xtremeungar's avatar


2 points

Aug. 18, 2014 | 8:59 p.m.

I can only play live MTTs (living in the US, given my circumstances) I always try to apply/adjust these pieces of advice into my settings. I am hoping the video maker (or anyone else can shed some light on this concern of mine): Every time in the early going, I see regulars of the live MTT scene (Florida to be exact) who double or triple their stack early on with ease. I have started to doubt the foundations of my strategies (as tight early/open up later etc etc). I always see the same guys with millions of chips even at the early going, they have to be playing wayyy looser in general. You seem to recommend in this video basically what I do in general and it's probably been known for ages. Do you think maybe in a live setting these ideas need to be changed dramatically? 

I also understand that having tons of chips early does not guarantee anything blah blah blah. But if we know how to change gears well etc, I take double/triple the chips early for sure. Thoughts?

May 14, 2014 | 1:21 a.m.

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