wolverine555's avatar


10 points

Damn. Just what I posted at Lucas Greenwoods last vid :P GL @ the Elite team

Jan. 2, 2014 | 10:43 p.m.

Yes, definitely good if not the best value for any essential membership. You and Mr.Rampone are a bargain here and would be foolish for RIO to change that. Also doesn't hurt of course that you are the two guys closest to my own playing style, although for different reasons ;)

Personally I stuck to that essential plan and during couple months a year switch to Elite and really spend some time watching those vids etc. during my holidays. 

So great job on these zoom videos Lucas! I think they are by far the best material you produced here at RIO. Wouldn't change a thing with them and hope you keep them coming in the future!

There are always difference in opinions, but I think your overall range construction and situational awareness is pretty much spot on. I mean, it's never easy, now is it :)

And also, here at RIO there are already surprisingly good tournament guys in both plans actually.

Would still be nice to see your take on it in some vids. There was a random glimpse of your tourny play recording on one of your zoom vids, but wouldn't hurt to see more. 

I know your established on that field too. Maybe not pushing any crazy edges and passing some ultra thin marginal spots with your playing style, but would be supercool to see you adjusting to different tournament dynamics and try to exploit some player tendencies. Well, just a thought :)

Anyways, may the luck be with you and thank you!


Jan. 2, 2014 | 5:31 a.m.

Good comments, but I'm actually very against gambling without knowing your holecards and throwing away any real money buyins contrary to what my avatar might suggest :P

What I rly ment was that I use the hide holecards option on stars when I have only few tables left, so that it plays more like live, so that you see the action first before you and then can just flick the mouse cursor over your cards. I think atleast pkr software has the same function and I quite enjoy it.

When you autopilot playing many tables you just automuck bottom 10% of your range without thinking about it. For me it's useful when I have couple tables going deep in a trny and sitting in the BB I see a chipleader opening very wide from MP and lets say CO 3betting him as wide..and these guys have been going at each other with some sort of dynamic before and I've been taking it pretty snug, mostly playing my position and stealing blinds..So for me this a great spot to use this option to make a cold 4bet without looking my cards 1st.

Because if I autopilot and see 26o I just might talk myself out of it, but without knowing my holecards

I take the spot when I see it and the bonus of making a good play is that sometimes you wake up with a real monster there too (without knowing it obv) :D


July 5, 2013 | 5:18 p.m.

Yea good point when playing at stars. I often use it when my trnygrind is winding down to a few tables,

so that I can take those cold 4bet spots, without my unconscious mind gettin the better of me.

Just priceless after you made the play and when you think you ran into top of someones range, shrug, then still peek at your cards and..oo..babygirl..find AA, KK, AKs etc. :D happened to me plenty of times!

July 2, 2013 | 8:43 p.m.

Those live sweats are simply put, the nuts! Wouldn't rly waste my energy on this. Done this myself as a pure ranges exercise at lower stakes, but not the best video format imo.

Otherwise, good stuff, good thoughts, keep it up, ty.

July 2, 2013 | 12:34 a.m.

Thx for the series, def keep up doing the same sort of stuff. Like watching a good comedy :)

Also enjoy where your head is at most of the spots and great commentary too, thumbs up!

May 24, 2013 | 9:07 p.m.

Nice examples and pretty decent stuff, happens to all of us. A3 hand was pretty brutally butchered and was also happy for you watching the KJ hand, since I thought you saved some money on the river by just calling the turn :P

Often the difference between a solid winrate and breakeven play

is how you handle those marginal spots, that come up several times daily :)

May 23, 2013 | 6:50 p.m.

Yeah, this format is def my favorite too. Very excited to see you especially "at work", picking your spots as they come :)

I think 6tables is optimal for this kinda thing, that you can really clearly see whats going on at every table, rather than autopiloting too many.

Of course a few backup tables in the sake of the video wouldnt hurt, in case the inevitable happens ;)

Anyways, keep up the good work & GL in the SCOOP!


May 12, 2013 | 12:40 p.m.

8-Game would be interesting addon to the tourneygrind, it's such a minority game though, but me likes :) And I think minimum 6tables is optimal for viewing.
Keep up the good work David!!!

April 28, 2013 | 5:14 p.m.

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