yosemitesam5's avatar


10 points

paused 27:19 i would always call here. He can have so many hands even valuejams that we beat. Heroes hand looks like a set sometimes a straight imo the way its played. His bet on river looks to me like dryacebluff AAxx or even possible 810xx . I can see myself end up in villains spot with rundowns with flushes 5s6h7h8s 7s8h9d10s and would be struggling if i should jam those for value . Do you think i should jam those the way the hand is played and am i wrong in the assumption that we can have 810 str8 after turn?

April 9, 2020 | 6:23 p.m.

My biggest problem online is that the biggest fishes tilts me and really makes me play bad vs them. For sure i have issues here that i need to adress. When i look on my stats im doing good vs good regs and terrrible vs some players vpip 60+ (plo6max). I really enjoyed this one will help me alot ! The mental game is for sure my biggest problem other than that i play perfect😜

April 7, 2020 | 4:10 p.m.

I really enjoyed this one, easy to follow but for sure a hand most of us think we nailed. Honestly i can find alot of mistakes when i go through my aaxx. I can handle 1 or 2 monkeysolver vids a week and need more preparation for them than i need playing. Can you make one of these playing KKxx hands as well. KKxx also a hand i belive i nailed and autoplay alot but im also sure i didint =). Tx alot awesome love the format can learn verly relaxed =)

March 29, 2020 | 10:19 a.m.

Tja Viktor kul se en svensk här som coashar! Kollat in de flesta av dina klipp riktigt bra ! Jag grindade midstake 2003-2011. Slutade då jag fick barn men har just tagit upp spelet lite igen. Känns lite märkligt spela lågt men slår defenitivt inte mid längre. Förr i tiden var det mkt känna av motståndarens puls men idag har spelet utvecklats enormt. Kommer köpa vision nästa månad och har en hud. Är det något annat program man ska skaffa och vart man ska spela behöver jag nog hjälp med. Bor i sthlm /johan

March 22, 2020 | 9:22 p.m.

thanx alot for all the help and good luck in the future!

March 17, 2020 | 1:59 p.m.

really loved this one ! tx alot

March 17, 2020 | 1:56 p.m.

I used to be a midstakegrinder back in the days stopped playn when i got kids 2011. Im truly impressed how the game evolved since then the 5-10 tables back then are like 025 050 today.. Rly nice to hear Phils voice gives me energy to put in the work. Will upgrade to elite and buy your new solver after i rust of. So thankful to Phil you price it to cheap buddy !

March 13, 2020 | 10:01 a.m.

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