16 points
I am 20yo NL400-NL1k 6max NLHE grinder and I am looking for grind house in Europe for long term (up to 1yr). I like to live pretty lowkey so my budget for flat is not higher than $500. The best countries for me are one's who happen to be close to Slovakia (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland etc)
If you feel interested do not hesitate to contact me via PM or via e-mail (imsobaked8@gmail.com)
May 9, 2016 | 12:20 a.m.
I think the video content is very good. For some people not the most entertaining one but I have not subscribed RIO for entertaining element. I want to get better at NLHE.
I loved the video. Especially part when comparing different game plans for SB vs BB turn over bet strategy and how they affect EV of BB's play(s) on the river if SB does not have XR range and all of that stuff. This type of videos is by far my favorite one or you can say the most entertaining one. You really get to see how many things you have to consider vs player you are playing against and tailor your game plan to it.
In my opinion, this is a beauty of poker and I would be very sad if these series would not continue. I find live play videos boring / less entertaining (if 3 of my favorite RIO coaches are not playing) because simply there is just soooo many of them
Dec. 30, 2015 | 10:43 p.m.
I am answering to your previous reply, Ben. How can one calculate if you have to defend (1-a) or not OTF? I have no idea to be honest. I am just using my common sense. When you have 100% checking range OTF and when you have 50% checking range and 50% betting range these spots are different and you should have different X/defend frequencies for both of them, right?
Dec. 26, 2015 | 7:35 p.m.
Hi Ben! Love your theory videos.
I would like to ask something:
On the flop do we have to defend (1-a) if we do not check 100% on the flop? In the crEV SB bets with ~49% frequency and checks with 51%. So we do not always check to BB and I percieve that SB should be defending less that (1-a) because of that.
Dec. 26, 2015 | 5:23 a.m.
Buy coaching. It is by far the best investment you can make if you want to move up the stakes asap.
Dec. 25, 2015 | 12:55 a.m.
Hi Tyler,
I think you have misread the stat I am talking about. it is FOLD BB to SB steal (31%) => I am defending 69% by call+raise and folding 31% :)
Thanks for the recommended video, I will definetely check that out in the near future.
Dec. 14, 2015 | 5:09 p.m.
Hi, great video as usual!
@Q6o you are talking that vs 45-50% opening range almost any 2 cards have enough equity to defend preflop. Could you elaborate on that? I was creating my ranges on BB on the assumption that I was not losing more than -100bb/100 and I would slowly widen / tighten my ranges by the results I was getting with them. But it seems you are using different way to create ranges. Do you compare concrete hand combinations to preflop opening range and see how are they doing equity-wise + add different variables like position, realization of equity (OOP lower - disadvantage; IP higher - advantage), postflop leaks of player you are playing against and you come up with BB defending range?
for example:
SB opens to 3bb
my pot odds are 2:1 (33%)
SB is opening 46% opening range
I am holding Q2o. It has 37.5% equity. I have position, I do realise more equity => no brainer call
I am holding 64o. It has ~34% equity. I have position, I do realise more equity => no brainer call
I am holding 72o. It has ~30% equity. I have position, I do realise more equity => ???
How big of a role do you think plays position and higher realization of equity in these spots?
By the way what is your fold BB to SB steal if it is not secret? Mine is 31% and I thought it was not bad but it seems I am still burning a lot of money in this concrete SBvBB spot. If I had to use this "formula" for my BB defending strategy vs SB open I would have to defend close to any two cards.
Dec. 13, 2015 | 4:14 p.m.
I am mid-stakes NLHE 6max player. I have learned how to play NLHE mostly through analyzing ranges in Combonator / crEV. I would like to start learning PLO because there is a ton of good PLO materials all over RIO and imo it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Btw I am a total PLO fish. How do you think I should start with my learning process? Thank you in advance.
Dec. 13, 2015 | 2:47 p.m.
Hi Tyler, good video! You are one of my favorite coaches out there. You don't do a lot of talking outside of poker in the video, you just jump to the topic and crush it. Way to go (y)
@97s you were talking about BB defending ranges Sauce advocates. Is there some kind of video about it? I'm quite new in this community
@JTo BU/BB K73rAs you decided to bet 1/2. If I was ever betting this turn my range would be polarized, so I would be overbetting a ton and this hand would be okay-ish candidate because it blocks AT/AJ, does not block spades and even has gutshot. I can find a merit for having many different sizings on this turn but I like to keep one sizing for most of them because you have to be very precise in playing different ranges for different sizings in the same spot. So you did bet 1/2 because you think he will underdefend, right?
@66 hand MP/BU 3W you said that in HU you would have a hand like JJ in your MP/BU CC range. What is the reason behind CC and not 3bet? Do you think people as preflop aggressors do over-attack these kind of dry boards that you have to protect yourself with JJ? I usually 3bet this hand because in my opinion it gets easily outdrawn when 1 overcard comes which will happen frequently + we will end up very frequently in 3way pot
@A8o BvB J99hh I see that you play some kind of polarized strategy on the flop. Would you play this strategy on paired but less connected boards? lets say JJ6hh? I think the main difference between these two spots is the fact there are less draws / you need less protection for certain hands.
I see that you are playing polarized 3bet strategy from SB. Is there some reason you have decided to or just a personal prefference?
15th minute UTG/BU you CC'ed w 54s is this a play that you would do 100bb's effective too or you are just widening your CC range because of how deep you are with UTG?
19:45 CO/BB you called 3bet with 22. Is it standard to defend all pocket pairs in position vs 3bet in CO? Could you elaborate more on this, please? 22 have more equity vs my hybrid 9% 3bet range compared to hands like 76s/K9s but it really cant be a reason to defend 22-55 and fold hands such as 76s. Sheer preflop equity of a hand vs range should not be enough of an argument to do so imo. Also board coverage for boards with 2-5 should not really be a concern. Or am I missing something?
March 5, 2016 | 1:14 a.m.