15 points
Table caps aren’t going to impact a reg’s volume, they’ll just play across multiple sites, so I’m not sure how this improves game quality with regards to “tanking”. Messing with time bank and shot clock settings would still limit the amount of tables a reg could play, but would generate more rake for you guys, while actually improving game quality. I understand the cap is also to protect recreationals, but they don’t know that, and more volume on a site might be more attractive to them. Start with 6 tables, it’s mostly going to be regs to start with anyway
Thanks everyone for working so hard to make this all possible! I believe baby
I tried limping my EP/MP range, and you're right, people isolate wayyy too wide. I'm on a different site, but similar pool tendencies, so I agree with your read. I'm new to PLO, and I think short-stacking is a good starting point for learning the game, so I found this video very helpful. Thanks
Nov. 9, 2018 | 4:36 p.m.