14 points
At 24 min mark, why would you say on a 9s turn just go with it and barrel off? he doesnt have that many flushes that 3bet, maybe 78s but again most likely he will call your c/r instead of 3bet, so does the nut flush and the As combos, so by the river since he has around 0 flushes bluffing makes little sense, i think he has 0 incentive to bet that river ever and im surprised u decided to go for a c/r when he does have some bluffs that have a spade that may pay you off but would never bet themselves.
Aug. 30, 2014 | 2:48 p.m.
Hey, i keep getting this
The RIO 2 secs presentation loads fine tho.... but its this with every video
Nov. 13, 2013 | 10:27 a.m.
On the first hand when you check JTs on J67 flop you say that betting AK on the button spot is a big mistake
Even if it doenst get any better hands to fold (maybe on the flop), but if it gets both players to fold their share of equity i think betting its ok (call it protection if u want). Also, AK is a hand that has equity if it gets called by better and good barrel opportunities (basically every broadway i think), so i cant see why u think its a big mistake.
I cant see how this is worse than checking
Sept. 20, 2013 | 4:31 p.m.
As played river looks like a bet, but we are getting looked up by hands like KcTx and J8 some of the time.
I also don't like how our flop and turn sizing changes. Yes, it sets up a river jam to bomb the turn but it also looks a little bluffy and will start to polarize our value betting range in villains eyes. If we just bet in the 50-66% pot range we can bet the same size on the river and it lets us really rep all the Jx better. We don't always have to be sizing up for stacks in 3b pots.
Jan. 4, 2013 | 4:06 p.m.
The problem is that their turn and river frequencies become near total guesswork. We generally start giving up value vs the middle of their range when they check back either turn or river.
I think checking some decent hands on the flop as the PFR is valuable, but more as a balancing play than as our standard line.
Jan. 4, 2013 | 4 p.m.
Jan. 4, 2013 | 3:47 p.m.
Regarding the AQ hand you are in EP and c/r 566 ... Are there any turn/river combinations you are not bet/shoving?
Hi, ben, thanks for the reply. Let say i agree with you and has some flushdraws on his flop 3bet, its really unlikely he wouldnt fire those on the turn (unless its the nut fd that may check back but you have the As), what he can check back is a turned spade or his sets/str that now went down in value, so in combination i think villain will bet this river at a very low frequency and on the other hand he will call with some hands in his range that will check back when you check.
Are you assuming he checks a non nut flush on the turn to balance the times he has a set or a str and he has to check back?.
I do agree if he doesnt bluff his hand he is never buffing but again, but in your spot, to check you will have to assume he has more of that type of hands (or checked turn flushes that want to vbet on a 4flush) to make c/r better than betting.
Aug. 31, 2014 | 12:40 a.m.