5 points
Oh yeah, I forgot about inducing question. It is too sick to do because he still has T in his range, although not so many of them
Dec. 16, 2012 | 1:12 a.m.
I would raise the flop because you can easily have high pocket pair in your range and just wanted to lure the fish in preflop. I probably give up on this board runout, and fold to his river bet...
As played, I think this is a pretty obvious spot where he checks to induce your bluff and then calls with like 90% of his range. Hearts missed and that is your most likely betting hand on the river(unless you flat overpairs on the flop as well) and he probably knows this. Just check it down and hope he was betting with worse Ace and a flush draw(or even worse draws) and that you are good now, you have enough showdown value to do it, and you never fold worse hand out.
As played, I think this is a pretty obvious spot where he checks to induce your bluff and then calls with like 90% of his range. Hearts missed and that is your most likely betting hand on the river(unless you flat overpairs on the flop as well) and he probably knows this. Just check it down and hope he was betting with worse Ace and a flush draw(or even worse draws) and that you are good now, you have enough showdown value to do it, and you never fold worse hand out.
Dec. 16, 2012 | 1:07 a.m.
Do you remember what his name was, I may be able to help with what he had in case you folded ;)
Dec. 15, 2012 | 7 a.m.
I believe that if he is not limping occasionally, he will be opening more than enough for a shove to be profitable. Hands like 65,,75 are still way better to shove than call, because although they might bring you occasional profit when you call, they may also cost you the chance to win the tournament because if you call min raise pot is 4, assuming he CBets J42 flop you have to call once and you already put 4-5BB in the pot without any idea where you stand and probably cannot continue on any cards but a 4 and a 7... Any pot that is -EV is a bad play and while I said shove with 74 is borderline it is way better than a call because if it is -EV it is definitely less than -55bb/100
Dec. 14, 2012 | 7:05 p.m.
If you are playing against a nit, then it is even more of a shove because most of your equity is actually fold equity. You would rather make that play vs a nit who will fold QT than vs a good player who will call with QT if it it profitable according to effective stacks and then you flip for your tournament. It changes once you have 77 because in that case you can call and outplay him postflop(22-66 still a shove because of FE), while against a good player it is a no-brainer snap shove...
Dec. 14, 2012 | 6:57 p.m.
One more thing to add is that if you were 40BB deep, you played the hand very good ;)
Dec. 13, 2012 | 3:25 p.m.
First of all you are less than 20BB deep, so this is a shove or fold spot, everything else brings you problems as you just saw... 74s is just on the borderline between shove and fold(64s is a shove), so I would shove if I thought he was better postflop(which means I fold to everyone :) ) and fold to worse players and look for a better edge. I know 74s look good when you get it dealt, but it is not such as strong hand in this spot at all.
Dec. 13, 2012 | 3:24 p.m.
I agree that QJ is definitely the best hand to shove with from hands you included. Raiser has a lot of Ax hands that fold(if he calls you still have 40%) and caller has plenty of suited connectors/gappers and small pairs, so you want to flip against those hands(44 is always behind SB's calling range, same as small Ax probably since he folds cons and calls with pairs). I don't play live mtts(age problems obv), but I believe that you can find better spots to chip up as Kevin said, especially considering that you have direct position on what looks like most dangerous player at the table... While this is a good spot, your hand is too weak, and the opener is from EP, both of which are bad spots for a steal... There was a good post on going with your guts in small stakes mtt section i believe.
Dec. 13, 2012 | 1:59 p.m.
Call turn and call any river because he continues with a lot of his range. T or a Q would be amazing on the river, because they reduce possibility of him having a straight and he is less likely to shove 2 pair. I believe he calls turn with pair + gutshot type hands. You can fold on Ace of clubs(maybe), but I believe that this is one of those spots that if you call turn river is a call as well. In addition, I don't think turn shove makes much sense, since he is not committed and only better hands are calling(I guess AcX can shove as well, but our equity is still not that great).
Dec. 7, 2012 | 3:08 p.m.
I have no idea whether you have 35 and 57 in your preflop range, but those are really pretty hands to fire twice on this board. I believe he calls with plenty of Ace high hands that he will have to fold on the turn that any hand is a good 2 barrell. I would actually bet fold Jacks in this spot rather than checking them, because most of his calling range is lower pocket pairs, and you can get more value from those and evaluate the river. So, betting with a huge part of your range is good here in my opinion. Only hands I am checking here are A high hands although I don't cbet all of them anyways and some pairs of sixes and lower although I believe there isn't so many of them in our range.
What James was suggesting will work if you know your opponent likes to float a lot, and you know he fires A high once on the river once the turn goes check check. Otherwise, bet most of your hands.
What James was suggesting will work if you know your opponent likes to float a lot, and you know he fires A high once on the river once the turn goes check check. Otherwise, bet most of your hands.
Dec. 7, 2012 | 1:23 p.m.
So, you think he never floats 9J in this spot? Weird, I had a feeling that that particular hand made a decent part of his flop-turn calling range, and can call a river bet as well... And, I agree with James that this is a 3 street spot, because you will 3 barrell this board sooo much that you just have to fire here.
Dec. 7, 2012 | 1:12 p.m.
It is profitable. Deuces will add about 5% in tournament equity in that spot even if he calls as wide as pairs, Ax, Kx, Q9+, J8+, T9+. Pocket sevens bring you about 10% so just keep making the play ;)
Dec. 7, 2012 | 1:05 p.m.
Load more
Dec. 17, 2012 | 2:42 a.m.