0 points
I think this is the only current way to transfer hand history to HM2 or PT4. I'm still looking for an in-game HUD. Any luck finding one?
Jan. 19, 2015 | 3:41 p.m.
Good info on what to filter out for hand analysis, but what hands should we be paying the most attention to? Basically any hand that doesn't fall under what you talked about in this video?
Jan. 17, 2015 | 2:19 p.m.
Hello everyone! I just got an Essentials plan on RIO as a 5NL player and I was wondering if any of you guys have recommendations on site content that is relevant and helpful for a micro grinder. I see a lot of videos that are aimed at mid stakes and up, but I'm not finding much that is aimed for the micros. I'm already using all the free content the internet has to offer, so I'm just wondering what on RIO can help with micros as well.
I used to have a big problem with this not too long ago. Against a hyper loose player like this you want to tighten up and play the top 25% of your range. It's -EV when he's directly to your left, also. What usually happens is that this guy will rack up a huge stack from being so aggressive every round. I'm only eyeing him for as long as he's at the table. When you get a good hand bet and if you have something in a RR range, if he 3bets, you 4bet his ass. Don't just flat and hope to see the flop; you can't let a maniac bully you, you have to shove back. If you miss the flop and he cbets (like he probably always does) go for it if you have enough outs. I usually only chase monster draws. If I have little to no EV on the board I fold in order to not spew. All you need to do is get it in ONCE and that guy will shove all-in because he thinks a pair is as good as it gets.
Also, you might lose a couple hands and some money to this fish cus such is life in the world of poker. You're not any worse than when this guy sat down at the table, it's just bad luck. Eventually, you'll see it as a blessing whenever someone like this comes to the table.
Jan. 19, 2015 | 3:51 p.m.