0 points
Hello there,
I've been asked a curious question which I don't know the right answer tbh.
I'm going to make very assumptions here which doesn't happen commonly but okay.
For example: You in a 1/2$ cash game, villain opens 6$, you raise to 30$ with our AK combos (AKo and AKs), villain goes all in for 200$ and shows you two Queens saying if you want to, call. What do we do here? Are we suppose to call everytime, if not, how can we say we fold this time but I won't fold that one? What is the profitable play here, should we just flip it always?
Oct. 21, 2016 | 4:41 p.m.
Hey guys here I am with another hand, would like some input here
I've played this hand normally and at river I've tryed take out a split, then I get this re-raise from kinda spewy player but also understands a bit of the game. I'm not expecting any 9x here, only thing I can think is either a 6x or a bluff, if so, do we get any better here with Ace high or we only calling with the 6 in our hands here? I just don't see the button with a 9 and checks 2 streets. Well I layed this down because it's just a spot I don't understand what he could be bluffing, would like to hear ya. And yes maybe I got myself in a sticky place...
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (7 Players)
BN: $80
SB: $65.00 (Hero)
BB: $60
UTG: $40
UTG+2: 50
MP: $37.94
CO: $50
($0.75) Hero is SB with AcTh
4 limps, Hero raises to $3,50, 3 calls
($14.50) 9h 9c 3s
Hero checks, 3 checks,
($14.50) 9h 9c 3s 6h
Hero checks, 3 checks.
($14.50) 9h 9c 3s 6h 6c
Hero bets 15$, 2 folds, BTN raises to 40$
Hero ?
Sept. 8, 2016 | 1:01 p.m.
Hey there, I've played this hand yesterday on local 0,25/0,50 home game Live and I have serious doubs on the road I took
We on the blind with a struddle there's an OR EP vil1 overall competent player, but seen spew before, he opens we call alongside other 2 guys with one-gapper suited connect, flop gutshot + flushdraw gets checked to the open raiser he cbets, 1 fold then we raise to 27 I just want to see if he's cbetting everything or nah, other fold he calls, turn is a 9 I just hated that card I don't know why but I see him having himself plenty that just gives him more equity and that he won't fold, so I just checked, he bets and I call so I can see a river and evaluate, I didn't want to bet like 50, he calls then bad card I have to jam only praying cuz I don't see no fold there and we ain't ahead of nothing. River is a ten and I just check/folded vs his jam and he claims he had Q8ss so did I just got myself on a spewtard festival with this hand? I wanted to flop the world, I did and got myself in a tough spot where I end up loosing 100bbs on a 0,25/0,50 boosted game with struddles even though its still NL50.
Just want help on fixing my line of thinking here in this hand, if I can provide anything else, please
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (7 Players)
BN: $51.01
SB: $25.00
BB: $160 (Hero)
UTG: $140 Struddle
UTG+2: 150
MP: $37.94
CO: $85
($1.75) Hero is BB with 6s4s
UTG+2 raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, Hero calls $3.50, UTG calls $3.50
($14.25) Js 7d 3s
Hero checks, UTG check, UTG+1 bets $11, 1 fold, Hero raises to $27, 1 fold, UTG+1 calls
($68.25) Js 7d 3s 9c
Hero checks, UTG+1 bets $28, Hero calls
($124.25) Js 7d 3s 9c Tc
Hero checks, UTG+1 ships 90$, Hero folds
Did I just spew like a monkey? Please help me clarify myself thanks inb4 total spewtard comment
Sept. 7, 2016 | 6:04 p.m.
I didn't call because I don't think he's bluffing with such a huge barrel, but if we folding here, what hands do we call here? Only nuts?
May 23, 2016 | 4:49 p.m.
I kinda get afraid here since I don't usually see this line, but I am getting really FRUSTRATED because I keep getting outplayed when someone donks off their balls.
I ended up calling river and he shows Qs9h.
May 23, 2016 | 1:32 p.m.
Hero BTN - 99$
UTG+1 - 100+$
SB - 100$
Preflop: (I'm just gonna set mine here, UTG opener I don't feel safe raising pre here, feel free to make me more aggro if its wurf)
UTG+1 opens 2.50$
Hero calls w/ 9c9s.
SB also calls.
Flop: (Should we take the bet since no cbet by villain w/ 3rd pair?)
SB checks, UTG+1 checks, Hero checks.
SB checks, UTG+1 bets 3,50$, we raise 11$, SB and UTG+1 call
Pot - 41$
SB checks, UTG+1 bets 40$....
What we do in here?
May 23, 2016 | 12:51 p.m.
Struddled pot, everyone folds and we wake up with AhAc @ BTN
BTN - 74$
SB - 68$
Hero @ BTN opens w/ AhAc 6$
SB vill calls, BB folds, Struddle folds.
SB checks, we bet 10$, SB calls.
SB donks 15$, we just call (?)
SB all in 37$...
What we do here? The line is super spewy I just don't know much what to do when he starts donking at turn, I think he is trying to make me fold better hands but then again that turn doesn't change much, only spade draws ok but don't think this specific villain would do that.
Please explain me what I could do better here, including turn and river action, thanks!
May 23, 2016 | 12:44 p.m.
Posting so I know the answer from pros, looking forward for it, interesting spot
April 6, 2016 | 8:27 p.m.
If you want to be sticky on turn you have to think one thing:
-You only gonna pay when you hit?
-Is pair of 3s good enough to win pot?
If at turn you think 3s could be enough, when he jams on a blank I don't think you should fold there, it's like he's trying to get you out of the pot, I don't really think there could be huge value there, but river is blank and if you call turn thinking 3s could be good (without hitting the str8) I'd call here on river. It's like we only bluff catching with alot of value in that board vs such action, but we have to go showdown and tell him to show his hand, cuz I can't see him beating the pair of 3s there, not with the shove on river, if he shows full house say congratz and move on, mostly will be bluff, after he gets 2 folds previously, he's not trying to do that for value.
April 6, 2016 | 8:24 p.m.
Everyone saying Standard, call call I'd really like seeing your point of view over Villain at BTN open-raises 3bbs, gets shoved on his whole stack of 50bbs and its snap call. Can you provide me the range you doing that snap call over all those blinds?
As I see, Btn Vs Bb I'm not folding there AK, QQ+ unfortunetly the rest of the hands we should fold. I can see some spews there on those low buy in tourneys but we cannot rely on villains with no info knowing they should be spewings, the no info plays part guys! So if you have to adjust to that by being overly Tight in general on your ranges preflop, I'd suggest you do that. 50bbs is alot to do on those donkaments.
April 6, 2016 | 5:43 a.m.
In this spot concrete I'd be looking at 2 things, one which you did perfectly and I assume you did check the other even though you didn't said on the topic.
BN: 5,555 (Hero)
SB: 6,570 -> Villain we worried GII 20bbs with A3s
BB: 1,577 -> Should we flip flop here vs this villain?
So I'd like to open-raise 2bb here, even though we get to be exploited by the SB if he's really good, he'd be only shoving here with good hands as the Big Blind being short-stacked can really show up here alot with a call.
I don't dislike any Ace here BTN vs blinds but you have to know when to give up spot for sb vs bb action and when to put the chips in, I don't see villain there cold-calling you 20bbs with worse and when he does, you at best in a 60%-40%. So even though I do like the idea of shoving over the blinds so we don't get exploited (remember you only giving them a 50-50 of either you fold or you call. When you open-raise, they have 33-33-33, as they can either fold, call or raise.) I'd much prefer in this specific spot open-raise/fold to jam of SB, call jam of BB.
At those sngs, even though at the times I played them I could see lots of regulars, most are multitable massive and won't even have their eyes open when they have to shove anytwo at some spots which villains are being aggro happy. Everything is exploitive, just try to figure it out which spots can give you a lead over the others.
April 6, 2016 | 5:37 a.m.
If you miss the river check/fold.
When you hit i would bet big.
Sorry I don't understand here what you said, so if he does x/c turn when are we folding rivers, which cards would you fold and call, I'm interested in knowing that because there is 2 9s, 4 Ts and 3 Jacks, none give us absolute nuts (the tens give us straight ok yea, still no nuts with Queen paired) So I'm just wondering which cards are we x/f river with your logic.
April 6, 2016 | 5:22 a.m.
With small valuable hands I'd like the check turn as you didn't donk flop (which I think it's a better way to play the hand if you want to play it preflop, I agree with the rest even though you think odds are great, playing J9o on the small blind vs an Under the Gun raise which the range should be strong here, isn't that great, you probably hit hard or you losing that pot like always Out Of Position ).
As played I'm just checking on the turn no real need to bet don't think we getting much value, no cbet flop really proves he either has value on his hand or he is x/f the rest of the play..
As no info about the villain, I x turn back since hes range is really strong and if you don't have read villain keeps sticky with hands like KJ, AK, 22-77 (I really think the max 8 he could have there should be A8 that caught turn) there's really no need for this bet turn. You could then go to showdown, and with this bet you just putting yourself in a tough spot where you don't really know where you are.
April 5, 2016 | 6:43 p.m.
I don't think you should be that aggro with a hand that has mediocre value, I do see some Ax/Kx of clubs in that river but vs the K we are winning and vs the ace of clubs he might call you out when blank comes, even though 3barrel here (which I think its the way you wanted to play it out) gets you to a very polarized range and remember, villain has blocker with Ace of clubs.
With better ace, and no club on river, I'd bet, but then again I wouldn't bet the turn. Like Samu already said, can't see us getting 3 streets of value in this hand, it's just to hard.
Jan. 7, 2016 | 7 p.m.
I don't feel we should be inventing with a hand that is such straight-forward. Please acknowledge what hand you are playing, in this case an Ace Suited Not that great kicker, I'm mostly happy to flat here because ace might be good, and I'm sure when flush draw comes we not folding unless villain smash us pot size bets.
As so, the hand is really good for us to go see a flop, instead what you did was 3bet since hes 3bet folding so much, but heres a thing, you can't go with the 100% 3bet fold, you have that stat like that because YOU DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH HANDS with this villain.
I don't like the 3bet here since we can have value, why go bluff it? I don't like 3bet bluffing with such hands here, like I said when he folds, great, he folded a hand below yours, when he pays, you iso vs his strong range.
As if the 4 clubs come on river and he checks, I'm not EVER betting here for value, but might try make a bet for bluff to try fold him some hands which doesn't have a club and could be ahead of us. Be careful with call stations here, I wouldn't bluff that constantly but I think it's a good spot to bet if villain checks.
Jan. 7, 2016 | 6:55 p.m.
Such call from the villain was the best you could see, don't feel amazed that guy was weak as hell since I don't see you played that hand great, but oh well
Jan. 7, 2016 | 5:49 p.m.
I feel confused when you Gii there, you must remember even though plo 10 has a weaker field i completly agree with previous poster, thats setting money on fire, this isnt holdem dont see anyone paying you with worst nor do i see any fold equity in this hand, feel super spew, ragged QQxx i cant see what are we getting money from here...
Jan. 7, 2016 | 9:37 a.m.
I must be running my math wrong, i did the calculation at turn when hero gets raised, so i thought we needed 25% to break even, ill recheck that when i get home, long night but i do agree villain wouldnt slowdown at flop if he had such combos, at turn is he almost always with a made hand?
Jan. 7, 2016 | 9:28 a.m.
What are you trying to accomplish with the x/r on the flop? I feel you don't fold enough hands to make it profitable and you sure ain't doing that well with 4th pair on board, even though you are OESD, I'd rather x/c and not blow the pot away from us.
At turn I'd put this range on villain, I'm not sure but I don't see him continue with worst than this at turn and I already took out some overpairs of the equation.
Board: 8d7h6h5s
Equity Win
MP2 61.11% 56.85% 4.26% { TT-66, ATs-A2s, K9s, Q9s, J9s+, T9s, 98s, A9o, K9o, Q9o, J9o, T9o }
MP3 38.89% 34.63% 4.26% { 5d5c }
I'm not trying to be positive but I didn't remove the Ax combos suited that could overplay this turn, but yea... I'm being positive derp derp.
At turn, I think we beaten but since you boost this pot so much and already put so much money in there, I'd call there to, but that line is spewy as hell. I'd rather x/r with OESD + flushdraw to try GII turn.
As played, we have 4:1 to call after you bet turn, I'm not folding here.
Jan. 7, 2016 | 8:14 a.m.
Any extra info on the villain? I'm not sure if he ever bluffing this, but if the ace comes and you have the Ace of spades, I doubt his bluffing busted flush draw spades, it's almost always value, the thing is does he goes crazy with a set in this river? hmmm It's almost always QJ
I dont know if you hero folded, but it might be the best option, but then again why are you calling turn? You only GII when you hit the gutshot? And I'm almost SURE SURE AA isn't good in that turn. I'd have intentions to call since we have a Q blocker for the QJ, but the A of spades really turns me down on this one. Good spot, better have some expert give you better tips, this is just my 2 cents
Jan. 7, 2016 | 7:49 a.m.
What I answer to you in here,
could probably help you out once again in this hand, as I don't like the bluff that much, if he has fold 100% to 3bet and he now calls, what do you want to bluff? He must have a hand, and plus you have value I just don't know what you are trying to accomplish, if you think the ace isn't good enough vs him, do you really think he's folding better than you here? I sure don't like the bet turn, the card isn't good for you most of the times and you barrel away once more, and than after 4th club comes you get shoved...
I dislike the 3bet also, if he's folding that much, our A7 will be good vs the hands he doesn't fold to 3bet, so we only isolating here vs a strong range of our opponent.
x/f since turn, that would be my line and I don't mind the cbet flop since we hit, but after him calling I'm just not putting more money in that pot, 2 spewy
Jan. 7, 2016 | 7:17 a.m.
I agree with you, I just don't like the cbet turn that much, I can see Tdx going crazy. But myself I always check that turn even with the nuts thats why I don't like it so much, but I'm sure you afraid of this turn goes check check since most of the times that's what will happen, just sad that he goes cray on that turn, I'd still call there think we can profit there, and I'm sure not folding after that turn comes AND we bet that turn.
Still think its profitable but I just would like to know what range you give to the passive fish for call your 3bet IP
Jan. 7, 2016 | 6:27 a.m.
I don't think you'll be exploitable when you check turn if flush comes, I really prefer checking my strong range and my weak range at turn when flush comes even if I have the nuts flush I'll check there, don't think you can be that exploitable when villain calls you flop and decides to start barreling turn (he might try get you out of the hand here since he will be probably like "derp derp he just standard cbet and x/f here". I'm x/calling turn here most of the times and evaluate river, if 4th d comes, I fold, unless its making us a FH.
If you play the hand like you saying, then what will happen river? You'll spew some money here for sure since if you bet/fold turn or bet/call alot in flushies turn, I don't see you being ahead alot in the turn, I mean yes there is value to colect here still but I just don't like the betting turn when flush comes.
I do enjoy betting for example if we have AdAc and board is QdJd6c turn comes any d I do like the 2nd barrel here since we can be ahead and still have equity when villain has better hand there.
Just my 2 cents, hope its helpful.
Jan. 7, 2016 | 5:49 a.m.
I agree with the previously poster, only way here I'd consider slowplaying set here is when villain is aggro aggro as hell, you have to be sure he'll smash this ace high board to check here or you always losing value/risking getting drawn over without punishing the opponents.
Bet small flop, around 40%-50%, they prob won't be going ahead in this board since you already take 2 out of the 3 aces there are, only drawing hands mostly you will be taking here given your hand.
If villain pays/2 villains pay and turn is blank I suggest you put higher price there, as things can get ugly
Jan. 4, 2016 | 5:03 a.m.
Why you bet turn? I have hard time figuring it out when such card come, where most of the times will get you in good shape, it also completes the flush draw previously on the flop, what range are you betting from flop & turn here? I really don't like the bet on turn.
Seeing its a passive fish, not sure he can go crazy with 88 & 99 since he didn't at flop, can be Adx combinations?? Guess thats the hand you most in shape against him in that spot, and even then...
Thanks to everyone that put some input, I'll have this learned now, don't bluff when we can win pot in showdown, specially in boards like this one.
Sept. 12, 2016 | 12:54 a.m.