Scott Hall
30 points
Do people really still play this bad on stars? I need to get back on there.... (obv not you Jason, you're a hero, but everyone else.... sheesh)
May 30, 2015 | 6:04 a.m.
mm tough spot. looks like it has to be a fold on paper but it's kinda hard to put either on a flush or AA. esp the first guy. Cole could definitely have like 57hh type hand tho. iono i think i say fold but idk if i would. Please post results eventually? i'd like to see what they had cuz this action is pretty weird.
Dec. 27, 2012 | 5:48 p.m.
He is representing way too narrow of a range and people play way too fancy these days for me to want to fold this.
Dec. 22, 2012 | 8:31 a.m.
I thought you posted the hand to brag about final tabling a sunday major
Dec. 9, 2012 | 9:11 a.m.
Agree with the bet turn, check/call brick rivers. Obviously owning his missed straight draws is part of it, but, I think having the nut 7 is crucial. On this turn I expect us to be able to value bet against other 7s and I don't expect villain to be capable of betting dicey rivers with that showdown value (i.e. Js river with 78cc) so we can check/call or check/fold on river with pretty good accuracy if that read is correct. With 78s i'd be way more inclined to c/f turn but it's close bc we can still soul read J9dd on a 3c river. But you value own yourself when he has better 7s, so the difference is huge.
As for sizing I would make it an amount where I can accomplish 3 things:
1. threaten to 3b jam if he raises (a move I might make with certain hands in my range but obv not with this hand)
2. discourage him from bluffing or semi bluffing
3. encourage 7x to call.
I think the sizing in the op looks good, maybe a little more.
As for bluffing the river, I think you are just getting to be a little fancy even thinking about it (although obv you want to make that play if it's best.) but in this spot I mean if it's a dry river he could call thinking that we missed a draw, and if the river completes a draw then he could have that hand. You could possibly come up with rivers where it would be best to crai but it's tough to process all that information accurately and quickly to make it in the moment and therefore overall it is best to just have a bit safer gameplan in a tough readless bvb spot in a soft tourney.
expandAs for sizing I would make it an amount where I can accomplish 3 things:
1. threaten to 3b jam if he raises (a move I might make with certain hands in my range but obv not with this hand)
2. discourage him from bluffing or semi bluffing
3. encourage 7x to call.
I think the sizing in the op looks good, maybe a little more.
As for bluffing the river, I think you are just getting to be a little fancy even thinking about it (although obv you want to make that play if it's best.) but in this spot I mean if it's a dry river he could call thinking that we missed a draw, and if the river completes a draw then he could have that hand. You could possibly come up with rivers where it would be best to crai but it's tough to process all that information accurately and quickly to make it in the moment and therefore overall it is best to just have a bit safer gameplan in a tough readless bvb spot in a soft tourney.
Dec. 9, 2012 | 8:48 a.m.
r/gii is bad vs these stacks/players. But, I think you should have a small pct open/fold range here and that it should include hands right below your open/gii range and so it is just whether or not 88 plays as well as other possible hands in that range. I think it's really close and would depend on my own read of table dynamics. In this particular spot I think you are gonna get a ton of credit for a hand (and rightfully so, you folded 88 afterall) so I think 88 would be in my open/fold range but it wouldn't get much wider than that.
Dec. 9, 2012 | 7:03 a.m.
All results loaded
Doing great Jason. Good video btw, look forward to the rest. Maybe we can meet up in Vegas. Take care!
May 30, 2015 | 7:19 a.m.