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5 points

Comment | wannabelikemike commented on Live 1-2 KK

It's read dependent on how fishy the sb is. Is he a regular grinder with a familiar face? Does he seem to be an intelligent person who would respect a $500 buyin? If so I'd just fold since most solid 1-2 players aren't putting in a $500 stack with 1 pair on this board. But if he's a random gambler or a spazz who likely plays once a month I might just shove the $200 more on the turn. I'd put him on some one pair hand, probably top pair. He'll probably feel pot committed now since he has $320 invested and it's unlikely he has complete air so I wouldn't worry about keeping in his bluffs.

Jan. 19, 2016 | 4 p.m.

Live players dont 3 bet often enough. So if they do 3bet you, know that its probably a big hand.

April 15, 2015 | 6:13 a.m.

Hey Stephen. Thanks for another awesome video!

29:00 to 32:00 Middle right $109 Turbo. What are your general thoughts on playing a sub 4bbs stack? In early position would you rather shove light like 97o hoping to double a 4 bbs stack or wait until the blinds pass and shove a better hand but for only 2bbs? In the bb you folded Q4o when it was 2330 to win 8800. Would you have called off and gambled with a hand like 56s there? Anyways, it was sweet to watch you spin a 2k stack into 17.7k in less than an orbit!

March 23, 2015 | 8:30 p.m.

This is a nice flop for AA. We are losing to 66, 55, 22, 65 and 34. We are beating 77-KK, 67, 64, 54, all his flush draws, all his straight draws, and all his air. This flop generally doesnt connect with our opening range so he could be taking a shot bluff raising with air thinking that we are going to fold all our high card combos which missed the flop. This is a play an active but good reg could be doing to you here. I'd raise to 3700 looking to get in or just flatcall the 1057 looking to check raise allin any non club turn.

March 23, 2015 | 4:21 a.m.

Since you've gone 2 hours without winning a single hand I'd get it in and hope I win. If you had been able to take down even some small pots with steals or value bets then I'd be more inclined to fold here and pick on some weaker players. Momentum and respect is important in live tournaments and since you have none I think you should gamble for it.

March 22, 2015 | 7:37 a.m.

The banjo here reminded me of all those Seinfield episodes that use electric slap bass riffs between scenes! But really it's great to have Tommy here and I'm looking forward to learning from him!

March 13, 2015 | 2:57 a.m.

Way too many guys bashing Nick's fold. Maybe it helps them feel better about themselves that they are good enough to put the puzzle together and make a call there. But I think Nick's statement that he liked his chances to go deep if he folded, electing to preserve and utilize his 1.9 million (2x average) chip stack in later hands is super valid and super true, as he proved by making it to heads up in the tournament, despite having made that fold. Nobody plays perfect every hand, even at the highest levels, but those who make the least mistakes will win the lion share of the money, as Nick did that day, pulling in $70k for his decisions during the hundreds of hands we saw in this tourney. Cant wait for part 5!

Feb. 19, 2015 | 6:41 a.m.

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