twouts4u's avatar


10 points

Min 21:15 a very nice shove, this is what i expect from a Beast like U

March 20, 2014 | 11:26 p.m.

really nice vid. I m struggling a lot by myself in this kind of Situation where i know 90% of the time that im behind but im still gambling, especially in downswings....whatever im allin, i call this...

March 20, 2014 | 4:05 p.m.

Yes you re right it will be more often not working especially against good Regulars.

I ll more often take the c/ca Line i guess until i have better arguments to do something else!

It feels good to discuss Hands with a Player like you.



March 19, 2014 | 7 p.m.

Feel free to correct or add some Points.

March 19, 2014 | 3:53 p.m.

Hey thank you for the fast answer, and sorry for my bad English!

I totaly agree with you that its a difficult Spot and against a LAG Villian like you ist even harder!

So i like to mix up my strategy here and adapt to the past Action and my Stack as well. With over 40BB i would often just take the same Line like Frezuh and against a TAG or Niety Player as well. Often i donk bet when they fold a lot to cbets because they dont fight back (enough) with air!  Sometimes i consider to 3bet here when Villian is active from early Position and my Image its solid enough to take the pot right there, Postflop i cbet 100% when Villian flat my 3bet and evaluate the turn. When my Image ist to tight a like to flat QQ+ as well in that Spot and c/r aginst and thinking Villian because they often fighting back like you said the Flop ist better for you!

 Against a LAG i 3bet broke here under 40BB. I hope u can follow my thoght process!


March 19, 2014 | 3:45 p.m.

Hey Fedor,

i like you Thinking Process a lot and ty for sharing with us. As you defend the BB in 3way Pot with QJo v Bexudso and c/ca c/c c/c the River which is fine, would you c/ca a bet bet and Ain Shove on the River? I would bet bet in Bexudso shoes because you Range is so caped with Brodway and suitedcon.! For this Reasaon i shove the River on Spade Card especially he got the As as Blocker and i realize that my AT is not more good in SD? But before i can shove or bet every Spade River i think is better to bet the Turn because sometimes you already fold there and secondly my percieve Range makes more Sense for my Villian!?

March 18, 2014 | 8:57 p.m.

Hey Nick,

in Min 28:00 QTo v Frenzuh 88. I would often donk bet such a dry Board in Frenzuh shoes. On the Turn i would bet every not face card and c/ca a bet on a face card, the River would be pretty Tuff without any ready i think i would fold then.  What do you think?

And how often U fighting back this Kind of donk bets this days?

March 18, 2014 | 6:24 p.m.

hey, atm im sitting and watching this Video and playing a ft wit this algihno guy^^

great vid nick

March 13, 2014 | 10:30 p.m.

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