In the las hant with Q8s, why do you think is it profitable to just call... If your opponent 3bet with a wide merge range {AXs,77+,AT+,KQ+bluff } do not we just prefer to 4bet/fold?
We are OOP and except this board we have no value board, futhermore we risk a lot of your stack with this hand. ATo, KQo are not better hand to just call 3bet OOP?
Sept. 28, 2013 | 2:36 p.m.
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In the las hant with Q8s, why do you think is it profitable to just call... If your opponent 3bet with a wide merge range {AXs,77+,AT+,KQ+bluff } do not we just prefer to 4bet/fold?
We are OOP and except this board we have no value board, futhermore we risk a lot of your stack with this hand. ATo, KQo are not better hand to just call 3bet OOP?
Sept. 28, 2013 | 2:36 p.m.