yubbum's avatar


0 points

Than you very much for the feedback! There should be an audio track of me speaking on the video, wich should clarify things a little. So if you guys hear no audio track, try to turn up the volume because the audio is quite quiet I guess.

Jan. 13, 2014 | 8:31 p.m.

Ok so a little background:

I've been playing and studying PLO seriously for about 9 months now. Although I feel like I have developed a lot as a player during this time, my results have been very poor all the time. I just keep hitting these big downswings, and I've seriously started to question my abilities as a player. After all we are talking about micro stakes here. The rake is high, but I would like to think that 9 months of pretty intensive work on my game would make me a somewhat big favourite over the PLO10 and PLO20 -field. But as I said I've been losing quite a bit, and the only thing to do is ofcourse to study harder and work on my game. I'm tired of blaming the variance, the propability of me just sucking is getting too high not to do anything about it. So I got this idea of making a video and posting it on a forum, perhaps someone can point out some high frequency mistakes or problems considering my thought processes.

Here is the link to the video:


If someone has time to wach even pieces of the video I would be very very thankful. If posting a video like this is inappropriate or against the forum rules, then I appologize.


Jan. 13, 2014 | 7:36 p.m.

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