theQUAD's avatar


32 points

Comment | theQUAD commented on Welcome to the Jungle

Exciting addition to the RIO roster from Mr.Falcons, looking forward to this.

Sept. 16, 2021 | 5:11 p.m.

down with spies

March 31, 2021 | 5:36 p.m.

Over 5 years old and this is still an excellent introduction to how different strategies function in practice compared to GTO. Really glad I watched this one despite it's age

March 31, 2021 | 1:12 p.m.

Comment | theQUAD commented on $500 Zoom: Tough Pool

You really gonna leave us hanging on result of the hand from the replayed at the start? :D

March 24, 2021 | 6:47 p.m.

"rolling" is probably the video referred to (though I haven't watched it yet myself)

Feb. 13, 2020 | 4:49 p.m.

let us know if you get this done and find someone who can do a satisfactory job for you.

gl moving up

Sept. 23, 2016 | 10:08 a.m.

Looks interesting, will be following

good luck

Aug. 19, 2016 | 4:11 p.m.

@phil galfond

please sign chael up to make some videos! really enjoyed this one, liked the pace a lot, looking forward to watching part 2

Aug. 11, 2016 | 11:24 p.m.

Just watched on and saw ATs and QTs as 2examples you used in pio. Oh well, any expansion on this topic would still be greatly appreciated

Aug. 1, 2016 | 8 p.m.

Hello Daniel,
With AK on TT3 you say you can have some Tx here you cold 4bet with and I was wondering what T hands you do that with here?
I'm looking into expanding my cold 4bet range in big blind as at 25zoom lots of regs play 3b/fold in the sb and won't call 4bets oop or 5bet light so there's probably excellent ev in doing this, but I'm not sure which hands to add into a cold 4 bet range and what I should flatting bb vs sb 3b.

Aug. 1, 2016 | 7:54 p.m.

Post | theQUAD posted in Chatter: security certificate...

Hi there. Having some trouble logging into the site from my desktop (on Google chrome, haven't tried any other browser) as it says the security certificate has expired. Posting this from tablet which doesn't seem to have any issues. Anyone else experiencing this?

July 25, 2016 | 1:28 p.m.

Never mind, I'm an idiot.

July 22, 2016 | 3:38 a.m.

I'm a bit late on this one but does villain not have 98s and 9Ts combos in these positions in the first hand where you have T8s? You make a strong argument for the hero call by pointing out the many bluff combos he can have and how narrow his value range is, but I just wonder if he can have more value combos here than you give him credit for.

July 22, 2016 | 3:35 a.m.

At 17.30 you don't mention the auto fold 43s on button when it folds round to hero. Surely this is really tight, especially when we are in position with the massive fish in the big blind...

July 11, 2016 | 6:14 p.m.

Comment | theQUAD commented on $1/$2 Zoom Live Review

@9 minutes you flat KJo in sb vs mp open and btn caller. How wide do you call here and squeeze and what hands do you prefer for both?

KJo seems like it plays badly vs mp and btns ranges and you have disadvantage of being oop

Feb. 6, 2016 | 4:42 p.m.

Comment | theQUAD commented on $1/$2 Zoom Live Review

In the first hand with JJ do you really need protection on the flop? You block JT/JA straight draw and have 2 of his outs for AT gutter also. What are you doing with 66-TT here assuming you 3bet them pre flop?

Feb. 4, 2016 | 5:07 p.m.

I was also wondering this, really interesting thought process on this hand

Jan. 29, 2016 | 2:35 a.m.

At 2.38 you 3b Q4hh in the sb vs a button min open. At 11.45 you talk about calling T8ss in the sb vs a button 3x open but fold because the bb is squeeze happy.

Do you rate Q4hh as a better 3b bluff here or is your choice to fold T8ss based on the larger opening size or villain? I was expecting you to raise this hand rather than folding it.

Good video, thanks

Jan. 7, 2016 | 6:56 p.m.

Post | theQUAD posted in Chatter: Minor video playback issue

This is going to sound incredibly petty I think, however I have a small problem with the full screen video playback which I find really distracting. I've been watching videos on full screen and find that the playback bar at the bottom of the screen (play/pause, timeline, volume, quality etc.) keeps flashing on and off periodically for the duration of the video. It's not so much flashing as appearing for a few seconds, going away again for 20-30 seconds, before reappearing again ad infinitum.

I'm using chrome, but I'll try a different browser to see if that helps. I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this and if it annoys others in the same way it does me, and if possible if there was a fix. Like I say, it's probably petty but it genuinely distracts me! Loving the essential content so far



Jan. 5, 2016 | 10:49 p.m.

i also play 10nl 6max and open any pocket pair from any position - id need to check my database for how this is working out for lower pocket pairs, but in general i think set-mining is very profitable at the lowest stakes

as others said your ranges for co/btn/sb will largely depend on your opponents, for instance some opponents never defend their blinds so you can steal with pretty much any 2 cards and make a profit

WM2K's post raises some important points, and i liked this from mike "opening ranges on the CO/BUT/SB vary a lot depending on players left to act so look left and think rather than use a chart for these positions" - also consider stack sizes....this is something i often fail to do! good luck on the grind

Feb. 9, 2013 | 2:22 a.m.

Comment | theQUAD commented on 5NL TPTK on the river
i think id bet a bit bigger on the turn due to 2 flush draws now being possible and him having some flush draws in his button calling range and some worse K's that will call. dont think even a nitty 5nl player with 2% 3-bet would flat KK here.

looking at it in stove he probably doesnt have a whole lot of 2's or 8's in his range so sets, K's or fd's are most likely hands to call flop depending on how nitty he really is..probably raises sets on the turn if he doesnt on flop. id bet river for value fairly small to get calls from worse K's and fold to a raise when he calls flop and turn and raises river.

if hero checks the river and villain bets do you guys call or fold here?

Feb. 8, 2013 | 8:09 p.m. shocked to find a fellow eyedea fan. i laughed at that eyedea and slug recommendation - i must listen to that at least 3 times a day without fail! there are 3 main eyedea freestyles i watch constantly, that one, eyedea 'in store' and the eyedea and juice on the hype show...all amazing. got the battles as well, my favourite is probably vs RK ( "i grab the mic and straight be a rap enhancer, this cat wants to be my fucking backup dancer" - owned.

i dont own prey for paralysis but i listened to it online - should probably buy it. i dont like k krane as much as eyedea but i do like 'this will work for now'...'is it right?' with eyedea, crescent moon and impulse is one of my favourite songs ever tbh. i have listened to a bit of copywrite but will have to listen a bit more, there are loads of guys like him, blueprint, illogic who i listen to the odd time but havent given enough time.

totally shit bricks when i watched this video earlier and realised copywrite was white!

i still havent listened to those other recommendations but ill get to it today. i wouldnt ever attempt to list what i consider the 'best' rapper...i can only really say with certainty that eyedea stands head and shoulders above the others as my favourite due to how i can relate to his content. have you listened to any of his side projects: face candy, carbon carousel or puppy dogs and ice cream? i think pd+ic is my favourite though there only seems to be one rough ep of a live recording with 4-5 tracks which is a pity. did you hear the song sadistik released on eyedeas birthday last year thats off his upcoming album?

really nice song, sad video :(

Feb. 3, 2013 | 11:35 a.m.

still on the underground rap shit, though i love this frank turner of my favourite million dead song...this thread reminded me of it.

hip hop everywhere..get the freestyles in

forget the mainstrain hip hop artists - EVERYONE should listen to eyedea. rip.

then some other underground favourites: cage and the smut peddlers, aesop rock, (i think all grinders will really relate to the 9-5ers anthem, ha) dangerdoom, an astronautlis freestyle tribute to eyedea and a great kristoff krane freestyle...theres my listening sorted for the next half hour.

hope someone enjoys!


Jan. 28, 2013 | 12:10 p.m.

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