Slam Liu
0 points
Hi, Elias
Nice vids, thank you for your high quality vids!
I have a different thought at 10:50 on that JJ thin bet before facing a river shove.
If you have to bet on a Q high board, would it better to x/c on river since like you have a mindset to pay him off like ~$100ish to him. By x/c you can decide rather you would like to fold or call, it depends on he's size. That thin bet you were using I don't think you have flush combos very much by the actions of x/x bet heavy, bet thin.
If I were him I will put you on AT,KT,JJ,TJs types of hand. It's easy to shove bluffing with Ahx,Khx to your river size because I think your range is capped by that river sizing. I prefer to x/c depends on his river size.
Jan. 24, 2018 | 8:53 a.m.
At 24:00. I prefer flatting into SB 3bet range. I think AA plays a great equity against SB 3 bet range, we can gain more value with postflop play. Also we have position advantage and sometimes induced UTG 4 bet squeeze with worse hand like TT+ plus.
If we 4 bet at that spot. In 50z pool, I tend to think BB has only 3% 4 bet range which is really strong. I would like to fold my JJ,AQs type of hands that behind of 3% 4bet range.
Just share my opinion:D
Jan. 19, 2018 | 10:23 a.m.
Hi, lain
Thanks for your video. I want to ask your CO vs BB 4bet range which you pick up from A2s to A7s instead of ATs to AQs, why? I would like to know the reason since I believe ATs-AQs are better?
Jan. 19, 2018 | 9:34 a.m.
SB: $11.98
BB: $29.04 (Hero)
UTG: $10.94
MP: $20.93
CO: $21.20
Hi there!
Are you only use those huds shown on the vid? That's only quite fews!
Jan. 30, 2018 | 5:14 p.m.