13 points
trondeez thank you for that idea!
March 19, 2015 | 11:37 p.m.
Thank god Ms Shahade for finally putting a video up
Issue: Putting the Ace in the middle
Suppose we have TT9AQ, and play it in a standard way putting 9TT in the back, Ace in the middle, and Q on top. Opponent 1 has a similar starting hand, 77JAK, and sets it as same.
2 aces remain.
1st draw: we get 55J. Obviously we would choose the 55. Where would we put them knowing there are 2 Aces remaining?
Why I am asking:
Unless I improve to trips in the back with my starting pair, I am unsure of when to pair the middle with the smaller kickers I have put there with my Ace. Obviously the more live the Ace is we should put those fives in the back. I often face a situation where I have paired the middle with the kicker and then on a later street get the Ace and so I have wasted other spots/cards. Now I don't know what to do with the Ace.
March 14, 2015 | 8:54 p.m.
You do realize I've been waiting a long time for your OFC vids
March 13, 2015 | 12:38 a.m.
Hey Jen, any indication as to when the next video is being released?
Feb. 26, 2015 | 9:51 a.m.
I found your commentary in the OFC Cash game video funny because I think you think people are like you in playing the most optimal even in cent games. But I take that back I am probably underestimating you
Feb. 8, 2015 | 11:04 a.m.
Ok, so T54 is the more aggressive option is what you're saying. Got it.
Also Jen, I must say your explain yourself very well and even though I just started playing this game, I could understand your logic clearly. Just the right amount of detail and emotions mixed in the video. You need to two things now a) Part 2 b) Record live sessions of your running up the freeroll money on Tonybet.
Feb. 8, 2015 | 3:28 a.m.
Ok, so why did Jason play it as such putting T54 on top?
Feb. 6, 2015 | 10:32 a.m.
@ 59:15 Jason had 888KK/333JJ/T54. You suggested that he do 333JJ/888T5/KK4. Does he get to remain in FL the next round this way? I thought to remain in FL you need at least a boat in the middle.
Feb. 5, 2015 | 11:18 p.m.
This entry is not intended to find sympathy but rather to collect the ongoing thoughts that ramble. I realize more and more how futile it was for me to try to please those around me. I thought it represented something then, the false image I put out there, only to understand that I was just a fool. Now, five years later I find myself in a hole looking to escape the rat-race: it is like a parasite as I become more numb to its destructive effects on the soul.
Poker was an escape, but now it has become a profession. The love hate relationship I've developed with the game will remain in such flux until I can begin to accept that, one, the pursuit of a life of a grinder is a worthy goal in itself, and, two, I can find peace along the way. I just wish I move swiftly through the darkness as I chart my path and cut my losses. If this view pertains to you, then I understand that it hurts to listen to the truth.
Feb. 4, 2015 | 3:21 a.m.
Quit trying to stay at plo10 and stop disrespecting yourself
Quit trying to play protection poker; get into more marginal spots
Quit trying to play balanced against unknowns; go for maximum exploitation at the cost of opening yourself up. It's ok
This is a self serving PLO entry, which can hopefully turn into a journal.
I begin by trying to figure out why I might have my current destructive mindset:
What is it about having a 2-3k balance that slowly saps the motivation out of me? Is it because the need to protect this money outweighs the financial emotional benefit I get from going further?
Yes, essentially I've set a mental limit to how far I should go. This is destroying my game. The issue I see with this logic is its shortsightedness and a lack of any aspiration to go bigger.
How do I use this as fuel and not as a detriment to further progression? I want and need to be able to say just fckxx it time to move up higher.
How it began:
I ran $100 to around 3k in 2 months playing zoom plo10, 6 max plo10 and plo tourneys. It wasn't that hard actually, I just needed the determination and the want to win.
This journal will keep me from living that life of quiet desperation, passivity, the need for protection and entitlement. Instead focus on outcomes.
Feb. 2, 2015 | 4:18 a.m.
Would like some 180 man MMTSNGs or smaller field tournaments like 500 cap 1000 caps.
Also, more smaller to mid stakes MTT's would be great!
From the optimist (From the pessimist)
Dear pessimist (Dear optimist)
Resist the temptation to get your chips in the middle. There is a fine line between making the right shoves, calls, and folds. Even if you've put the odds in your favor injustice is frequent. A proven fact in any game of poker whether that be PLO, MTT, or OFC.
Then that pressure in your head mounts up until you start imitating the rash behavior of those you've berated just moments ago. To seek justice.
But as we all know, THAT never happens does it? But WHYY you ask. Why why why in the hell..... Reactions to this absurdity are varied i.e turning off the computer and lying on the bed
to revision the events that just unfolded, throwing the keyboard/cellphone at the wall to relieve the override in your system, when prudence should be guiding you out the door and going for a jog.
But as emotional creatures born to love, hate, and envy, that is no longer a viable option. Go for a run. "HAHAHA I laugh." You are kidding (chuckle) I just got a bad beat dude!
Hence the game of poker is born in this way. To take advantage of the mishaps and irrationality of others only to be taken victim unknowingly. Maybe you are the fish now.
The game slowly changes who you are, how you view the world. But still we think to ourselves. This is a noble endeavor. And I'm in it for the long run.
I'll never be that guy ever again.
Don't kid yourself. You and I still have one thing we share though if you like that kind of thing. Commonalities. We still lavish it. We still love it. The feeling of being alive in this game of survival of the fittest because it's the closest thing we'll ever get to the natural state of man in this f'ed up world where the only thing that talks is money.
March 30, 2015 | 1:19 a.m.