alejandro gomez
1 points
Was curious to know what would be the bottom part of range to call an all in when last to act and everyone else has folded in a six max hyper turbo? I tend to call in these spots with something as low as 9-7s, 10-8s and all small pp and usually any ace. Is this a losing proposition? Should I tighten up? If so, what ranges do you recommend? I play the smaller stakes so players call very wide. Any advice or strategy anyone would like to share would be greatly appreciated. TY. P.S. Sorry if this is dumb question.
Jan. 3, 2013 | 4:29 a.m.
Cool just got my essential membership. I feel like a better player already:)
Dec. 14, 2012 | 5:46 a.m.
Any value in me getting starter package since I only play micro cash, mtts, and SNG. I know that opening myself to new concepts can only help my game but as far as any trainers breaking micros down and doing videos, Is anyone doing this or is site more for the advanced player? TY
Dec. 13, 2012 | 6:31 p.m.
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Dec. 14, 2012 | 5:49 p.m.