vitorpfernandes's avatar


1 points

3 betting is OK, it is good the be aggressive, I myself like 3betting on spots like this to see how the villain reacts (late in the tourney, at the start, with everyone at the table deep, just call)... about your next action, I would only call in two condition: You definitely should know the villains Shove range, if earlier in the tournament you had seen him risk +20BB with hands like AJ-, KQ- or less, you can call. THE OTHER CONDITION it is: that's a Turbo or Hyper-turbo tournament and you notice that the guy wants to gather chips quickly (but again, here you know his range). Besides that, if you DO NOT KNOW his shoving range, just fold, majority of unknown players will only 4-bet/shove with AA,KK, QQ, AK, and AQs. And you would still have 27BB left, which you can play a whole life with. So, Chill out, breath, fold AQ and wait for your next hand. hope I helped.

Dec. 5, 2015 | 12:55 a.m.

I'm just starting at poker. But how wrong would it be to check back on the turn, and call his 1/2pot bet on the river taking it to a showdown? I know it is wrong because you are not taking flush draw value from the villain, but would it be so wrong if betting all 3 street would put your tournament in risk?

Dec. 4, 2015 | 6:30 p.m.

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