6 points
Toy games explaining how adding raising as a strategic option changes the equilibrium. Games to understand raising better and the role of raising and position together.Starting with River only and then perhaps turn and flop gets more complex. some hands to illustrate with sims or even pure dry theory is fine. Krystof has some videos of this nature, great if he does it.
Sept. 21, 2021 | 8:54 a.m.
How to balance between the contradictory objectives of protection and value.
In a situation where i have strong but not a very strong hand and board is very dynamic
The situation can shift quite a lot in T and River
How to not bet too large and make opponents range too narrow and strong, where you are only beat if he calls
or not bet too small and give him the opportunity to see another card at a very reasonable price.
I feel like between a rock and a hard place,
where if you bet smallish and get outdrawn, you take the lesson that u should have bet larger
and if you bet large and get called by hands which beat you, you take the lesson that u should have bet smaller
For example
Hero has 7s6c
Board [F] 7h 6s 3h
a situation where hero wants value but situation can change fairly easily in future streets
I have not mentioned any ranges, didn't think its required for this query.
March 2, 2020 | 10:08 a.m.
Thanks Kalupso , i saw the movie searching for bobby fischer, will read his book
cruX thats a good one, but what i am seeking is a framework, certainly not a rules based algorithm, as i am aware that is not possible because of information asymmetry but a framework in how to think in spots. When i am calling down, for example i can think how much equity do i need and how much equity do i have. I was talking more on the lines of taking a range, a board and an opponent and doing a whole range analysis street by street, with every hand in my range.
I lack the theoretical understanding to slot the hands in my range for an example board into specific subsections.
I was seeking some guidance on how to do that range work. but i do have more clarity now, thanks
Feb. 18, 2020 | 3:34 a.m.
DNegs98 that's really helpful. Thanks for turning a general query into something specific and attempting to provide a framework as a solution to the problem.
Samu Patronen i am sorry the question is so general, but i think inspite of its generality there is some material in the question to come up with some answer, like dnegs did and i am sure matthew janda would have something to say as an answer. But poker is too wide and every situation has to be dealt differently is not a satisfactory answer. If u think it has to be dealt with on a formation to basis then provide some guideline on how to study formations. That is difficult for a beginner. So as someone who is more experienced it is expected that he/she has put some thought into the millions of formation that poker has and has some kind of decision making framework which is not algorithmic as poker is too complicated but at least heuristical. But thanks for the answer, will try my best.
Feb. 18, 2020 | 3:25 a.m.
I am struggling with studying how to use different parts of my range for different jobs.
For example what are the hands
which i should call down twice but not thrice
which hands should bluff only on the flop and then give up
which hands should double barrell and give up on the river
which hands to give up on the flop
which hands should i keep in my range on the flop only with the intention of letting it go on the turn
what should i do with hands on the turn that i bluff raised on the flop
what should i do with hands on the River that i bluff check raised the flop with and bet the turn with
and so on and so on,
I am feeling clueless about all the sections my range should have(like should it have a raising range?) and then how to divide my range into the different subsections
My intention is to be aware that what part of a range the hand that i am holding falls in.
Sometimes i am cluless with hands that i bluff raised with on later streets
Sometimes a strong value hand turns weak and i dont know what to do on the river OOP, cant decide should i check call or bet small or bet large or check fold, if i check call till what size can i call
Maybe this is too many questions, i wanted to bind it in one topic, which i think i have failed miserably.
But any guidance, any wisdom will be greatly appreciated.
Apologies, if i have made it more complicated than it should be
Feb. 17, 2020 | 4:45 a.m.
I understand your position.
But the challenge is where should any study begin from. It has to begin from an ideal point. An equilibrium where no change can happen, as everything is perfect. Only in imperfection we need a change to make it perfect.
MDF is not simplistic, it is perfect.
If opp is bluffing more we know we have to defend more, but more than what. What is the anchor. It is MDF. We have to defend more than MDF
If opp is value heavy and underbluffing we have to defend less, but less than what. Less than MDF.
MDF is the theoretical correct frequency of defence against an opponent who is playing well and we have no incentive to do anything else other than what MDF suggests.
But it is our job to figure out how our opponent is imbalanced and whatever we do, we do it with MDF as our reference. We always use MDF as our compass
So MDF can never be outdated, it never instructed us to defend at MDF
Feb. 16, 2020 | 6:47 a.m.
How is the concept of MDF outdated? I ask it not from a position of challenge but of curiosity. My more basic qurey is how can fundamental things beccome outdated
Feb. 14, 2020 | 5:41 a.m.
Love ur video. I play low stakes cash. I am really struggling with practice. Not talkin about the the game here, we talkin about practice :)
Suppose i want to practice c-betting, how to design a drill to practice it.
And how to practice more extensive lines like u cbet as the pf raisor, bet gets called, u cbet turn, bet gets called, u cbet river. How to practice skills in isolation, like 3 betting, c-betting, value betting and how to practice bigger lines, common lines
Amazing video, please make the turn and flop ones
Sept. 21, 2021 | 9:14 a.m.