teamsnacks's avatar


8 points

Seems fine with description given. After discussing this hand with a couple live grinders there is a mixed view. One player suggested flagging flop as if floating. This allows you to see the information of players left to act maybe you get two jams once you flat then you can fold. If no raise re evaluate turn and hope to get to cheap showdown. Or value what few good turns for your hand. This is a tough spot nonetheless.

Jan. 17, 2014 | 10:34 a.m.

Hey Dylan, great video. I recently purchased HR Calculator.. I noticed when you did your calc for the 55 spot in the $700 satty you left the payout structure as winner-take-all. You also use the "Future Game Simulation" calculation method. Can you elaborate on these options that you chose?

Dec. 29, 2013 | 3:52 p.m.

Post | teamsnacks posted in NLHE: Sauce

The Fans want more Sauce123 Vids!!! Please gogogo

Aug. 29, 2013 | 6:06 p.m.

takes 10mins to explain villains range in the first hand of the video?

May 20, 2013 | 6:42 p.m.

Great series. Personally would love to see more tournament videos from you. While this may not be as "sexy" as your ultra-deep cash videos.. this was the first PLO MTT video I've ever come across and I really enjoyed it.

March 30, 2013 | 1:37 a.m.

If the players are getting under your skin asking for a chop by all means call the floor. They have no right to goad you in to chopping. See Lee Jone's behavior at the 7M Sunday Million FT

March 30, 2013 | 1:32 a.m.

really happy i get to see this, next vid seems like a can't miss if the table holds for a bit. great work.

March 2, 2013 | 10:17 a.m.

Hand History | teamsnacks posted in MTT: 24 left in the Bigger 109
CO: 323907
BN: 116161
SB: 638209
BB: 639231 (Hero)
UTG: 607367
UTG1: 350743
LJ: 243418
HJ: 711350
Preflop (18000) (8 Players)
Hero was dealt J J
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, HJ raises to 24000, CO folds, BN raises to 114661, and is all in, SB calls 108661

Feb. 20, 2013 | 8:17 p.m.

I completely agree with your metagame reasoning. If you can be deeper with position on the fish your theoretical ROI skyrockets. However, if you just check back the turn and end up losing the hand it's not like your theoretical ROI plummets to the same degree. If you check and lose you're still 65BB deep in a absurdly slow structured tournament. The fish will still be on your right for the remainder of the day. You still have the image of being full-of-sh*t and very likely to be paid off by everyone at the table. Most importantly, you're still in the tournament.

I don't agree with you saying he's going to fold some jacks and call with others. If he's capable of making this call he's going to make it with any jack he called the flop with (AJ, KJ, JT). He's clearly to the level of thinking that your sizing is not balanced, that you would try and extract more value with made hands by making a smaller bet. It's not online so he doesn't have the luxury of easily knowing the pot/stack ratio but we can assume he knows that your shove is an overbet. I think that in his mind an overbet polarizes your range and possibly based on game flow he thinks you are almost never for value with this sizing.

You asked for comments regarding video content:

Especially because this is a live hand (as opposed to online) I think you should have gone in to much, much more depth about your table image and previous hands (because those dynamics are infinitely more important live versus online). Have you overbet any streets before (value or air)? How often have you been 3betting? How often have you been in 3b pots vs the big stack villain? What hands have you ben able to show down? That would have solidified your reasons for making this play. You vaguely go over the fact that you've been involved in pots but haven't been winning many of them. There should be more information given about gameflow dynamics that relate to this particular hand. For example had you overbet the nuts on the river and been able to show the hand, this play gets far more credit, regardless of your otherwise spewy image.

FWIW, I enjoy videos like this much more than videos where the author clicks through the hands and acts as a Pokernews reporter.

Feb. 10, 2013 | 10:22 p.m.

James I think the most interesting spot is the 99 vs cl 4x. I am slightly surprised that you were not watching the other table with 2 left because it seems uber important how the 100bb cl is playing when you combine. As far the hand itself I felt like given all factors your hand is a clear flat pre and the shove to be out of line with the keep risk down mindset. You have 2x the stack of the shorty and are a comfortable 40bbs deep, this Villain who we have seen open limp JJ from the hijack 7 handed as the cl, limp fold the sb as cl and also seen full3x 3bet and show his AK. Now he makes his first open of the entire ft, the very next hand after showing a nice holding, and he makes that open 4x, to me this SCREAMS strength, I don't believe from this player that this can be anything but a premium hand, and even if that is a bit presumptuous there is nothing wrong playing 99 with a 4-1 spr, at least we are not risking tourney life and our gorgeous position/stack. Plus this type of player( the type who plays tight and shows his nice cards) is going to be super honest post where anything over 1 bet means a strong holding.

I know you are going to release some killer videos and this one was good place to start. Cheers

Dec. 20, 2012 | 6:44 a.m.

Ben Sulsky as guest or full time pro oneeeeeeeee time??????

Dec. 18, 2012 | 9:48 a.m.

Villain has the Jc in his hand, you get to decide if he could really pull it on you.

Dec. 18, 2012 | 8:15 a.m.

You have 5k posts on another board, he has 3k on same board and withing the last 2 months had a 700k score. I feel like that is information that might have been useful to your thought processes vs him overall and that information was readily available. Use every tool you have at your disposal to increase your win rate. Tough spot regardless.

Dec. 18, 2012 | 7:34 a.m.

Not sure it matters much in this spot but you should certainly know who statusup is

Dec. 17, 2012 | 3:58 a.m.

Live vids are so much better, esp if its only a few tournaments so we get your A focus on every spot

Dec. 16, 2012 | 10:18 a.m.

20 minutes for the first hand on how to make an awful line and get there? This was a painfully slow video

Dec. 11, 2012 | 12:59 a.m.

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