28 points
1) JJ 4b - unlikely we would construct a CC range here. 4b/fold strategy, JJ is a pure 4b.
2) ATo fold - simillar as A9o in BB defending quiz, but now OOP against two strong ranges (17,6% and 11%?), which is not countered by better immediate odds.
3) 99 fold 85%, 4b 15% - again no CC range. I'm guessing 10-30% 4b in this configuration.
Jan. 26, 2018 | 9:39 p.m.
1 - call
2 - 3b
3 - fold
Jan. 25, 2018 | 9:40 a.m.
You haven't stated the actual size of your bankroll, but from the context I can assume it doesn't exceed $3-4k. So you most likely have only couple buy-ins for the stake you play which is not good bankroll management. You can see that clearly when losing just 4BI has already had such an impact on your mindset. It looks like you are gambling with your life, hoping for good variance to keep you afloat.
You need to start protecting your BR. If playing actual 1/2 without mandatory straddle is not an option, then shortstacking seems like the best idea. If games are really good it should be relatively easy to pick up all the dead money and often get it in with huge equity advantage. Then, when you double up you can keep playing with a healthy stack. But you should still consider quitting when reaching around 200bb ($1k) effective, since you can't afford to loose that and you can't afford to play scared money.
Jan. 31, 2017 | 12:36 p.m.
You're not playing 1/2 then, you're playing 1/2/5. It makes a huge difference.
Jan. 30, 2017 | 6:33 p.m.
If I owned a business and I had to start dipping into debt I would
certainly approach it with a lot of caution. Without a solid plan and
some kind of strong confidence that theres the edge in the market that
we think there is then I would frown upon going deep in debt as well.
Idk what the laws are exactly but isnt going into business debt a bit
less brutal then going into personal credit card debt?
Yes it is. And that's exactly what I was trying to address. You stated that going into debt to play poker is certainly a terrible idea. I just added: "well, it depends...".
And ya poker is 100% gambling. It can be gambling with an edge for
sure obv but anyone who says its not gambling cause they can win long
term is fooling themselves.
I don't like the word gambling because it has negative conotations. And I rarely hear people calling trading stocks or generally investing "gambling", even though they fit squarely into the definition of "wagering money on uncertain outcome". I'm not saying poker is not gambling, I just did not like how you phrased it.
Jan. 30, 2017 | 5:31 p.m.
5 Is it even possible to play on this room from eastern europe (Poland)?
Nope. Try euro sites.
Pozdro ;)
Jan. 30, 2017 | 4:47 p.m.
Obv gambling on credit is a awful idea and very irresponsible so
please don t buy in with your visa.
If we were talking about keeping you business alive by going into credit, nobody would oppose, yet here we suddenly call grinding poker gambling?
I agree that is not a good idea, but not because it's suddenly "gambling", but because by the time you need to dip into debt, you are already on a downswing and your survival is threatened. This means your mindset is probably crushed and you might have actually become a losing player through all the doubt and distortions that your mind produces. At best you might be slight winner. Adding credit card interest on top of that is a recipe for disaster for 99% of players.
Jan. 30, 2017 | 4:44 p.m.
If most players at the table play deep, then 900bb is not even 4BI, so losing that over 2 sessions is not that uncommon, especially if fish err on aggro side.
Jan. 30, 2017 | 4:36 p.m.
Yeah, you answered your own question. His turn calling range is going to get really stubborn on this river. Abandon ship.
Jan. 11, 2017 | 1:07 p.m.
All reasonable BDFD in his range got showdown value with 2x, Jx or Ax. Most gutters are Ax. Really very few hands that should be interested in bluffing. And I think there is much more value to get from all his Qx by betting than x/calling, since some will be happy to check back. I think b/f around 1/2-2/3 looks like the best choice with our specific hand. KQ or QT seem much better as x/c, since they dominate less bluffcatchers, but have same value as x/c (expect AQ to get 3b a lot here pre).
Jan. 11, 2017 | 12:53 p.m.
I think it's unlikely that villain raises worse for value. So the question is how often can he bluff here? Your river sizing could have possibly induced a spazz.
As for his value range, he is not repping all that much. QJ obviously, but what else? Stats look nitty, so he might not get there with J2s, J3s or raise them for this sizing. He might have slowplayed a set though.
Overall you put yourself in a tough spot by using this sizing. I would reserve it for thin value/blocking with weaker hands that can easily fold to raise and mix it up with some hands that can make a stand. AQ is the last hand I want to b/f here, especially since you block QJ.
Jan. 11, 2017 | 9:31 a.m.
hard to assign him enough bluffs, but you're possibly dominating some of his value hands and splitting with some, so it looks like a sigh call
Jan. 11, 2017 | 2:17 a.m.
1) 33% is breakeven only when using pure 4b/f strategy. If you start calling, you need much more.
2) are you sure flatting 3bets is unprofitable for you? You need to compare it to folding to 3b, which costs you 200-300bb/100 depending on your open size. You might also have postflop leaks that cost you money. 4b/folfidng is simplifying your game tree but it might cost you EV overall. I'm not sure if flatting 3bets OOP is incentivized, but you should look closer before dismissing this option.
3) the best way to choose defense frequencies vs 3bets is to adjust them according to villains range. 3bet stats are useful, but it wouldn't hurt to do some research on environment tendencies to get a default strategy vs unknowns.
Jan. 11, 2017 | 2:09 a.m.
Any timeline for the rest of us? We're dying here...
Jan. 9, 2017 | 6:24 p.m.
STATS. I am not a FR player, but 17/6 does not seem right. The gap between your VPIP and PFR is just way to big. You actually play a loose passive game, which you should know is not the best strategy to be a winning player. It looks like you're a complete beginner, so I'd start with reading some basic books if I were you. I hope I'm not breaking any RIO rules by recommending verneer's "Building a bankroll" here.
BB DEFENSE. The reason to defend wide in BB is the pot odds you get when defending against usual online raise sizes of 2-3bb. Equity realization is actually what should discourage you from defending even wider ranges, not an incentive to do it in the first place.
Example: Someone opens from LP to 3bb with what you believe is 25% range. It folds to you in BB with A4s. You need to call 2bb to win 7bb pot, so you need 28% equity. Against his range you have around 45%, so you're good to go. But because equity realization is an issue, you can't defend to wide, since weaker hands will still tend to lose you money.
So try comparing equity of different hands against different opening ranges and opening sizes, adjust for equity realization problem and you should start getting an idea for how wide to defend your BB.
You don't have enough sample size to determine your true winrate in BB. And I'm not sure you realize that by increasing it by 3bb/100 will increase your overall winrate only by 0,33bb/100.
Dec. 29, 2016 | 11:46 a.m.
Relative value of your hand is not that great, given ranges involved. So trying to play for stacks here is definitely an overplay.
Dec. 28, 2016 | 1:40 p.m.
Yeah, it was a not so concealed quote from your stream :)
Dec. 23, 2016 | 9:20 p.m.
Perspective. Because it's a gateway to reinventing the reality toward greater happiness. I win ;)
Dec. 23, 2016 | 4:17 p.m.
The human condition: Lost in thought
-Eckhart Tolle
Dec. 23, 2016 | 4 p.m.
Agree with your thought process. Although this particular combo I'd check back as standard, since:
- it might be too thin to get 2 streets of value with you kicker. Villain might fold on this turn almost everything you could get value from, but be happy to call onm blank rivers.
- you've got a redraw if you're behind to 2pair, sets and even few flushes
- neither your hand or your redraw can call a x/r
- you got ten thousand different combos of Ax that want to bet this turn that are better value and/or do not have a redraw and could use some "protection".
Aug. 17, 2016 | 1:22 p.m.
Since you didn't provide any info, I'm assuming villain is unknown. You flopped overpair with SPR=1,3. For what we know villain could have JTs or AJs that he might think is best when you check twice. Never folding, unless I had a read that villain was even bigger nit then you ;)
Aug. 17, 2016 | 1:15 p.m.
Awesome idea! Pokerstars play money home games is a very good choice until we find a better solution. Although we would need some kind of incentive to avoid spew that is a curse of play money games...
April 27, 2016 | 11:28 a.m.
Very good video to watch when the inevitable hard times strike!
March 14, 2016 | 12:10 p.m.
KK might not even CB flop, since it's so dry, and you got all the kings, but could also go to bet 1/3 flop, x/c or x/r turn range. Few AK combos could do well as well, since they're valuebetting for a chop often enough anyway.
March 8, 2016 | 3:07 p.m.
Not calling pre either, unless you were ~200bb deep with CO.
COvsUTG 3b is usually strong enough and we run a risk of UTG shorty coming over the top and denying us all the fun.
March 8, 2016 | 3:01 p.m.
Ventured into midstakes to find some deep discussion and first thread I open is a guy asking how to play against a loose-passive fish with 30bb. You guys battle to much with other regs and forget how to beat fish or what? ;)
Let's give him a potential flop continuing range (ignoring hands he might have raised so far - it's not obvious from the OP, since different fish have different calling, raising and slowplaying ranges):
I doubt he folds to many of these to turn shove. You've got 1/3 equity against this range. So why burn money and try to bluff a whale out of such a strong range? Why not just wait to get there and then stack him with ease or just let go a crapy hand? Bluffing a short-stacked calling station rarely works.
If you had 100bb you have even less incentive to bluff. He still doesn't fold much and he most likely still has plenty of slowplayed value to x/r with. Some fish would x/r AA at this point "for value". And there's no guarantee he even folds Jx to 3rd barrell after draws miss.
March 8, 2016 | 2:54 p.m.
River is a clear fold.
Are you hoping he turns 77 into bluff? Or that he floated flop with AQo to bluff you later?
It's understendable how you would think you can bluff-catch vs a player that looks to be loose and aggressive, but you have to consider how your preflop and flop actions narrowed his range down. Of course your hand is face up, which he might try to exploit, but you don't know if he does. Add some stronger hands to your turn x/c range and you should find out soon enough.
March 8, 2016 | 2:35 p.m.
Agree it's probably a x/f spot, depending on villain.
But jamming that river is not so bad either. Against most opponents definitely to thin, but it would still be for value. You just can't make a better hand to fold here ever. Maybe villain folds a chop, but sets? Get real.
Before we can start choosing our opening range we should decide what open size strategy we use for the rake structure we are facing. But since it's not included in the question, I'm just going to assume "standard" 3bb open like everybody else:
1) A6o - open
2) 43s - fold
3) K9o - open
Totally agree with WM2K's explanation above for the reasoning.
Jan. 30, 2018 | 9:15 a.m.