0 points
I was playing a 2/5 table with an average stack of $700.
A player who was opening a lot of hands with a wide range raises in MP to $20.
I had AJ of spades in HJ and 3bet to $60 and get called by 4 players included the original raiser (A lot of recreational players who are willing to gamble CO, SB, UTG)
The flop came Ts2h8s and the pot was already $300.
Everyone checks to me and I decided to continue with the agression line and bet $130 with my two overs and nuts flush draw.
Get called by the CO and MP. The pot was $690 and I had $450 left.
The turn brings the 3d... a complete blank, MP checks and it's my turn.
Knowing the CO had nothing but a draw...what would you do in this spot?
The hand went to showdown and I'll post the result at the end, but for the purpose of this debate I don't want to spoil it.
Feb. 14, 2016 | 1:13 a.m.
It's a pretty hard fold. Even if you call and lose vs 88, in the long term you're losing money by folding this hand.
Due to the info that BB is a reg, he might have 99 89 or K8 and he thought you may have AA or AK and want to have max value by shoving the river.
Did you call?
Sept. 3, 2015 | 8:59 a.m.
I would c-bet most of the times in this dry flops, you need to show strength on your hand.
If they have Broadway cards or a small-medium pocket pair, they should fold giving you the credit of having a strong hand by 3b without position.
Also you have two overs and flush backdoor.
If you get called it's likely they might have pair like TT or JJ since they are tight and don't call a large 3b with A8 or K8.
Even in the case they have those pairs you have your cards to beat them if an A or Q appears.
Sept. 3, 2015 | 8:46 a.m.
The river didn't improve any hand, so checking the river is only to let Btn to make a bluff move by showing weakness on our hand. If he already had a set, straight or even two pairs, he would raise the turn, so I would value bet the river or call the villain bet.
Sept. 3, 2015 | 8:23 a.m.
That's why I said everyone has a wide range. Your reason to raise was the same as mine, even an 8 makes a 67 straight so A 3 6 7 8 would improve a hand and give them pot odds in the turn to make the call to my bet. If a card like J Q or K appears on the turn I may be loosing value to the draws so I decided to shove on the flop and I get called by the MP with 68 (double velly)
The 3 came on the river and I lost, but anyway I get what I wanted, max value from any draw.
Sept. 3, 2015 | 8:14 a.m.
Blinds 2-5
Full Ring
Utg ($1300) open to $20, MP ($680) call, CO ($700) Call, Btn ($800) call, HERO SB ( $310) call with pocket 55
The flop came 2 4 5 rainbow
Everyone checks to Btn who bets $50
I know everyone involved in the hand may have a wide calling range, even the original raiser.
Due to all kind of posible straights, which would be the best way to play the hand, just flat call the bet, see the turn and lead betting or shove the flop knowing I can get max value from an over pair or the straight draws (Everyone at my table were so loose)
Sept. 2, 2015 | 8:14 p.m.
And what would be your action if you face the same spot, same guy, same blinds, but instead of JJ u pick up 66?
July 22, 2015 | 4:43 a.m.
We are down to 12 players all ITM.
Blinds 4000/8000/500 (6 players)
CO: 140,000
BN: 90,000
SB: 425,000
BB: 575,000
UTG: 105,000 (Hero)
MP: 210,000
Had 13 bbs and picked up pocket 99 in UTG. I hesitate for a moment and thought what`d be the best action since I felt I had an edge over the 5 players in my table, but I was the 2nd short stack.
Make a 2.2 raise or shove?
I decided to shove due to my solid image and get called by the Btn w/ KK
I know mostly everytime its a forced shove with 77+ but is there any option in this spot which should be better min raise and fold to a shove since there are 5 players left to act?
If you already decided to raise the hand in this spot you are committed to go till the end. You have 19bb villain 70, if you check and the villain bets like 4bb you still have 15bb more to shove but it's likely to call if he have K+, IMO continue your preflop action and shove, if you get called still have plenty outs to win the hand, and due the situation of the bubble the villain would put you in a very strong hand since you're risking your tourney
Sept. 21, 2015 | 3:09 a.m.