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35 points

Interesting, very rarely I have seen a turn lead in this spot but live and learn!

Sept. 28, 2021 | 8:30 p.m.

About the K77: Did I understand correctly that BB is supposed to lead some turns for small-size / pot after check-calling flop or does he play this way after leading the flop himself?

Sept. 24, 2021 | 10:50 a.m.

I am an omaha player but I love to watch your videos, you make me feeling want to play NL again. I also play without HUD and think same way. I also think that poker is also an art form and when you stare too much at HUD's, it hurts your creativity.

April 1, 2021 | 9:29 p.m.

Other coaches need to raise their standards after your videos, great job!

March 31, 2021 | 2:45 p.m.

Comment | A B commented on $5,000 WCOOP Final Table

Great video, great format!

March 2, 2021 | 8:48 a.m.

Couldn't OOP counter this strategy by calling the turn minraise with his whole range and donk-shoving the river? If we are min-raising the A/K turns, that is.

Feb. 7, 2021 | 3:58 p.m.

On 7:40 about the 8766 cr bluff. I think we bet the seven on the turn also. I still think this hand is difficult to play on alot of runouts, do we bet T/J/Q/K/A on the turn? My guess is that it generates enough folds on the flop and is also in a way easy to play on alot of turns.

Jan. 25, 2021 | 4:27 p.m.

38:00 why do you think he should be betting every nine? you still have flushes and traps in your range

Jan. 23, 2021 | 7:14 p.m.

Comment | A B commented on Streak Leaderboard Chase

When you say on 6:50 that you bet the board with range, do you mean that if you 3bet, you will always be betting this board? And does this apply for heads up only? Is the reason that we have more nut and k-high flushes than our opponent?

Jan. 22, 2021 | 6:12 p.m.

When you have the A8o, what bluffs does villain show on the river?

Jan. 20, 2021 | 12:55 p.m.

37:30 if I understand correctly, GTO is checking your hand on the river and jamming QT with Q of hearts?

Jan. 2, 2021 | 2:40 p.m.

What is the RNG software you are using?

Dec. 20, 2020 | 2:39 p.m.

July 8, 2020 | 3:33 p.m.

at 43:00, could we think check-jamming blank turns? He shouldnt have that many sets or straights either.

July 4, 2020 | 4:57 p.m.

Alot of great stuff, love the format of the video. Around 51:00 you say that villains will pot-bluff to you with non-nut flushblockers, if you check flop and turn and pot river. I would say this occurs almost never but I think it's still better to pot / bet v small than c-raise.

May 21, 2020 | 1:33 p.m.

On 6:50 you say that 6655ss plays poorly on 3 way all-ins. I think those small double pairs actually play quite nice if two player are expected to have high rundows or aces. Tjoughts?

May 8, 2020 | 12:37 a.m.

I disagree with betting small on the last hand. QJTx is just going to call and re-evaluate turn since Gump has alot of AA, KK, AKxx in his range. I think our hand needs to be stronger to bet small. Thoughts?

April 23, 2020 | 12:09 p.m.

Would you ever consider to 3bet the AQT2ddd on 21:00? Gump is clearly opening very loose, if he opens this KQT2ss. That would also prevent Tagult squeezing light.

Dec. 16, 2019 | 2:50 p.m.

The hand at 8:00, you said NERDguy is going to have alot of 77. I dont understand this is at all. Why is he going to have alot of 77?

Oct. 10, 2019 | 2:52 p.m.

Can you tell what hands are going to c/raise bluff the river? I think even most nines are just going to call/fold.

Oct. 10, 2019 | 10:53 a.m.

Regarding the AQo sb vs BB hand at 2:00, would you find some merits for bluffing with this hand on the river? You can still be valuebetting queens and jacks and all the really strong hands with this line when the turn goes check check. I would think IP barrels turns with his fd's so he is going to have a weak showdown hand alot.

Sept. 18, 2019 | 1:48 p.m.

Comment | A B commented on Deep Stack 6-Max PLO

28:30 why is OOP leading this flop as it shouldn't hit his 3betting range that much? I thought these middling rundowns are more in the flatting range of SB?

Aug. 7, 2019 | 10:02 a.m.

Comment | A B commented on $10k Horse (part 2)

In 44:30, do you think Ospina could sometimes 2-bet the AJ6r because Dario is propably opening very wide with the ace and might have some folds already on 3rd street or at least on 4th unimproved or is that play too spewy?

Aug. 5, 2019 | 1:56 a.m.

When you say at 16:30 that you wouldn't defend 653, wouldn't you defend it if it's all the same suit?

July 14, 2019 | 9:21 a.m.

Are there any scheduleded dates / times on this course or is it very flexible? I don't mind either way but flexible schedule would be better for me and would love to participate before WSOP and even during SCOOP.

May 11, 2019 | 10:55 p.m.

Why do you think the turn bet with 67o is so bad on the T735 double flush draw board?

March 16, 2019 | 1:59 p.m.

Comment | A B commented on Writing Your Own Book

Thanks for the long answer! So I read a bit about the memory palace technique and tried to implement it in Spanish verbs, I created 3x6 objects in the living room, first set being my speakers + the subwoofer (present), second set being the electrical equipment (imperfect), and the last being things to sit/lay on (future). I have two more groups for the preterite and conditional but I will study these later.

What I noticed was that for this techinque it was hard to use any wild imagination, I just tried placing the words in each object and kind of forming an arrow/line through the room to connect them in my mind. I did find some trouble in few of the forms, for example verb "ser" = to be something indefinete the imperfect for we is "Nosotros eramos" and the future is "Nosotros seremos". I found it difficult to remember this even if I repeated it many times.

Would it be better to learn the rules of the regular verbs first? And what I was thinking also is can I just start mashing all the 100 most used verbs in these 18 different places and be able to meorize them all this way?


April 5, 2018 | 2:03 p.m.

Comment | A B commented on Writing Your Own Book

How would you implement this Car Method in learning new languages? Would you just create images for the new words in similar way using your own language and place them on/in the car?

April 4, 2018 | 3:41 p.m.

Is there any point in folding this hand preflop to a 3bet as the 87 are really not good cards multiway and the 7 high flush is usually not good either?

March 27, 2018 | 11:47 a.m.

When you bluff the river with the AJT42 at 38:30, don't you think he will also have some straights in his range (checking back the turn to realize equity makes sense). Also I think you would like to checkraise most of the wraps on the flop. I understand that we are on the bottom of our range and he can't have much but I'm still not sure are we really underbluffing if we don't bluff with this hand?

Feb. 24, 2016 | 1:50 a.m.

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