Jeffrey Pringle's avatar

Jeffrey Pringle

6 points

Don't fold and top pair hand and he will get in line when he figures out you don't fold.

Sept. 8, 2016 | 4 a.m.

Forget any history, all of his chips are in the pot. There are only two hands that beat you. He can have AJ, A7, J7, not to mention some sort of double draw that includes KdQd10d9d8d. I am always calling in this spot and felling like I have 70% almost always here because I think he raises 77 pre flop and 33 50% and AJ 50% of the time. I like your hand.

Sept. 8, 2016 | 3:51 a.m.

Lets assume his range looks like AA,KK,QQ,KQ, KJ, J10, 108, J8, JJ,1010, 88, 99, 44, AsKs, AsQs, Ks9s and Q9, all of these hands would or could play the turn the same way, except maybe AsQs and AsKs which could possibly find a logical fold. When he leads the river for $800 it looks to me like he doesn't want to call more than $800 or he doesn't want to miss a value bet if he has 2 pair or better and let you check behind with your one pair hand that raised the turn. You say he's decent, so that means he is a thinking player and is very very aware you have a hand and are probably calling 85% of the time if not 100%. It very well might not be a value bet but rather a max call blocking bet that will fold to a jam and save the other half of his stack. Its NEVER a bluff.

Sept. 8, 2016 | 3:18 a.m.

Comment | Jeffrey Pringle commented on $10/20 6max

I will be kind of critical here. If you are not going to open the hand or 4 bet it, then you can't play it. 70% + of his raising range has you in really bad shape and the raise alone make your hand extremely hard to play with really bad reverse implied odd's. It's kind of like... Ok I misplayed this had 1 or 2 times already and now I have second pair no kicker against his raising range, I have to lead and fold to a raise or check fold because I can't call a raise and be able to continue on any turn that's not a 10 or a Q. Even then you are not in love with your hand. If you had chosen to lead the turn after calling a raise, your hand looks so massively strong he can't continue without having the best hand. Sometimes it's so hard to just pick another spot and step away from the mouse. I like to say.... Shit I just got raised here for $190 more, if I fold now I am guaranteed to make $190.

Sept. 8, 2016 | 2:42 a.m.

would love to join, Skype or in person hit me on FB jeffrey.pringle.18

Sept. 8, 2016 | 2:19 a.m.

Thank you so much for the hard work in making this video. It really helped my with some of my unanswered questions. Some of us less math intense guys want to think about these concepts but have a hard time finding a starting point to develop good foundations from. I play exclusively high states live games, mostly 9 handed and I hope to draw on some of your thoughts in the near future.

Sept. 5, 2016 | 3:30 a.m.

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