Ugur Ozgur Secılmıs
29 points
nice video it is obvious you really worked on it i appreciate. Could you also share your results like winrate of sb and bb cc and calling 3bet ?
July 8, 2015 | 9:37 p.m.
at min 3 you x/f Js7c9h9c on Ad6d5c but at min 9 x/c Jh5d7d7h As3s4s could you pls explain why?
July 1, 2015 | 11:29 p.m.
totally right it is my bad i forgot you are small blind. Lets say you are bb so you have any pocket pair. Do you prefer donk bet in that spot?
June 30, 2015 | 6:06 p.m.
at min 1 with 66 you check on the flop. I usually like making a donk bet here with a plan playing aggro but you dont even consider it. Do you think donking is a bad option? Whats your plan if you face a bet on flop?
June 29, 2015 | 1:37 a.m.
at min 3 x/r Kc8c on TcJh4h. Im not sure if it is a good x/r i never do it on that texture because we never have TT or JJ. Also i think J4 is not strong enough to x/r.
at min 3:35 why do you 3bet utg open with 99 ? I know when it is deep callers range is wider but it is harder to relazie equtiy and his utg open is always strong specially in such a tough line up.
June 23, 2015 | 1:52 a.m.
i think Kanu7 doesnt play with his own money PS stake him so it is easy to spew money. Very well redbaron respect !!! I wish i could hear his laughs when he takes the pot. Btw kanu7 says akward but i think calling w KJo is more akward.
June 8, 2015 | 10:19 p.m.
at min 3 Ah4c please explain why u call river bet because it is a snap fold for me he already put money in on two streets so that makes his river bet stronger.
March 7, 2015 | 12:59 a.m.
I think everybody agree that villian's raise is a mistake both for value and bluff right?. If he bluffs we have a lot good hands to continue and if he raises for value we punish him by folding these kind of hands which we may continue by betting so he can not extract value.
March 3, 2015 | 12:34 a.m.
About JcTc hand min 16 are you sure if it is a positive EV play to call on flop? At first glance it looks like an easy call but i think it is not. Could you pls try to prove it in a mathmetical way?
March 1, 2015 | 10:15 p.m.
1) at min 6 Ac4c on turn you call his turn cbet. It looks like very standart but i think it is not.
Actually vs that opponent you played it perfectly because he pays off with his set on river. IMO we shouldnt call turn bet most of the time specially vs believer opponents because Your hand is too face up there is no bluff you could rep so mostly we dont have any implied odds and we can bleed money on 7 or 3 river.
2) at min 10 8s7s you tell opponent dodges a lot and you want to be tricky but with our current hand dont we actually want him to fold? I also think we should check back on river vs a dodger.
Jan. 14, 2015 | 1:31 a.m.
yeah vid is great but im TILTED why u didnt tile tables?
Jan. 10, 2015 | 1:09 p.m.
Hi at 16min on table 1 with Ad7d you turn your hand into a bluff so could tell me more about reasons. This is a hand i never x/r on flop.
Jan. 9, 2015 | 3:04 p.m.
at min 31 u dont cbet with AJo. When stacks get deeper i understand that playing 3bet pots oop with offsuit brodway cards get more difficult to play but his calling range is also looser. If you cbet with AK,AQ IMO u should also add AJ in your cbet range. If your plan is betting 2 streets with AJ again cbetting on flop is better because you can not get 2 streets of value. There are some turn and river cards force you to check. In the long run you will get 1.5 streets of value or something. But when you cbet on the flop you gurantee 1 streets of value. Could you pls tell me why if you think checking on the flop is more + EV?
Jan. 1, 2015 | 10:55 p.m.
Hey Daniel thanks for vid. I also did some work and share with you. I created a new alias which has 418k of hands of 12 different regs and filtered did 3bet true and flop texture is 8 high and flop has 1 gap. There are 196 hands and people cbet 70% of time. Afterwards i only change high card to 9 there are 251 hands and cbet is 72% and for 7 high flops(148 hands) it is 80%. I couldnt do the work the exact flop because there are not enough hands but in my assumption cbet frequency u defined is a bit looser then it is for avarage player pool but u already suggested doing it vs aggro players who are more tend to bet / fold. I think to play this hand this way +EV villian should bet / fold turn too often because in my analyse people dont fold after double barreling on that board texure majority of time. So vs bet / fold guys it is a good strategy but how about donking small on turn in generally? When we donk bet the turn we are vs a looser range then a double barrel range and our bet is strong enough not to get raised and we reach river definetly +EV way. On the river we can decide whether bet or check.
Dec. 30, 2014 | 10:57 p.m.
I dont understand why cbet frequency is irrelevant. What if our opponent cbets only with monsters ? Then we should fold very most of the time. We should define villians cbet range. What i understand from GTO is if villian open raises and cbets 100 % we should def as you explained. Another example if someone 3bets us with only AA folding everytime is not a exploitable mistake.
Dec. 24, 2014 | 3:16 p.m.
table 1 at 28:00 u dont cbet with A7s why? Im not sure if you are ok to share your statistics so may i know what is your cbet frequency and WWSF?
Dec. 23, 2014 | 3 a.m.
Do you assume villian opens %100 and cbets with any two?
Dec. 22, 2014 | 11:26 p.m.
How many buyins u lost most in a row during your downswing period ? Is it possible u share more about your downswing ? So it might help us to get a better bankroll plan and figure out how many hands should we play at least to have any idea about our game.
Dec. 4, 2014 | 3:53 p.m.
thanks for your honest vids your which you might run bad or play bad because it is more educational. I hate watching vids pros run like god and pause vid talk for minutes how to play super nutz. In RIO most of the members are winning poker experts and all we want to improve our game skills and the best way is learn what to do in tough spots from better players. Btw the most sickiest part of QQ vs Q6 hand is for me it is a hand vs nanonoko. It never happens vs a random guy in your life but it happens vs a PS team pro.
Dec. 4, 2014 | 3:49 p.m.
not won yet but i ll hope do it more in the future :)
Nov. 27, 2014 | 10:04 p.m.
Thanks for your reply do you live there?
Nov. 27, 2014 | 2:30 p.m.
Hello i would like to know if people pay taxes for their gambling winnings in England. Simply for example if i win £50k playing sportsbet at betfair should i declare that wining? Could anyone also share an offical link about it ?
Nov. 27, 2014 | 1:51 p.m.
lol u total nit? Snap fold A8o from CO and J7o from sb or have specific reads on players last to act ?
Oct. 1, 2014 | 3:27 a.m.
Why is your %cbet on flop is so low? People fold vs cbets often enough making a cbet profitable. You rather check back with SPP which puts you tough spots on turn and river. You check back 22 on ATT, 4c4d on Kd9d3s IMO cbetting is much better then check back i usually rather check back stronger hands which i can safely call stabs. They are too vulnerable on future streets. Second thing is your sb UO PFR is also too low. Ben Sulsky insistently claims that sb open should be wider then button steal. Dont you agree with that ? If not what are your reasonings?
Aug. 12, 2014 | 11:57 p.m.
Yeah i agree with dandan people rarerly 3bet bb vs HJ with AQ and also some nittier regs could not reraise even with JJ,QQ and AKo and on river after you play too strong on turn it is better to check back vs a mass multitabler because it is harder to gather value vs him. Btw after you raise on turn on which rivers you fire vs bb x when you have busted fd and what should be your betsize?
June 25, 2014 | 6 p.m.
Could you explain about colors you use for players? purple = ... ,yellow = ....
June 5, 2014 | 10 a.m.
whenever we decide bet on rver we do not care much about if villian is agg or not unless there is room to maneuver. ıt is more important to think if he is capable of hero calling. You did your best to induce agg by check back but it seems that he is a showdwn value hand and rarely flush draw. On the river ıt is good to check back here i think. I put him in a range AA AK weak K QQ JJ and would rather bet on flop.
May 11, 2014 | 4:12 a.m.
I totally agree what u said. That is why to be OOP sucks but im not sure if EV of calling > EV of 3betting. In my opinion 3betting has a higher EV because in a 6max game utg has a enough widen range. In fullring games vs good regs open from utg,utg+1 i remove my 3 bet range. Btw i think you continue 3betting CO and button opens OOP deep. Because they have a wider range. I think there are two creterias
1) Villian's open %
2) Our edge vs villian (depends on how good his postflop skills)
So if you think villian is a good reg and has a % 14 or less open range you prefer not to have a 3bet range vs him when you are deep OOP ?
April 26, 2014 | 1:55 p.m.
"160+: Vs most decent regs i dont have much of a 3betting range."
Could you tell me about it bit more why ? Because i think when we are deep his calling range gets widen and that makes a value 3bet more attractive and i would rather widen my 3bet value range instead of removing it.
Hi Tyler thanx for reply but im not really satisfied. Im not interested in your winrate ( specially hands before 2014 where games are much softer) Im intrested in to learn whats our goal by cold calling from sb and bb. I mean for example you could tell me go to holdem manager > more filters>hole card filters, other advanced filters>etc... when we fold from bb we lose -100bb/100 so i wanna know making -30bb/100 good enough or not.
July 9, 2015 | 12:43 p.m.