tconservani's avatar


18 points

nice job on all the videos like these, how I can gat my MTT review ath this nivel? you are selecting new members?

May 24, 2021 | 5:39 a.m.


You choose a HH ir nota yet ?

If do, this POST maybe need to be finished.

May 27, 2019 | 3:41 p.m.

Great Raphael,

I think Flop size o the adujstment, and on that River I Think I prefere to bet small andnfor to a Raise, worse hands call a thin value bet, and best ones Raise us andnwe fold. Its sucks but os a clear fold for ther raise

May 22, 2019 | 12:48 p.m.

Nice Vid !

I love this kind of pro review

May 22, 2019 | 12:42 p.m.

Nice !

But O think in this situations ther overall strategy doesnt change a Lot beacause math behind. You could play more games, more agressive and so on, but, nota to much, If you do that math os not in your side, younplay many pote without por odds, without enough fold equity and só on.

In this case, neste scenario os tô run some SIMs on HRC/Icmizer/PIO/CReV, tight ? No easy answer.

May 22, 2019 | 12:40 p.m.

Hey Angel,

Great discussion There on 2+2, but do you think that the PIO Sims até valid ? I Just use PIO for posflop, and I see that ranges for PIO sim are GTO but Far from reality.

Population on SB doesnt use that strategy e on BB neither too. Maybe need to adjuste SB strategy woth node Lock and SIam again for BB solutions, or node Lock BB range and SIMs for SB, its possible?

May 22, 2019 | 12:33 p.m.

Comment | tconservani commented on preflop gto ranges

Cheap I think not, but manter sites have then Around $1000 for a group of Sims and $4000 for a package

May 22, 2019 | 12:16 p.m.


PIO Sims had some limp ranges, does you think this is good for study? Anyone bought this ranges ?

8-max 30bb 12.5% Ante: 2.3bb, 3x 3bet IP, 3.5x from SB, 4x BB, Squeeze 3.5x IP, 4x SB, 4.3x bb. BTN limp

8-max 25bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, 2x Open, 2.8x ISO IP, 3.5x ISO OOP, 3x 3bet IP, 3.5x OOP.

8-max 20bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, min raise, all in open. 2.8x/all in iso sizing IP, 3.5/all in OOP, calls from BTN. 3bet, 4bet all in.

8-max 15bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, min raise, all in open. 2.8x/all in iso sizing IP, 3.5/all in OOP, calls from BTN. 3bet, 4bet all in.

8-max 10bb 12.5% Ante: Limp, 2x open, 2.5x iso IP vs LP limp, 2.8x OOP, All in 3bet.


May 22, 2019 | 12:13 p.m.

Hi, nice vid !

Lucas, do you think thats is a good option to use pre-flop solver in these spots ? PIO preflop solver is so good as monkeysolver preflop ? for booth ranges prefer to use PIO solutions for preflop or use your experience to adjust ranges, like the combos and weight you choose.

In spots like this I think I squueze a lot, maybe unbalanced range like include Kx as K9o, K8o and some K9s too, and a Mix of bad aces.

May 8, 2019 | 2:09 a.m.

Great vid Sr !

Hard spots and I agree that had too much value to extract There. Nice to learn with the prós, I AM a microlimit player.

May 3, 2019 | 1:31 a.m.

Hey man !

As played I think that was a standart fold, because you dont have odds to call, and of course de ICM/risk Premium onnthe hand.

On the Flop, O think irá a good check raise opportunity, what you think? Check raise Flop and shove manter turns.

April 15, 2019 | 11:27 a.m.

Me too, +55 11 998138887

July 6, 2018 | 6:30 p.m.

Flop, maybe bet/call, turn check/call and river check/fold ?

July 6, 2018 | 6:05 p.m.

I think it depends ! If BB call a lot preflop, but fold more than common on flops, is a good thing to win more chips on long run.

Maybe If BB is short or He is an a agressive/good player we have to increase the preflop size ?

July 1, 2018 | 2:38 p.m.


Is correct to assume that in situations where I think that had fold equity is better to take aggressive line with shove because the EV equation and where I think have a little or no fold equity I just call e play turn ? Because Without fold equity with a hand that need to improve is better try to see a chipiest turn and maybe fold (ICM, survive). But if I had a hand that hit flop (like a set) I need to apply pressure and deny equity to villain range ?

July 1, 2018 | 2:27 p.m.

July 1, 2018 | 2:19 p.m.


About PIO I think that no one except you can simulate that spot, If I try to simulate that for you I need to know booth preflop ranges, the range that villain c/r flop (almost players doesnt react in the same way the solver). So any simulations can try differents round strategys, I use pure 1/1 and not 1/5 and in this case my solver simulate one action for the same combo (easy to remember later).

Dont believe on a simulations that you dont run with the exact informations you had.

July 1, 2018 | 2:17 p.m.

Hi Pedro !

Ty ! I need to put a lot of work on this, and I'm recreative player, so without any tips matbe I put a lot of work on wrong direction.

And congrat for your video here ! GL

July 1, 2018 | 2:04 p.m.

Do you see that the pros sit and search for fishs, but when the game come more serius, with more regulars like Dwan and Jungle sit in, the pros like Antonious live the game, no space to ego anymore, High Cash games are the most insteligent pros, and they play few pots with other pros, like the Patrick Anotnius fold KJs afters 4bet Durrr 5x with 85s

June 24, 2018 | 2:52 p.m.

Tanks man ! good look on tables !

June 5, 2018 | 1:46 a.m.

Hi guys, any stduty tips with PIO ? Aggregate report is good, but Its pratical ? any spreadsheets, graphs or notes to remember and fix the learnigs stuffs ? I did some randows work, review hands from tourneys and cash zoom but I didint learn the max I think. Then I try to do a lot of repetitions, like BTN vs BB with big and a little SPR, 50BB stacks, 30, and 20BB effective, same positions and a lot of boards, and again BTN vs CO, UTG vs BTN and so on, note things like cbet flushdraws and backdoors nuts but not backdoors non nuts on flops x y and z, cbet more vs non check raises spots and so on, but still a little to learning! Any method to use ? note docs or excel spreedsheets to learning more ?

June 4, 2018 | 10:56 a.m.

Hi guys, any stduty tips with PIO ? Generate spreadsheets, graphs or notes to remember and fix the learnigs stuffs ? I did some randows work, review hands from tourneys and cash zoom but I didint learn the max I think. Then I try to do a lot of repetitions, like BTN vs BB with big and a little SPR, 50BB stacks, 30, and 20BB effective, same positions and a lot of boards, and again BTN vs CO, UTG vs BTN and so on, note things like cbet flushdraws and backdoors nuts but not backdoors non nuts on flops x y and z, cbet more vs non check raises spots and so on, but still a little to learning! Any method to use ? note docs or excel spreedsheets to learning more ?

June 1, 2018 | 12:37 p.m.

Hi guys, any stduty tips with PIO ? Generate spreadsheets, graphs or notes to remember and fix the learnigs stuffs ? I did some randows work, review hands from tourneys and cash zoom but I didint learn the max I think. Then I try to do a lot of repetitions, like BTN vs BB with big and a little SPR, 50BB stacks, 30, and 20BB effective, same positions and a lot of boards, and again BTN vs CO, UTG vs BTN and so on, note things like cbet flushdraws and backdoors nuts but not backdoors non nuts on flops x y and z, cbet more vs non check raises spots and so on, but still a little to learning! Any method to use ? note docs or excel spreedsheets to learning more ?

June 1, 2018 | 12:36 p.m.

Hi guys, any stduty tips with PIO ? Generate spreadsheets, graphs or notes to remember and fix the learnigs stuffs ? I did some randows work, review hands from tourneys and cash zoom but I didint learn the max I think. Then I try to do a lot of repetitions, like BTN vs BB with big and a little SPR, 50BB stacks, 30, and 20BB effective, same positions and a lot of boards, and again BTN vs CO, UTG vs BTN and so on, note things like cbet flushdraws and backdoors nuts but not backdoors non nuts on flops x y and z, cbet more vs non check raises spots and so on, but still a little to learning! Any method to use ? note docs or excel spreedsheets to learning more ?

June 1, 2018 | 12:35 p.m.

Hi guys,

I prefer just 3bet or fold strategy in this kind of spot. Versus loose guy 3bet as value. Versus tight 3bet as bluff or fold.

Feb. 23, 2016 | 12:25 p.m.


Start with MATH, only this !

I recommend you to see the Mathew Janda book, applications of no limit, He explain very well the math involved and expected EV of 3bet or 4/5 bet. He talks about frequencies, ranges e fold equity too.

Good read !

Feb. 23, 2016 | 12:12 p.m.


I think you may raise fold with botton of your range against a rock, If BB, SB and BTN are so tight and fold a lot to steal LP you adjuste your range to raise/fold and raise/call.

July 17, 2015 | 6:58 p.m.

Hi everyone, same place aswell, I study a lot, want to help e to be helped too, not so good english but for poker I talk as need to study.

Skype, teamviewer... Using flopzilla, cardrunnerev, equilab, pokertracker4

July 17, 2015 | 11:31 a.m.

If I was better shove or use raise/call and raise/fold ?
If Stacks are little more like 20BB and 18BB and I was I BB and SB miniraise, may I 3bet/fold or 3bet/call with this stack ?

July 16, 2015 | 3:20 p.m.


I think here because was a TAG player, raise/fold was pretty nice

July 16, 2015 | 2:31 p.m.

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