4 points
Hi Ben Sulsky, can you clarify and expand on what you mean by "It's not the case that playing explo with a given hand class decreases the EV of our range." This seems like a rather important concept that I am missing.
Feb. 6, 2019 | 5:10 a.m.
Thank you for the video Juan. I actually quite enjoyed it. It was simple and gets to the point. I also learned a few neat tricks and recognized a leak of my own. Playing as the OOP player in a 3BP is not something that I've put much work into and as a result I lack a good understanding on what I am supposed to defend and how. I play this spot almost entirely by intuition which is going to be very incorrect. I don't even know how to construct a proper check-raise strategy and I am quite surprised that we are supposed to check-raise so often in all your sims. Do you have any heuristics or tips on how to play as the OOP player in a 3BP? How to construct a check-raise range, etc.
Feb. 3, 2019 | 9:01 p.m.
I don't like betting this flop w 55 vs rec bb or reg. not much value to be had and it will make turns and rivers very hard to play. this flop has all sorts of hands that will float it that is unpaired. very easy to be c/r by those hands too. so no I'm sorry but I disagree with your analysis. river is interesting i can see both options having merit.
Jan. 19, 2019 | 6:41 p.m.
I think his range is stronger too when he checks. his op needs less protection but still should be betting qq jj tt 99. aa can check this flop a lot and kk. doesn't make sense to start betting his over card hands on this turn given its better for ip range than op. so unless he is a complete idiot river should be a fold. I'm trying to think of bluffs..55 maybe? but not gonna be in his 3b range. t9s that didn't bet flop doesn't make sense. I think with all this gives us more reason to fold. all his over cards/air will be betting flop. did you consider betting flop? I think a protection bet would give you more clarity especially if he c/r flop you can call fold turn but not this turn. then fold riv for sure. that seems exploitable tho so I like your line
Jan. 19, 2019 | 6:23 p.m.
never folding 88 vs bb unless he makes it an absurd size which he didn't
Jan. 19, 2019 | 6:20 p.m.
Having the 9s blocks 9t but also blocks some fds so meh. I think its really close. I have seen recs do this with worse pairs. he should be betting this flop a lot so the check is weird. I think a call is good fold is ok too
Jan. 19, 2019 | 6:17 p.m.
ya he could be trapping but its very easy to get away on riv. his range is doing so much better overall but I think vs limp call/call/c/c I like a bet
Jan. 18, 2019 | 2:54 p.m.
na holf pot seems fine esp w/out a club. river can comfortably bet vs two checks. 40-50%
Jan. 18, 2019 | 2:53 p.m.
I think around half vs fish. maybe even 40-45.
Jan. 18, 2019 | 2:27 a.m.
this is interesting question. I just watched the triple threat vid and he goes over this exact situation. saying that optimally it should be a check but metagame wise vs this particular player type to bet explo since his value range plus strong semi bluffs will want to bet big given that 8x and 6x will over fold. I almost answered this question based on that he just went over this and how could you have not understood but then remembered that it was another video. so watch the triple threat vid if you haven't already.
Dec. 26, 2018 | 3:32 a.m.
I wouldn't mind a check on the flop cuz it doesn't hit our range well and draws are doing decent vs any over pairs really. I think you will find it easier to play to. say you c/c flop now that turn hits you a lot more often and villain will play pretty honestly. but as played blocking a lot of hands you want him to have like QJ Qxdd call turn and reevaluate river.
Hi Kevin Rabichow, thank you for the video. I have a few questions I hope you can address:
1. It looks like you've set your exploitability to roughly 2.5bb/100 which you said is not highly accurate but suitable for the analysis you are doing. I typically see people recommend accuracy of .5% or .25% which usually results in an exploitability of more than 2.5bb/100. My question is, in your opinion, what is acceptable accuracy for broad analysis and precise analysis?
2. It looks like the difference between the 33% and 75% bet-size is about 1bb/100. Is the difference of 1bb/100 really worth using a larger bet-size given the smaller bet-size is easier to implement and balance?
3. Do you have any suggestions or heuristics on how to implement a mixed strategy such as the 75% bet-size with some level of accuracy? This seems to be one of the most difficult things to do.
Feb. 11, 2019 | 1:04 a.m.