teamcavemen's avatar


2 points

September was a pretty good month. Sold between 50-80% on every mtt above 55, most with mark up so didnt lose much there at all. Happy with results up to 55. Havent played in 3 weeks now but starting today I will get some games in. Im gonna try and make this "blog" a little more active by posting some hands that I played horrible or semi-good, or are funny to me.

Oct. 21, 2014 | 4:27 p.m.

the antes are 1/5th of the bb

Sept. 25, 2014 | 11:33 a.m.

Some more info: pf he will flat a lot of the hands that are two pair on this runout (j7o j8o k8 k7 k4s etc, and a lot of heart combos, and jammed the river within 5 seconds (2tabling)

Sept. 25, 2014 | 2:11 a.m.

Hand History | teamcavemen posted in MTT: Wcoop 215 big antes, KQo
SB: 111249 (Hero)
BB: 136866
UTG: 265049
UTG1: 136946
LJ: 627185
HJ: 179594
CO: 123924
BN: 70804
Bb is good aggro HS-mtter, thats all I can really say about him.
Preflop (6000) (8 Players)
Hero was dealt Q K
UTG raises to 8879, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, CO calls 8879, BN folds, Hero calls 6879, BB calls 4879
In hindsight I like a squeeze way more than a flat here.
Flop (35516) 8 K 7 (4 Players)
Hero checks, BB checks, UTG checks, CO checks
Turn (35516) 8 K 7 J (4 Players)
Hero bets 18992, BB calls 18992, UTG folds, CO folds
River (73500) 8 K 7 J 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets 91885

Sept. 25, 2014 | 1:47 a.m.

August: Was on a holiday to Lisbon (awesome city) and after that had a multi day festival and obv got sick after that. I played 46 games on stars in that last graph.  I sold a package for WCOOP and will be playing a lot of monster sessions which naturally have more stars mtts in them this month.

Lol volume and results:

September goals apart from WCOOP: 

-1500 games

-40%+ roi

-Skipping the 50eu's because I focus too much on them, leading to non-optimal play in both the 50eus and the other mtts I have going on. 


-Dont brick them all.


Sept. 1, 2014 | 5:47 p.m.

July: Decent downswing in the middle but glad I recovered, reached the roi goal and won 5 mtts instead of 3 in june but again smaller ones, I had 2 3rd places that were bigger than any 1st.   Lacked a bit in the volume part.

Aug. 1, 2014 | 1:33 p.m.

Last month was alright, ton of final tables but couldnt win any of the bigger ones. Failed to get above 40% roi (30something) but got enough volume in which is good.

Sharkscope has missed about 250 games for some reason and has me up 2kish too much, not sure what went wrong.

Finishing positions:

So the plan for this month:

- 1k games

- 40% roi

- Get more 1st places than 3/55


July 1, 2014 | 11:14 p.m.

Hand History | teamcavemen posted in MTT: 50eu 6max, 7 left topset.
SB: 212460
BB: 259440 (Hero)
CO: 169774
BN: 1480866
Preflop (24000) (4 Players)
CO folds, BN raises to 32000, SB folds, Hero calls 16000
Flop (72000) J A 6 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets 26667, Hero calls 26667
Turn (125334) J A 6 7 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets 44445, Hero raises to 198773, and is all in, BN folds
Final Pot
Hero wins 376552

June 26, 2014 | 12:44 p.m.

Oh and math on bounty's/progressive ko's

June 12, 2014 | 2:47 p.m.

I would love a video where the math behind late regging/rebuying/add-on gets explained, in mtts like action hour, 1r1a 3r1a etc.

June 11, 2014 | 1:04 p.m.

I would love a video where the math behind late regging/rebuying/add-on gets explained, in mtts like action hour, 1r1a 3r1a etc

June 11, 2014 | 1:02 p.m.

Sup guys, 

Just busted my last mtt so here is a little write up of the first days after vacation.

Grinded saturday with alright  results, was up 800ish after getting 2nd and 6th in two $50 fo's on party and some random cashes. Played decent, always a bit rusty after 1.5 weeks off. Had a lot of 8th-18th places on sunday and monday, and a 3rd in a 5euro rebuy on ipoker. Had a high stakes reg 5bet shoving 89o on me (BTN vs SB) in the Party $50 12.5k for the chiplead with 17 or so left which was funny. Back to break even now.

Ill post a graph of those days tomorrow when sharkscope gets all the games, so for now you'll have to do with this one, graph filtered for >100bb pf  in all my mtts this year. 

Im curious what other people have on my stakes?

@Dialingup420: Yes :)

@Advenje: Im sticking to the Bigs for now, when I'm starting a session Ill add 11r/action hour/22 deepstack and such.

@Iwinufail: Ty!


June 3, 2014 | 1:36 a.m.

Nice vid overall, I just have a few comments.

at 16:20 I much prefer flatting 69s with your stacksize, and 3betting Q2o or something. Like you said it leaves you with a worse stacksize if he jams, and its a good hand to see a really cheap flop with.

18:30 I usually check back that spot, it looks like OR is giving up a lot. with checking back you  underrep/disguise your hand, trying to look like youre potcontrolling with jx or worse pairs. when the river bricks and you valuebet he is gonna hero you a lot with hands that would only pay off the turn anyway. besides that youre blocking his worse fd's and straightdraws, and I doubt he is gonna c/shove those instead of betting turn with himself with his stacksize.

31:44 I prefer raising t8o, i think he is limp/folding enough to make it the better option. 


May 29, 2014 | 6:56 p.m.

agree with this, 77 is too vulnerable to check back here.

May 29, 2014 | 6:03 p.m.

Sup guys, 

Got back from vacation yesterday and decided to make a "pgc" 2+2 style here but without risking the taxman getting after my ass! Sorry if I keep things vague :P.

About me: just turned 26, born/living in a city famous for weed/hookers and what not. Quit studying about 12 months ago and started playing poker seriously to make some money. Got a backing/coaching deal for the first ~8 months which basically learnt me how to beat lowstake MTTs at a decent clip. Got another deal with way more % for me after that. I'm still playing the same games as I was 6 months ago, and while my deal would allow me to play higher, I just dont because I always fear getting deep in make up/losing for several months. So a better route for me to follow is to build up an own roll and move up when the roll allows. So I'm hoping to go on my own as soon as possible and go from there. 

Graph: (missing 10k-ish from 888)

Avg buyin is now around $20.

My daily schedule is 95% mtts up to 55 fo's and 11euR's, and then some higher and lower mixed in. Playing 4-5 sites and just avoiding high variance/low roi games such as turbos or tough games on stars. I'm pretty happy with the progress Ive made so far in terms of studying, reviewing to get better, the volume is just way too low imo. Ive played just over 600 games a month on average while being a full time pro, which is a big joke imo.

Goals starting now untill june are simple: play 1k+ mtts and roi above 40%! 


May 29, 2014 | 5:35 p.m.

How did you calculate the average EQ of your Callingrange in the  J775ss?

March 4, 2014 | 8:06 a.m.

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