0 points
I want to join the study group. I am a player from India and I have been playing 30NL. I have a sample of 70k hands with an EV bb/100 of 16 and actual win rate of 12bb/100(i never run good, lol).
May 14, 2020 | 4:23 p.m.
range checking this spot makes good sense. u can check/raise your strong holdings like AJ, 66, 22, AA, KK, QQ(we can check/call JJ), and bluff check/raise hands like Flush draws (A-high to T-high, we can check call J-high FD) check/call other flush draws, check/call second pair type hands. Not to mention check/folding trash holdings(LOL).
This play can generate much more EV than range betting
May 14, 2020 | 4:13 p.m.
All results loaded
Good Point blackluster777!!!
Actually, you can do tons of things vs a recreational player. The good part is we don't need to be balanced vs them as they are the least likely people to exploit anyone. Also, when you give solver such a wide range for recreational players, solvers also tend to bet quite frequently. Therefore, vs recreational players, we can c-bet quite wide and frequently given the nature of their range.
May 16, 2020 | 5:18 a.m.