategy but applicable to a very narrow 13-15BB range:
a. less then 13BBs: your steals become too expensive if you have to MR fold vs natural reshove ranges as it costs u like 20% of your stack.Moreover you need to shove the top of your range to protect the middle value hands that u normally shove since opponents are calingl wider given shorter stack size.Still u can have some very narrow R/F range but it needs to be small and probably left unbalanced.
b.15BB+ Shoving lots of hands(+EV for <15BB) becomes now unprofitable due to breakage of risk/reward ratio.MR/f polarized range still good though but what to do with the rest?
Dec. 7, 2013 | 1:16 p.m.
Hi Lucas,
Great vid and all i like how u approach poker but i am a bit confused about what u include in your 3 bet bluff polirized range vs UTG 3-3.5x opener 100BB deep namely 22-66.You said they are not profitable to flat hence including them in the bluff portion of a polarized range but 100BB deep i thought you can setmine profitably even OOP vs a 3-3.5x since UTG range will be very strong increasing stack off frequency if you flop a set and min downside since you either hit or fold.Also if UTG fltas the 3bet(they shouldnt really but wever) u be in a tough spot OOP w smpp and a bunch of flopped overcards.Would u consider a better constraction smth like 97s,T8s,J9(s&o) since they have better floppability if flatted and you dont waste a setmining value w/those if 4betted?
Thx in advance i have subscribed to alll ur vids
@10min(75s)hand i disagree with the premise opponent is not bluffing if x/r us.
I see this as a primary board(dry,Ahigh) to x/r bluff vs a late pos opener who`s range is much wider then Ax.
I still bet and call if x/rsed dep on amount and reeval turn.
Nice vid i like the format keep churning them Owen
Jan. 3, 2016 | 2:31 p.m.