thenut1's avatar


1 points

I saw a pot played earlier today and wanted to gain insight on others thoughts:

The button is definitely on tilt has lost nearly over $3k and is playing alot of hands/pots. He bets light when he senses weakness. He's not a bad player and definitely understands the game and is a thinking player, but he has alot of leaks such as playing on massive tilt and overcalls, bets marginally with -EV.
UTG is playing solid and hasn't raised in nearly 2 hours
BB has $2,500 UTG $3,000, Button has $1900

UTG raises to $45 5 people call.
-Flop is 10c,10s,7d
-The UTG bets $185 button calls and BB flats
-Turn is 6d; 10c,10s,7d,6d. BB checks,UTG checks and button bets $330, BB calls, UTG mucks
-River is Ac; Board reads 10c,10s,7d,6d,Ac. BB checks Button ships all in.
What would you do?

Dec. 29, 2012 | 8:08 a.m.

Playing the 10/25 buying in 3-4k you have just over 100BBs. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable playing with 100BBs, but I do think you should play tighter and concentrate on betting the top 5% of your hands. It sounds like your play is -EV given that "He opened quite wide, 3bet squeezed frequent enoug
h, CR'ed flops with all draws and made hands, had a merged range for his pot size value bets, sometimes flat-calls multiple streets with huge hands as well as floats, bluff-catches light against polarized bets, etc." So bottom line he is out playing you plus he has position and you are folding more hands. Also the fact is his stack is at 50K so playing against your stack with any good draw he will try to bet you out of the pot. Generally speaking playing OOP especially against LAG I just check/check-raise in order to get position and first look to gain more information rather than worry about losing value on my hands since his range is so much higher than yours is (given the stack size its standard). You definitely to need to change game plans playing in this game because players like the ones you mentioned will be common in a 10/25NLH game.

Dec. 29, 2012 | 7:53 a.m.

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