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6 points

Comment | urak commented on nl25 oesd + bd fd BW

Agree with Samu.
And I would like to add, that if your read is correct, that V is a lag, then a call will be superior against a raise.
In this case raising is just super bad vs that sizing.

July 2, 2017 | 10:06 p.m.

Post | urak posted in NLHE: NL50 - River valuebet vs fish?

IPoker, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $56.96 (113.9 bb)

BB: $25.23 (50.5 bb)

MP: $62.19 (124.4 bb)

Hero (CO): $50 (100 bb)

BTN: $45.95 (91.9 bb)

Preflop: Hero is CO with T 7

MP folds, Hero raises to $1, 2 folds, BB raises to $2.50, Hero calls $1.50

Flop: ($5.25) T T 5 (2 players)

BB bets $2.62, Hero calls $2.62

Turn: ($10.49) K (2 players)

BB bets $5.24, Hero calls $5.24

River: ($20.97) 3 (2 players)

BB checks, Hero checks

Results: $20.97 pot ($1.04 rake)

Final Board: T T 5 K 3

BB showed K Q and lost (-$10.36 net)

Hero mucked T 7 and won $19.93 ($9.57 net)

Villain is a 51/12 (with overall 3% 3b) recreational player over just 80 hands.

I think you can find reasons to raise the flop and turn, but in the spot I choosed not to, let Villain to bluff on future streets and keep his range "wide". I think his pf 3b range will be big broadway cards, big pairs, and some nice suited connectors. So when he barrels on the turn, he can have TPGK/TPTK, overpair, FD's. And he can have some completed flushes. I'm not sure that he will bet river with a hand like KQo with a spade. Now I think it's more likely.
Anyway... do you vbet here on the river?


June 28, 2017 | 1:46 p.m.

IPoker, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $80.23 (160.5 bb)

BB: $49.69 (99.4 bb)

UTG: $55.53 (111.1 bb)

MP: $70.05 (140.1 bb)

CO: $57.33 (114.7 bb)

Hero (BTN): $81.99 (164 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7 A

3 folds, Hero raises to $1, SB folds, BB calls $0.50

Flop: ($2.25) 7 6 2 (2 players)

BB checks, Hero bets $1.57, BB calls $1.57

Turn: ($5.39) 8 (2 players)

BB checks, Hero bets $3.50, BB calls $3.50

River: ($12.39) J (2 players)

BB bets $6.19, Hero folds

Results: $12.39 pot ($0.61 rake)

Final Board: 7 6 2 8 J

BB mucked and won $11.78 ($5.71 net)

Hero mucked 7 A and lost (-$6.07 net)

Villain is a 44/6 (with 0,6 overall 3b) recreational player.
I think flop and river play is kind of standard. I usually fold in these spots like the river here, unless I have some read, that Villain are able to spew.
My main question is on the turn. Do you vbet here? In my opinion this is a thin vb, because V can call with any turned FD, any 2x, any 5x (these are most likely backdoor FD hands with a 5), any 6x, any 7x, big broadway hands (like AK, AQ, KQ, KJ). And of course he can have some 8x, and a few overpair. So I think he has more worse hands in his calling range which I beat than not.
Also how do you play here from the flop vs a standard regular?


June 28, 2017 | 1:35 p.m.

V can have Tx for sure. And I'm on the giving up side on the river, plus with the 'normal' sizings.

June 13, 2017 | 3:24 p.m.

Please add me on skype: kickmeforpresident

June 13, 2017 | 1:24 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on 100zoom 3bet pot OOP

What is your flop ch/call(cr if u have) range here?

June 11, 2017 | 10:38 p.m.

I bet ott.
As played I call almost instantly.

June 11, 2017 | 10:37 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on QKhh vs donkbet

Also in this exact spot I would raise that donkbet and barrel on the half of the deck ott.

May 26, 2017 | 12:05 a.m.

I think exploitatively a second barrel can be good here vs some opponents.
Otr is really tough to fold out hands. He will never fold top2 if he not 4b pre with AK. Tough for him to have AQ, given you have a Q. And not everyone calls pre with ATs/AJs.
So you can see, that you are targeting a pretty slim range. Which is not good.

May 25, 2017 | 11:06 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on 3bp: AQ on JT7 vs rec

This is not a 4bp.
I would start with a check back. The board is coordinated, it's hard for villain's range to not connect somehow.

May 25, 2017 | 10:56 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on how do you play otr

For me it's an easy bet/fold otr given villain is a rec.

May 25, 2017 | 10:51 p.m.

You should pick a game type, which you love the most.

May 25, 2017 | 10:48 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on Fold or Call ?

I would call because of the missed draws.
Would be cool to know villain's defending range from the sb. He reps 68s, 75s and 45s (and slowplayed sets). Are these in his pf calling range?

May 25, 2017 | 10:46 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on QKhh vs donkbet

Play when we connect?

May 25, 2017 | 1:17 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on A high on river

I would 3b pre and I think we can bet earlier in the hand.

May 25, 2017 | 1:16 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on Nl 25- 99 hero calling

I c/f this flop or b/f if I think V fold too much.
But c/f mostly. Am I nitty?

May 23, 2017 | 8:39 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on NL 25 - I hate this spot

I c/f this flop.
Who checks otf, do you lead this turn if flop goes ch ch?
I think I do, and probably bet river also.

May 23, 2017 | 8:33 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on 5NL - BB KTo vs CO open

I call this turn. V can have worse.

May 15, 2017 | 8:27 a.m.

Comment | urak commented on NL10 - BvB vs reg

Can you or anyone pls link videos about triple barreling?

April 3, 2017 | 6:47 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on NL10 - BvB vs reg

I gave him a tighter continuing range because of his high fold to cb stat, but maybe that was too inordinate.

April 3, 2017 | 12:40 p.m.

Post | urak posted in NLHE: NL10 - BvB vs reg

IPoker, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

Hero (SB): $10 (100 bb)

BB: $10 (100 bb)

MP: $10.27 (102.7 bb)

CO: $10 (100 bb)

BTN: $14.78 (147.8 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 4 4

3 folds, Hero raises to $0.30, BB calls $0.20

Flop: ($0.60) 5 3 2 (2 players)

Hero bets $0.42, BB calls $0.42

Turn: ($1.44) K (2 players)

Hero bets $1, BB calls $1

River: ($3.44) T (2 players)

Hero bets $2.40 , BB calls $2.40

Villain: 884 hand.
21/18. 3b:4,6. 3b vs sb:0. Fold vs SB:50 (8/8).
Fold to FCB: 62. Fold to TCB:0 (4/4). Fold to RCB: 0 (1/1).

I cbet the flop, because of protection.
OTT: I think he is kinda strong. At least TPTK plus GS, or an overpair, flopped sets. I thought that a King is a scare card so he might fold his overpairs.
OTR: The backdoor flus completes, so if he still has an overpair to the flop, he should definetely fold here, so I fired.

Is it good vs regs? Or V range was too thin?
What do you think?


April 2, 2017 | 7:57 p.m.

Normally I don't flat here, but Bb was a weak player, and the pfr opened wide from the button.

March 21, 2017 | 1:51 a.m.

Post | urak posted in NLHE: NL20 - Missed draw vs rec

IPoker, $0.10/$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $20.20 (101 bb)

BB: $22.95 (114.8 bb)

MP: $20.71 (103.6 bb)

CO: $23.53 (117.7 bb)

Hero (BTN): $21.38 (106.9 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with 9 8

2 folds, Hero raises to $0.60, SB folds, BB calls $0.40

Flop: ($1.30) T 3 2 (2 players)

BB checks, Hero bets $0.44, BB calls $0.44

Turn: ($2.18) 5 (2 players)

BB checks, Hero checks

River: ($2.18) 7 (2 players)

BB checks, Hero checks

Results: $2.18 pot ($0.14 rake)

Final Board: T 3 2 5 7

BB showed 2 Q and won $2.04 ($1 net)

Hero mucked 9 8 and lost (-$1.04 net)

Villain is a rec with high VPIP. Loose-passive.
Do you try to barrel him off OTT?

I decided to take a free card, but river missed too. When he checks his range looks really weak, but I don't sure he can fold any pair. So I gave up. This is ok?


March 20, 2017 | 5:38 p.m.

Post | urak posted in NLHE: NL20 - QJo - River decision

IPoker, $0.10/$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

Hero (SB): $20.40 (102 bb)

BB: $23.50 (117.5 bb)

UTG: $20 (100 bb)

MP: $22.48 (112.4 bb)

CO: $8.59 (43 bb)

BTN: $33.75 (168.8 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with Q J

3 folds, BTN raises to $0.60, Hero calls $0.50, BB folds

Flop: ($1.40) 8 6 T (2 players)

Hero checks, BTN checks

Turn: ($1.40) 2 (2 players)

Hero bets $1, BTN calls $1

River: ($3.40) 5 (2 players)

Hero bets $2.60, BTN calls $2.60

Results: $8.60 pot ($0.57 rake)

Final Board: 8 6 T 2 5

Hero mucked Q J and lost (-$4.20 net)

BTN showed 9 9 and won $8.03 ($3.83 net)

Villain looks like a reg. Kind of an agrressive one.
When he skip flop cbet, it looks he has some 2nd pair type hand, or A hi.
OTT my plan was to bet turn/river. I thought he don't fold any strong 2nd pair, weakTP, but maybe he can fold some bottom pairs, A hi-s.
This play is ok? Do you bet river? (or turn?)
Which cards are the best on the river if you bet? Or bet 100% ?


March 20, 2017 | 5:33 p.m.

IPoker, $0.10/$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

Hero (SB): $21.83 (109.2 bb)

BB: $24.18 (120.9 bb)

UTG: $21.06 (105.3 bb)

MP: $20.40 (102 bb)

CO: $22.71 (113.6 bb)

BTN: $21.54 (107.7 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with Q Q

3 folds, BTN raises to $0.40, Hero raises to $1.60, BB folds, BTN calls $1.20

Flop: ($3.40) J 4 J (2 players)

Hero bets $1.20, BTN calls $1.20

Turn: ($5.80) 3 (2 players)

Hero checks, BTN bets $2.90, Hero calls $2.90

River: ($11.60) 4 (2 players)

Hero checks, BTN bets $5.80, Hero calls $5.80

Results: $23.20 pot ($1.54 rake)

Final Board: J 4 J 3 4

Hero mucked Q Q and lost (-$11.50 net)

BTN showed Q J and won $21.66 ($10.16 net)

villain is a regular, who is also calls 3b ip @ BTN: 50%.
On this flop I cbet 100%. (This is good?)
What is the better play ott? b/f or ch/call?
I think if we ch/call turn, there is a good chance that Villain will bluff on the river.
If we b/f turn, Villain will call worse pps (so he can't check back with them). If I b/f turn, I b/f river too.
Also his bet ip vs missed cb stats in 3b pots: f:40, t:30, r:33.
Raise vs cbet in 3bp: 5.

In retrospect maybe b/f would be better, given Villains low betting tendency ip, after a check. I'm not sure.


March 20, 2017 | 2:56 p.m.

Post | urak posted in NLHE: NL20 - 3b pot ip as the aggressor

IPoker, $0.10/$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players

Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $16.88 (84.4 bb)

BB: $20 (100 bb)

UTG: $22 (110 bb)

MP: $20.92 (104.6 bb)

CO: $22.10 (110.5 bb)

Hero (BTN): $23.22 (116.1 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with 9 Q

UTG raises to $0.60, MP calls $0.60, CO folds, Hero raises to $2.40, SB calls $2.30, 2 folds, MP calls $1.80

Flop: ($8.00) 6 8 6 (3 players)

SB checks, MP checks, Hero bets $2.60, SB calls $2.60, MP calls $2.60

Turn: ($15.80) J (3 players)

SB checks, MP checks, Hero checks

River: ($15.80) 7 (3 players)

SB checks, MP checks, Hero checks

Results: $15.80 pot ($1.05 rake)

Final Board: 6 8 6 J 7

SB showed A Q and lost (-$5 net)

MP showed 7 9 and won $14.75 ($9.75 net)

Hero mucked 9 Q and lost (-$5 net)

Where I'm really unsure is the turn, and also preflop.

SB is a recreational.
First raisor and the caller are regulars.
Ingame I thought that I should 3bet with my hand, because it is too weak to call. In retrospect now I think maybe that was a bad thought process, because villains can easily call with KQ,AQ, some QJs... With 3b I can achive: fold out smaller pocket pairs, smaller suited connectors, and smaller Axs. With flat both players weak holdings are in. When the rec cold calls my 3bet, the regulars should call really wide there, so the regular should have a fairly wide range, around 9-10%.
The rec will have also a fairly wide range, at least 10%.
On the flop I think they can fold a lot of their holdings against a bet. I am not sure in the sizing, but 1/3psb shouldn't have to work all the time to be profitable, so I thought it's the best.
OTT: If I put a bet here, I go allin. When both player calls my flop bet, I thought I don't have too good chances to win immediately, so I choosed to check and see a free river.


March 20, 2017 | 1:15 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on NL20 - Nuts vs rec in 3bp

Also if we just call on the turn, we would call on any river?

March 19, 2017 | 9 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on NL20 - Nuts vs rec in 3bp

Makes sense.
Thank you for the detailed explanation!

March 19, 2017 | 8:34 p.m.

Comment | urak commented on NL20 - Nuts vs rec in 3bp

Yea, but what about protection?

March 19, 2017 | 6:48 p.m.

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