0 points
Hello All (^_^)
Been making the transition from Tourney to Cash. I play down Rivers (PGH). This spot has me stumped. Had a feeling SB was on AK. MP range is harder for me to define, just sat down. Please leave feedback! Hope you all enjoy it!!
[$1/$3 NLHE 9-Handed]
BN: $115
SB: $255
BB: $300
UTG: $140
UTG+1: $395
MP: $300
HJ: $145
CO: $465 (Hero)
BU: $120
($4) Hero is CO with [TsTc]
2 folds, MP calls $3, 1 fold, Hero raises to $13, 1 fold, SB 3-bets to $33, 1 fold, MP calls $30, Hero calls $21
($102) 8d 6d 2s
SB checks, MP bets $75, Hero calls $75, SB folds
($277) 8d 6d 2s Ah
MP bets $192 and is all in, Hero calls
($661) 8d 6d 2s Ah Ac
MP wins with 6s,6h for a Flopped set >> Rivered Full House
= i know MP is not super strong pre, do i 4-bet? If 4-bet and SB shoves, do i ever go away?
= If just calling pre, and putting SB on AK for the flop, do i raise Flop %100 of time and get it in? is call/call ever viable?
July 6, 2017 | 12:32 a.m.
Blinds = 500/2k/4k
16/93 players left
2 Tables left. Our table is 7 handed. We are UTG+1 with a 27k stack. We are dealt AsJs
QUESTION: Is this hand part of our Pushing range?
Can this hand be folded? We are in early position with a semi big suited Ace. If I fold this, then my pushing range will only consist of made hands [77 or better] With the chip stack available, I do not like this option.
Limping in early position could point toward strength. Being a tighter player, I have not entered many pots and this might be a good option a large percentage of the time, however:
>If i get repopped, i have to push. Flat calling out of position will leave us with no chips.
>Can this hand be Limp/Folded? That will be throwing away 15% of our stack when we could very well be ahead. There is 9.5k in the pot preflop, if i stick in 4k, then 13.5k. If I get raised on, then my stack will be the same size of the pot. I would have to go with it in this case.
I do not think I can simply raise, min would be 8k which is %30 of our stack. Again, if i get pushed on, forced to call anyway.
Should I even be thinking about a push? WIth being so close to the money, should my range tighten up to only include made hands and possible AK/AQ? Is it profitable to limp in this spot and try to see a flop and fold if raiseD? Am I thinking about this the correct way?
Any thoughts or guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
Dec. 22, 2013 | 11:55 p.m.
Blinds: $1/$3 | No Limit Hold'em (Live)
UTG: $675
MP: $390
HJ: $320 (HERO)
CO: $225
BN: $520 (VILLAIN)
SB: $275
BB: $160
($4) (7 Players)
Hero was dealt Qc10c
UTG calls, MP folds, HJ raises to $16, CO folds, BN calls $16, SB folds, BB folds, UTG folds
($36) Kh Qs Qd (2 Players)
Hero bets $16, Villain raises to $48, Hero calls.
($132) Kh Qs Qd 9h
Hero checks, Villain bets $80, Hero raises to $256 and is ALL IN. Villain calls.
($644) Kh Qs Qd 9h 5c
Hello All! First time posting a hand. I have been thinking about it all week and have yet come to a conclusion on how we should be playing this. Bit of background, it is early Sunday morning (2:30am) at the Meadows Race Track and Casino. Busted out of the 7:15pm ($70) tourney and been sitting at cash for about 5-6 hours. (bought in for $150)
The players here all seem to be loose aggressive regulars (tossing +$25 on their option for a straddle and 3 betting preflop). UTG limp called preflop. He has been limping in quite a lot so i figured a good time to raise in position. Button is new player to the table (about 15minutes) and sucked out a few hands earlier to double up. He is LAG from speculation and smooth called my raise. I have been playing very TAG to try and maximize my winnings and not get bet out of pots.
I am excited to flop trips so i lead right on out. Button raises me which did not surprise too much. When he raised, I thought for a while (1-2 minutes). I have been in this spot before where villain held KQ which made me hesitant. I cannot put him on KK (would have found out preflop) KQ could be possible as could AQ or QJ. AK might have been raised preflop so possibly KJ, K10, K9s can also be thrown in as well as any pocket pairs (6's-9's) Believe he would re raise preflop with 10's or J's. I elect to smooth call here since he is very loose.
Turn comes and I check. Villain continues to bet. I figure if i call here, i am pot committed to the river. He may even check down the river if hes on a bluff so getting it in on the Turn seemed to be the most profitable situation (as opposed to check/check on the river) However, looking back on it, perhaps getting it in on the flop would be the best chance for me to win the pot. Get the money in when you think you have the best hand and to get draws out? OR against a LAG do we check and let them drive the action to maximize gains?
Perhaps I am not asking myself the right questions to analyze this hand and find a definitive line to take. Please post any and all thoughts/suggestions. BTW, he held J10 off and felted me. Maybe the line i took was correct but just ate a bad beat?
Dec. 22, 2012 | 4:08 p.m.