0 points
was there short stacks at the other table? i'm basically on board with michaels default range here, although assuming this isn't a turbo, and without reads assuming i felt i had a big edge on the remaining field i might make a tight fold here
Dec. 23, 2012 | 2:14 a.m.
Comment |
Weird multiway spot vsing an OOP cold call vs my 3b by a good reg in the Bigger 55
I agree that pistons87 cold call here probably is pretty face up and I like the range you constructed. If pistons87 perceives both of you to have a decently wide range here his flat looks so nutty he could use the appearance of his own range to open it up a bit but I also think this is pretty doubtful. Would you have bet AQ on the flop? I agree with the fold on the turn although the turn card and action made it pretty easy on us, and we are certainly faced with at least a slightly more difficult decision on the turn on average as played.
Dec. 23, 2012 | 1:51 a.m.
"I'd much rather take 88 to a flop than A5s/JQs against an UTG flatting range personally..." this... and against a lineup like this we are going to be flatted a decent amount here I would personally fold both this hand as well as the kq/aj range and opt to open a hand like 78s that isn't going to flop top pairs that are no good vs this competent fields flatting range and has deception and some playability... i ramble so i hope that makes sense, I also agree that it is fine to basically not have a raise fold range in this spot at all...
Dec. 10, 2012 | 12:36 a.m.
what if anything do we know about Ocram79? I would not think that you are "way" ahead of hdjgkfkgsdl's shoving range here unless Ocram has been limping a lot...
Dec. 9, 2012 | 9:29 p.m.
does anyone like leading really small to induce here? I liked the post flop thought process, I would agree w ramage if we were 33 bb deep but i think we are considerably deeper than that although I could easily be missing something... I would be 4b getting in before jamming this deep imo
Dec. 9, 2012 | 9:13 p.m.
All results loaded
Dec. 26, 2012 | 8:39 a.m.