18 points
"18:20 - I think a turn bet with JJ-KK would be a mistake as you're not doing well at all vs their turn cont. range. I would check this turn at a reasonable frequency and always checking JJ-KK here, potentially re-opening action OTR for a small sizing with said range."
With KK, if villain flats here with AK here about 40% of the time and floats this flop against a 1/2 pot 50% of the time with AJs+ and flats QQ pre here 40% and JJ pre 85% of the time. Flats 77+ pre and calls then turn with 99-QQ 50% of the time then you are still head of his calling range. Perhaps I'm underestimating how often villains will be floating with ace high here . But even if villain always floats with his available 6 combos of AJs and AQs we still have 50% equity against his range. Is there something I'm missing or this a very close spot?
flopzilla: https://gyazo.com/6ddf1d07faf894f464fe90593e309394
But there is that brings up another question what the added benefits of each line such as protection/value/balance/hardest to play against etc. There might be some villains that are folding JJ to a bet/check/bet line but always call a double barrel on a card that they might perceive hero to bluff on.
Jan. 29, 2016 | 12:48 p.m.
brain = fried
Jan. 27, 2016 | 5:51 a.m.
One of the best videos I've seen on this site. I much prefer your style over Tommy Angelo's and your story telling and presentation is very good. I'm looking forward to more videos from this series.
Jan. 27, 2016 | 4:52 a.m.
Why exactly is it good to bet small high frequency cbets when you have a linear and stronger range? Do you balance value with these 1/3 cbets? Also regarding bet sizing to achieve a certain SPR, do you always try and balance this with bluffs? So if you're aiming for a 0.8 SPR on the river do would your turn bet mirror the sizing you would use for value? Do you ever struggle between choosing an exploitative and balanced bet sizing option?
Jan. 8, 2016 | 1:41 p.m.
@16.50 you said BB has the weakest range there while MP has the strongest. Can you explain why? MP has less sets as he might not be cold calling those small pocket pairs while hero has them and so does BB. We can have 65s which MP isn't calling with either while BB might. Hero is uncapped preflop aswell so shouldn't this board favor hero > BB > MP?
Jan. 3, 2016 | 7:25 a.m.
Sorry this is off topic and unrelated to this video, but I'm very curious to know why you use the specific bet sizing buttons of 54% as opposed to 50 or 55% and 79% rather than 75%. I'm starting to wonder if that's your secret :P Another question do you have anything to say about your older videos, as in is there anything substantial you were doing wrong or along those lines. Keep the videos coming. I've been studying them all like a hawk! thumbs up
Nov. 18, 2015 | 2:57 p.m.
Video on flop cbetting/checking and bet sizing?
Nov. 16, 2015 | 4:27 a.m.
Excellent post by Raraulbl. A good way to overcome your results orientated mindset is to make a diary and write in it after each session which includes your level of play from 1-5, your level of tilt from 1-5 and just overall mistakes which you then can go over and see if you've fixed those leaks and completely understood where you went wrong. Look at this instead of your graph to determine your progress. Also when you make a big call and lose don't think of it as losing a BI think in terms of the time he'll have a different hand in his range and you'll win other times.
Nov. 14, 2015 | 3:05 a.m.
@ 3.44 at you say his range is ace high heavy. How did you come to that conclusion? Isn't it just as likely his range consists of pocket pairs higher than 44 that will call one street?
Nov. 8, 2015 | 3:05 a.m.
Would like to know as well. I've also seen a pattern where you 1/3rd pot on paired dry boards. Can you please explain the reasoning behind this.
Oct. 30, 2015 | 1:11 p.m.
Can you please expain at 30.10 why you mentioned against a player that folds a lot to 3bets, you will expand your value and bluffing range. I don't understand why you would expand your value range if he's already continuing with a strong range. Is it still +EV because of the fact you'll be earning a lot preflop even though once called, you'll be up against a stronger range.
Oct. 30, 2015 | 1:09 p.m.
How did you learn when and when not to cbet bluff? I'm definately cbetting a lot more than you and to be honest I don't know why you choose to check in almost every spot that I would elect to cbet . I feel like definitely my cbetting strategy is my weakest link and it's fundamental that it's on point because you have to making a cbet decision every hand. My current strategy doesn't take ranges or dynamics into consideration and basically just cbetting dry boards for 55% of pot and checking boards with any two face cards, which brings my cbet flop % up to 55-60%. My excuse for this poor strategy is that I believe at the stakes I'm playing 5nlz/10nlz people are over folding to cbets and with my hand equity I can cbet a lot of textures in almost any spot and show a profit. And I find it's not as important to be thinking in terms of ranges and dynamics at these stakes.
For example @ 12.18, you elect to check fold rather than cbetting and I would like to know why. Let's say someone is defending around this much http://i.imgur.com/LTPwonX.png (I have no idea what an average range here would look like though) and villain is basically continuing with any made hand and floating with 35% of his combos of no made hands which is 65 combos of floats/bluffs (again another estimation I have no idea about, but seems reasonable since it's BvB). If this was correct to assume he's folding 35% of the time a 1/2 pot bet on the flop you should be instant profiting. You're king should be a live out a lot of the time as well.
Another spot at 9 minutes you cbet for 35% of the pot but I don't know why.
It'd would be cool if you made a video that discussed cbetting spots and you talked about ranges, dynamics and sizing. This might not interest nor be useful for more experienced players though. I also haven't come across any videos on this topic on the web.
Oct. 29, 2015 | 11:57 a.m.
Is this the actual hud you use or one you just made for the video? If you can, do you mind telling me every stat? And how did you learn what a low or high WSD or river bet is for example.
Oct. 24, 2015 | 6:52 a.m.
what state/city are ya from cameron?
Aug. 21, 2015 | 2:20 a.m.
Hello Cameron would you mind telling me about some of your poker history and how you got to the point that you are confident in your decision in any position? How did you develop your style of play? I ask these questions because it's very interesting how you and djunkel, both winning regs at 200nlz have very different approaches to the game.
Aug. 4, 2015 | 8:52 a.m.
TY Cameron.
Looking at j73dd in flopzilla I looked to two % frequencies villains defending (35-55%) here and it's very hard for villain to not fold on this flop at least 66% and he needs to call very deep with ace highs to reach where you wont auto profit. Villain would need to be very nitty before this wasn't a profitable cbet at micros.
Jan. 29, 2016 | 5:01 p.m.