5 points
got a guy that buys in 25 bb's shoves what seems like 75% of his buttons folds a few. keeps doing it till he goes up to 40bb's or so. then runs. whats the ideal calling range vs this guy? seems like i COULD call pretty lose here for sure and just plug that range in poker stove BUT aren't there some advantages to exploiting this but calling a little tighter and min raising every button what are yall's thoughts
Oct. 16, 2015 | 5:04 p.m.
i've been thinking about this hand a lot, i think it adds depth to your game to make this play, i like the shove as ridiculous a shove as it is, i think the "image equity" (new term i just made up on the spot) is great when called, i think 90% of time i get folds and increase "image equity" as well and set up action on real hands.
thanks for the math breakdown,
but this
On a side note 30 dollars probably accomplishes the same thing and you only need them to fold 76% of the time to show a profit.
as ridiculous as it sounds, this is live poker and i'm definitly getting at least one call for $30!!!!
June 9, 2014 | 8:10 p.m.
now if i had As9s 77 would you be inclined to see a turn or just play it the same? I think thats very very tough question on how to make the most, i would probably also lean towards jammin flop mostly but would love to hear arguements for benefits of flatting.
June 4, 2014 | 2:26 p.m.
constructive comments, i do eat meat, but i'm on a vegan diet say 80% of my meals so its not lots. Everyone was sleeping at the table I went with my read shoved and got called by KQ i made a straight. HE MADE A FLUSH LOL.
June 4, 2014 | 2:24 p.m.
ok so i am waiting for a 1-2 table only thing open is 5-5 plo. i sit with 800 quickly get it up to $1800 and this hand goes down.
raise two calls i call out of sb with 7d7s9d10s bb calls.
flop: 7h8s2s
i bet pot $75, folds around to asian lady with 7k stack she reraises pop instantly...
I shove this in every time right? Do you ever prefer check raising flop? any merits to calling?!
how does this hand change if i have 77As3s?
June 2, 2014 | 2:53 p.m.
Live game, 3 limpers all look totally uninterested in the hand nobody stacks sizes vary from $120-$250, I'm in the small blind with 68 offsuit and a $119 stack, the $9 dollars looks really good so i shove.
I know seeing the flop is a gonna be a popular answer here but I was prepared to rebuy if i ran into a hand and the $9 up for grabs seems like i could steal it without a fight, is this ever worth the risk? worth the dynamics you get after you rebuy?
how many times must they fold for it to be profitable!?
June 2, 2014 | 2:45 p.m.
very standard call, you get 7 cards you have to use 5 brick cards are inevitable.
May 22, 2014 | 4:06 p.m.
id rather flat vs this villian, i dont like barelling many runnouts vs this villian. He is playing tight not likely to be raising a lot of weaker hands more likely to show up calling with a very strong hand here.
May 20, 2014 | 2 p.m.
sizing smells like shit id fold
May 20, 2014 | 1:57 p.m.
looks like you can never call when you check... go for the check call!
May 19, 2014 | 11:01 p.m.
ok, so long story short the community thinks this fold is standard. I think this hand is at the bottom end of a profitable calling range and makes it hard to play against when your calling and playing the hand in position vs the sb.
are people just not calling here with anything less then premiums? whats your calling range if any at all here?
May 19, 2014 | 9:46 p.m.
i dont see why we should be that worried about the 1 player behind likely to be min raising a ton of buttons either
May 19, 2014 | 7:55 p.m.
so would you just never call 6 bbs in this spot? i mean its 6bbs not 12 not 10 not 9 but just 6 bbs, with no reads what are you doing with 1010, JJ, AQ?
what kind of calling range would you call the 6 bbs with here with no reads? If stacks are 150bbs deep whats your play with 10Jss?
May 19, 2014 | 7:55 p.m.
if 10Jss isnt in your calling range what is? its 6bbs and we will play the hand in position a lot of the time.
May 19, 2014 | 5:15 p.m.
So im watching a 8 game video on Ivey Poker, and to be honest I was very suprised at a hand that came up in the no limit holdem hands. I dont really know what the online holdem winners of modern day think about this situation and whats standard, i was suprised at what happened.
3 handed 2-5 no limit holdem, we are in BB, everyone is 100bb deep.
button min raises to 10.
SB 3 bets to 32.50
we are in BB with 10Jss and we fold.
The instructor Mike Leah explains he would 4 bet or fold and doesnt want to 4 bet. and doesnt want to call and have the button 4 bet, so he folds. I dont like the idea of 4 betting, and i dont like the idea of folding we are in position against the 3 bettor with a hand we want to take flops with and play some poker.
Now I dont HATE folding, its a option i would consider sometimes based on gameflow and how poor these players are at the other games, but Im calling this 6bb 3bet a LOT. I really dont understand 4 betting this hand and I cant see how we can be so scared of a button 4 bet to fold, after all we DO have position on the 3 bettor.
theres a lot more i could write about this but long story short, i was suprised his options were 4 bet or fold and he chose fold... really interested to hear opinions on this, no reads on the players at the table.
May 19, 2014 | 3:26 p.m.
just depends how many hands you have played with this guy, is he 3betting 1% over 1k+ hands? or have you only played maybe 100 hands and he hasn't 3 bet yet?
July 8, 2013 | 3:48 p.m.
thanks for the info bro's hadn't seen the article post when i responded. Gonna make a pot of coffee and read this... lol
July 7, 2013 | 11:58 p.m.
so what if he folds 20% of the time, or 30% of the time?
smart players will start to 4bet when stacks are deeper and not 4bet fold when stacks are shallow so thats something to take into consideration too.
lets say 100bb stacks at 1/2
villian on button makes it $5
hero repops to $18
villian makes it $44
Hero shoves 200 to win $44
he calls 80% of the time... i have .30% equity =80x30=.24
then i add this to the times he folds 20%,30% etc
and this number determines what? how profitable or unprofitable the play is?? please come back when you aren't tired!
July 7, 2013 | 1:10 p.m.
Hello all,
I have a bad redline and i am trying to improve it. i'm trying to understand the MATH behind 4 betting and 5 bet shoving preflop.
Particularly, i read this in another thread a long time ago
"If you take a hand like T9s and 5bet shove, he only needs to fold about 50% of the time. This shocked me the first time I read it. Put it on the memory."
It certainly provides some interesting dynamics when you get caught shoving over a 4 bet with 78ss or whatever but i'm trying to understand the math behind it. I ran the poker stove numbers and making this play type play it seems we have a solid 30% equity vs villians calling range, so can somone help me understand how to break down the math.
July 7, 2013 | 12:07 p.m.
Feb. 23, 2013 | 7:20 a.m.
BB: CarterHatesYou: $544.50
KobeFckngBryant raises to $20, CarterHatesYou calls $10, CarterHatesYou was dealt, CarterHatesYou checks, KobeFckngBryant bets $10, CarterHatesYou calls $10, CarterHatesYou was dealt, CarterHatesYou checks, KobeFckngBryant bets $20, CarterHatesYou raises to $40, KobeFckngBryant calls $20, CarterHatesYou bets $20, KobeFckngBryant raises to $40, CarterHatesYou raises to $60, KobeFckngBryant raises to $80, CarterHatesYou calls $20
Feb. 23, 2013 | 7:17 a.m.
Jan. 7, 2013 | 9:25 p.m.
Jan. 7, 2013 | 9:22 p.m.
Having said that i dont 3 bet ANY hands from the BB to a UTG raise and i'm sure this tight clown is only raising QQ+ AK, i'd probably 4 bet preflop and hit a king if he has aces.
Jan. 7, 2013 | 9:16 p.m.
Jan. 4, 2013 | 9:04 p.m.
Jan. 2, 2013 | 2:42 a.m.
Jan. 2, 2013 | 12:11 a.m.
With a bet and a call on the flop i'd just fold the nines though.
thanks for the posts, these games play wild and loose, top set is always a possibility but i could be up against QQ92 too... lol
June 9, 2014 | 8:12 p.m.