1 points
Yeah not discussing pre
super standard
Aug. 27, 2015 | 10:50 a.m.
SB: $11.82
BB: $30.57
UTG: $26.24
MP: $25.00
CO: $48.00
Rake is $0.20
Aug. 27, 2015 | 7:26 a.m.
SB: $148.59
BB: $56.82
UTG: $36.62 (Hero)
MP: $25.35
CO: $32.69
Aug. 27, 2015 | 7:22 a.m.
SB: $31.54
BB: $25.66
UTG: $20.67
MP: $26.15
CO: $26.25 (Hero)
Aug. 27, 2015 | 7:19 a.m.
Do you reckon leading A/K/Q turns is good with bluffs/hands since it improves our range a lot after calling the flop bet?
Aug. 26, 2015 | 3:40 a.m.
Aug. 26, 2015 | 2:17 a.m.
I was going to check back but the more I think about it the more I think betting is the better play. I have literally all boats here. QQ AA AT QT etc where as he basically has none. If I check back the river then I only win the pot the x% of the time I have the better hand. However if I bet then I win the pot 100% of the time because he can never call me. If he calls then he is still making a mistake because he will be wrong most of the time. Or is my thinking just muddled here?
Aug. 26, 2015 | 2:17 a.m.
SB: $28.29
BB: $62.31
UTG: $29.94
MP: $30.72
CO: $51.41
Rake is $0.63
Aug. 25, 2015 | 2:01 p.m.
SB: $27.23
BB: $36.10 (Hero)
UTG: $27.27
MP: $25.93
CO: $39.94
Aug. 25, 2015 | 1:52 p.m.
SB: $42.66 (Hero)
BB: $11.91
UTG: $21.86
MP: $30.34
CO: $25.78
Aug. 25, 2015 | 1:48 p.m.
Weird situation currently where I play better with 4 tables up compared to 1-2. I used to start up 1-2 tables to warm up then go full throttle with 4 but recently just started loading up 4 at one go. Seems weird that I play better with four tables but I think it's because I just play hands and forget about past actions. Especially easy scenarios where I 3bet pre and can c/f missed flops that hit his range hard but seem to get angry when I'm only playing 1 table.
Current bankroll at 1k and will take 50nl shots at 2k bankroll probs or 1500 if I'm feeling good.
Want to post mass hands but still can't figure out how 0o0o0o0
Aug. 20, 2015 | 2:40 p.m.
In general I prefer 3betting and as a standard I check back flop but have seen some people bomb this hand off to make up for all their AA/KK and merge it when they hit an Ace or a King so was just questioning myself
Aug. 19, 2015 | 4:51 a.m.
SB: $25.35
BB: $34.72
UTG: $28.07
MP: $110.18 (Hero)
CO: $46.84
UTG wins $10.95
Rake is $0.52
Aug. 19, 2015 | 1:05 a.m.
SB: $78.08 (Hero)
BB: $24.63
UTG: $21.05
MP: $29.25
CO: $26.86
Aug. 19, 2015 | 1:01 a.m.
Currently still just skipping through the limits and currently at 25nl and might stick here for a while working on my game. Games seem easy but most of my battles currently seem to be with myself and my thought process in game. I feel like I have IP cbetting down pat but OOP giving me a head fuck in a lot of situations. Wanting to upload some hands but don't know how on this site. Would appreciate if anyone could link me a tutorial or w.e
Aug. 19, 2015 | 12:55 a.m.
I should definitely look into restricting myself to only cash games.
First week been rocky and played some hands with a without hud. Currently sitting at $166 br. Games seem really soft atm so I might just make 5 more buyins at 16nl and take a 5 buyin shot.
Graph so far will post hands later
Aug. 14, 2015 | 11:59 a.m.
I seem to have posted this in the wrong section
Anyway to move it please?
Aug. 11, 2015 | 3:11 p.m.
Hello All,
Recreational player here. Started playing since end of last year and mainly been playing zoom on stars and been splurging around on other variants here and there. Beating 10z 16z over big sample and made around 2k lifetime it seems but always seem to lose it all on MTTS/SnGs/SitNGos after grinding a roll on some random splurge.
My 10nl zoom graph
My 16nl zoom graph
I deposited $50 again after wasting my roll again on Spin and Gos.
Goals for this thread will include:
Hitting 100z by the end of the year
Sticking only to zoom games
Trying to study outside of the tables
40k+ hands per month
Yes from all positions besides SB
Aug. 27, 2015 | 2:58 p.m.