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41 points

Comment | z0fman commented on 3barrel in 3bet pot

hmm so vs a weak opponent i guess we can attack the flop cause we d expect them to check fold...but this one seemed like a decent reg so def capable of being tricky and checkin to checkraise us on the flop or at least check call... so after all i guess checking back the flop to hit our backdoors.. we d like cards T-K as they give us backdoor straight draws and a pair so we can continue on them... or possibly bluff sometimes at straightenin or flush cards... i do agree we should bet the turn and prob bigger than what i did... and yea prob could ve gotten away with a bit smaller bet on the river a lofigr said and saved a few chips...

Oct. 20, 2013 | 4:26 a.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on 3barrel in 3bet pot

just playin some plo for fun :p

im opening wide on the button and calling most 3bets in position so any flop could have hit me pretty much

my thoughts now are i dont mind the flop stab but i should ve prob checked back the turn and hope to hit my straight outs.. or otherwise give up on the pot...

villains range is def weak imo since he check called the flop out of position.. but well tons of backdoor straight draws get there by the river i guess... villain could def bluffraise blockers like 77 too but well i dont even have a pair so cant even bluffcatch or have any showdown value so thats maybe why i tried to bluff at the pot...

Oct. 19, 2013 | 9:34 a.m.

Hand History | z0fman posted in PLO: 3barrel in 3bet pot
SB: $410.07
BB: $200
BN: $377.74 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) (3 Players)
Hero was dealt J K T Q
Hero raises to $4, SB raises to $14, BB folds, Hero calls $10
Flop ($31.00) 2 5 9 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $16, SB calls $16
Turn ($63.00) 2 5 9 8 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $33, SB calls $33
River ($129.00) 2 5 9 8 6 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $69, SB raises to $208, Hero folds
Final Pot
SB wins $263.50

Oct. 19, 2013 | 5:47 a.m.

Hand History | z0fman posted in PLO: bvb spot in 4bet pot
BN: $308.41
SB: $246.16
BB: $427.23 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) (3 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 Q J 8
BN folds, SB raises to $6, Hero raises to $16, SB raises to $48, Hero calls $32
Flop ($105.00) J 8 2 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks
Turn ($105.00) J 8 2 T (2 Players)
SB bets $46, Hero calls $46
River ($197.00) J 8 2 T A (2 Players)
SB bets $152.11, Hero folds
Final Pot
SB wins $185.50

Oct. 19, 2013 | 5:03 a.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on 20euro final table spot

ah doesnt show? i had AT with the T of clubs

May 15, 2013 | 3:25 a.m.

Hand History | z0fman posted in MTT: 20euro final table spot
HJ: 1615940
CO: 1288742 (Hero)
BN: 390936
SB: 500542
BB: 908033
UTG: 1192206
UTG1: 1978870
LJ: 1424731
our hand is ATo with the T of clubs
Preflop (90000) (8 Players)
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, HJ raises to 120000, Hero raises to 260000, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds, HJ calls 140000
Flop (610000) 8 6 5 (2 Players)
HJ checks, Hero bets 300000, HJ calls 300000
Turn (1210000) 8 6 5 J (2 Players)
HJ checks, Hero checks
River (1210000) 8 6 5 J 9 (2 Players)
HJ bets 300000, Hero folds
Final Pot
HJ wins 1575600

May 15, 2013 | 2:49 a.m.

i have the pokerstrategy equilab...i think its kinda similar to the odds oracle...anybody have experience with both and can suggest which one is better?

Feb. 28, 2013 | 3:15 a.m.

Hand History | z0fman posted in PLO: plo50 hu monotone flop A blocker
SB: $52.09 (Hero)
BB: $109.87
villain was pretty loose floating a lot, calling me down light and probably did not give me much credit cause he had caught me bluffing a couple times
Preflop ($0.75) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt A 8 3 T
Hero raises to $1.25, BB calls $0.75
Flop ($2.75) 9 T 7 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.62, BB raises to $3.24, Hero raises to $8.50, BB raises to $13.76
i raise trying to represent the nut flush with my blocker...he clicks it back....should i shove...call and shove turn? or just fold?

Feb. 28, 2013 | 3:10 a.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on FTP $$ Transfer to PS
why dont u just post in the 2+2 marketplace sure u can find someone there...lots of transfers r arranged there

Feb. 25, 2013 | 7:02 p.m.

nah just playing a bit of plo on the side :p

Feb. 25, 2013 | 4:15 p.m.

SB: 86.62 (Hero)
BB: 94.95
Preflop (0.75) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 Q 6 K
Hero raises to 1.50, BB raises to 4.50, Hero calls 3
villain was 3betting 30%...i guess pre is standard?
Flop (9.75) 8 J T (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 5.72, BB raises to 11.44, Hero calls 5.72
he checkraised with a big frequency (29%)....i guess a bet is good? bet/call or bet/3bet? we r deep
Turn (32.63) 8 J T 3 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero checks
standard cause we dont want to get blown off our hand?
River (32.63) 8 J T 3 Q (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 23.75, BB raises to 79.01, and is all in
now is the tricky part...this shove basically polarises his range to the nut flush or a bluff....he tanked a bit on the river before shoving so i kinda had the feel he could be bluffing....of course if i had any other flush id probably fold but with the 2nd nuts here what do we do?

Feb. 25, 2013 | 1:19 a.m.

Post | z0fman posted in PLO: 25plo top set on straight board

no significant stats or reads as i was new at the table
comments? is my fold too nitty?

Feb. 25, 2013 | 1:09 a.m.

Feb. 11, 2013 | 2:26 a.m.

Post | z0fman posted in MTT: 6max club 50 .fr bvb spot

ok this is the hand i dont have any reads on the big blind...i think i should have openraised more pre...
once he 3bets and we r this deep...is my 4bet good? and on the flop should i just cbet/fold...check fold or check call?
turn i guess is a fold
overall Ax is imo too strong to just fold pre or limp but in such spots if the big blind 3bets a lot and gives u a hard time could we just fold it preflop?

Feb. 5, 2013 | 4:50 a.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on 5.50 2r1a PS. Push?
the hand is as standard of a shove as it gets

Feb. 4, 2013 | 4:09 a.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on 180 MTT
the regs at 2.5s aint that good anyway...i have a 24% roi in them and only played them recently so cant really compare to how they were in the past....ive heard even up to 50% rois in them were (/are?) possible

Jan. 31, 2013 | 3:55 a.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on 180 MTT
ROD is like playing 4+ tables...pretty hard when ur multitabling

Jan. 31, 2013 | 3:53 a.m.

computerscreen then u wouldnt mind sharing ur sn so everybody can confirm ur a winning player?

Jan. 30, 2013 | 11:59 p.m.

fwiw i could use the forums perfectly from an iphone...had the same problem with the vids though

Jan. 30, 2013 | 11:56 p.m.

mate theres probably a converter bug...i cant see ur holecards...

Jan. 30, 2013 | 11:51 p.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on Achieved my yearly goal
well in the 5$ one theres certainly profit to be made...in the 51$ hyper not so much...as u would expect anyway :p but it all depends on how familiar u are with the format of course...and variance is sick in those...

Jan. 30, 2013 | 11:38 p.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on hot25 .fr QQ pre deep
he 5bet pre and i called...which is probably bad i guess i should have folded...or call the 3bet in the first place

Jan. 29, 2013 | 7:52 p.m.

Post | z0fman posted in MTT: hot25 .fr QQ pre deep

this is the hand..no particular reads on villain...but when hes willing to put in so many chips pre so deep...and with his sizing...i think im behind pre most of the time...my call pre is probably bad yea?
so just fold?

Jan. 29, 2013 | 6:05 p.m.

Hand History | z0fman posted in MTT: 10$ 1k gtd ft 3handed
SB: 614651
BB: 718259
BN: 587090 (Hero)
the sb was pretty active 3handed 3betting my button opens a ton...check raising a lot post flop...and calling down very loosely
Preflop (9000) (3 Players)
Hero was dealt A K
Hero raises to 12300, SB raises to 33999, BB folds, Hero raises to 81407, SB calls 47408
standard 4bet
Flop (184114) 2 Q T (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets 78689, SB calls 78689
we have a monster draw on this board so we would be pretty happy getting it in if he raised
Turn (341492) 2 Q 4 T (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks
now i know we have tons of equity but villain is so loose that he aint ever folding a queen or even a 4...my question is should we bet again or take the free card? and if we bet how much? we have a bit over pot...so shove? bet half pot and call off? or bet half pot and fold?
River (341492) 3 2 Q 4 T (2 Players)
SB bets 169999, Hero folds
now when we brick everything and he donks i aint expecting him to fold ever so cant do much but fold and give up the pot
Final Pot
SB wins 328442

Jan. 28, 2013 | 2:54 p.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on Rush MTT Strategy
if u mincash all the time u probably need to play more aggressively at all stages...to either bust or build a big stack and take it down...not blind to death...maybe try 3bet shoving over opens more?

Jan. 28, 2013 | 2:49 p.m.

yea well this could be true due to icm considerations cause we gain tons of equity on the final table when 3 other ppl go allin...but still the end result is u fold JJ with 10bbs...yea if u dont wanna simply shove...and want to play tricky...a minraise to induce rather than a limp would be much better imo

Jan. 28, 2013 | 2:47 p.m.

look at couple threads down from the one u made

Jan. 28, 2013 | 12:26 p.m.

yea best to format....anyway hm2 and ninja are perfectly compatible with win8

Jan. 28, 2013 | 12:24 p.m.

i had hm2 and ninja running on my old 4year laptop...when i got over 20 tables i dont need to tell u what happened..crashing...me timing out...hm2 shutting down unexpectedly...it was a nightmare...now i got an asus gaming laptop quite expensive one and it runs up to 30tables ive tried pretty smoothly...my setup is i7 quadcore 2.4...16gb ram..and hdd 750 gb...i imagine with ssd it would be a beast..anyway im very happy now havent experienced any problems so far

Jan. 28, 2013 | 12:23 p.m.

Comment | z0fman commented on rebuy strategey?
in 2x or 3x turbos sometimes u might find urself doublerebuying and still having like 5bbs or less...if its still far from the addon i gues there must be a point where u should just quit

Jan. 28, 2013 | 12:04 a.m.

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