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Nice video!

3:53 QTo: Don’t you think your flat seems weak, so the regs
in the blinds could 3b verry much?

 8.44: KJo Do you like hier raise on the turn? I like it,
since his range looks verry polorized I think you will call his raise a lot and
not reraising his range since he is so polorised.. You prob. Call Kx/Qx/TJs. So
I see value in raising KT. Do you also flat his raise with flushes? I think we
should do, right?


Oct. 30, 2013 | 2:31 p.m.

Don't you think hands like TT/JT should check flop? THink a hand like QT should barrel turn right?(we have a lot of hands in our range that are weaker than QT).

Agree with you that he won't bluf much if we check.

Oct. 22, 2013 | 9:03 a.m.

Nice serie

3:29 AA, Think I like checking. Only hand we loose value from is AQdd,I think AJs maybe don't even calls a 3 barrel

17:54: I don't see the value in leading this river? Villian just can't have 2pairs/sets.Also 8x is verry unlikely.

Oct. 21, 2013 | 8:28 a.m.

Hand History | stek posted in NLHE: Construct our cb range 100NL 3b pot
None: $0

Oct. 8, 2013 | 11:44 a.m.

04:00 KQo you said super standard call on the flop, can you
explain why? Now we hit on the

  Turn and you
arn’t that happy him barreling.


 17:44  QQ: Do you
think he should have a raising range? Of I am CO and I have a hand like

TT I like to just float the flop. I think you cb a lot of Ax
on this flop en most turn cards are overs

And I think you just barrel a lot of turns. So why should
you wanna raise this flop?


 28:33 A6o  Do you have
a x/r range vs a standard reg withour notes on this flop? I mean yourValue range
is verry narrow (22/33?) Also there arn’t many turns you can barrel.  On a flo like 832s we also rep much value by
x/raising but we can barrel a lot of turns.

I like x/r to just exploit him(you said he folds a lot). You
agree with me?


 42:00 KQo  let’s say
my callingsrange on the flop is KQo+ FD+OESD+some MP like 9x TT/JJ.

 Is KQo on bottum of
our turn callingsrange?


43:00  Do you think we
can just cb all our air on AQ7r? since it hit’s our range well.


Oct. 7, 2013 | 4:37 p.m.

2:00 K3s you take a ½ pot stab why not ¾? Is this because
you want to bet as much air as possible, beacause it’s likely he ch/folding a
lot. If you bet ¾ you can’t add (GTO wise) that much blufs to your
betttingsrange. With ½ bet you give sb better pod odds, But I think sb either
fold or call no matter what the betsize is with his bluffcatchers. 

 45:32 56s What do you think villian his x/r get it in range
looks like? Something like NFD/sets? I think most players don’t have much Axs
in their preflop callingsrange(utg-bb) maybe ATs+. And they should also xc some
Axs otherwise their ch/callingrange is way to weak I think. Like your 3b on the
flop since his value xr range seems verry narrow.


Oct. 3, 2013 | 1:17 p.m.

Probably KK+ and some AXs, Lucas' ranges there might be different though.

What about AK? I mean AK don't play that well if we see a flop 3 or 4 4way.

Oct. 1, 2013 | 10:48 a.m.

16:13 What is your 3b/stack of range in this spot


 22:28  What do you
think of the play of 3max with Aks, should’t he just 3b/5b .


 36:36 You are talkink about calling 4bets IP, I don’t have a
call 4b range at all and I think this is a leak. Let’s say CO(reg) opens. And we
are on the BU which range do you like to 3b/flat with.


Sept. 30, 2013 | 1:03 p.m.

14:46: A3o  , What is
your 3b value(/stack of ranges) as default in this spot?


 27:00  Do you have a
3b range here?


 33:41 JJ: You said well played by villian. Why do you think
ch/calling AA is the correct play on the flop for him?


 38:00 77. If we ch/call our range seems like Qx a lot so I
think he woudn’t bluf the River that much. I think he can ch back River with a
hand like KQ?(whe are not calling with a lot of worse hands I think), if we
ch/r turn I think he will call with KQ, because our range seems like
sets/draws. Do you like ch/r 88 as a bluf on this turn?


Sept. 29, 2013 | 5:07 p.m.

2:00 TJs: I never have a callingsrange vs a 4b in this spot.Under which conditions do you like having a callingsrange, and whit whichrange?  

19:03  Q3s, why don’tyou lead the turn? His bu range is verry wide and he doesn’t cb the flop.Isn’tjust leading 100% +EV because he has so much air in his range? 

 33:50 Ako, Do you have a 3b range in this spot?If you don’t3b AK then our value range is only AA/KK isn’t it better to just flat all ourcontinue range? I think 3b/5b Ako is +EV without reads. If he 4b tight then weloose much if money goes in, but we win a lot by him just folding to our 3bet.If you gets it in lighter then we just value 5b Ako. How do you think aboutthis?

Sept. 28, 2013 | 1:32 p.m.

nice vid

45:00 AA:  Do you think villian should never have a raising range on the turn since his value range is verry narrow so he can only just add a little of bluffs?

Sept. 27, 2013 | 11:43 a.m.

22:07 Q9s: Don’t you think we can just cb almost 100% onthis flop. Yes he almost have all Ax in his range, but his range is so widethat we just have a lot of FE. .

I also have a hand that isn't going to be able to barrel very often due to not picking up equity on turns. I agree, but I think we get enough folds(vs his large pre flop callingsrange) on the flop, so we don't need to barrel.

 I also check back a decent amount of stuff that can call a turn bet so villain won't be able to lead everything profitably in this spot. I cb 100% on the flop so even all Jx, I think it makes a lot of sense to ch all Jx on the flop. Are you checking all Jx? Do you like the plan checking flop with Jx, some high pp like TT. If we have a ''value checking range'' we can also add air like Q8/46. We balance this so villian can't lead 100%, but if he barreln turn and rivers he can exploit us right?


Sept. 27, 2013 | 10:28 a.m.

8:30 KQo: I always have no callingsrange BU(reg)-sb if BB isa reg, because BB can squeese us(and we can’t 4b that much since we almostalway 3b our strong hands) What is your callingsrange in this spot?

14:50 JT : I always fold those hands on this flop, becausethere a lot of bad turncards for us. Let’s say turn is Blanc and he barrels, are we happy to call the turn? If notthen we just always fold to a turn barrel, why are you want to call this flopif we almost always fold the turn?Or are we calling JT because our range is so strong on thisflop(we have a lot of Ax) so he shouldn’t barrel turn as a bluf much because weare not folding enough of our range. If he barrels we loose value with JT, butwe win more with our Ax.?  

22:07 Q9s: Don’t you think we can just cb almost 100% onthis flop. Yes he almost have all Ax in his range, but his range is so widethat we just have a lot of FE.  

37:45 TT you said vs a regular you won’t 3b TT because wehave to fold vs a 4b. Just saw you 3b with hands like Axs. Arn’t you verryexploitable with your verry polorized 3b ranges IP? Or do you think you canjust 3b bluf much just to exploit people?    


Sept. 25, 2013 | 3:24 p.m.

Nice vid!

11:06  A6s: I like to
call those hands BU vs BB because most regs don’t 3b much Ax bu-bb, but BU vs
SB the 3b almost always the better  Ax
hands so we are dominated often, how do you think about this? But whit the fish
in the BB he is more likely to flat hands like AT AJ so I like your flat pre.


19:53 K9s: Just like A6s I like the flat way more BU vs BB(because
we dominated  less often vs a 3b range
bu-bb). I think people 3b way more depolorised BU-SB


23:00  87s : I see you
defending BU-BB verry wide, now it is CO-BB you looked to his pop up. Did you
looked to his openingsrange?


37:15: K9o: You said you can have a callingsrange against
his 4b, when do you like having a flatting 
4bet range and with which ranges? I don’t know how it can be +EV, we
can’t do much postflop right?(like floating)


51:14 98s, do you have much Ax in your flop callingrange?


Sept. 23, 2013 | 1:05 p.m.

2.32: A4o: What is your callingsrange BVB, you don’t have stats/noteson the sb, how can you call with A4o?That's a standard call for me vs anyone. I would guess that if you're folding that hand BVB that you're probably folding to too many SB steals. 

Yes. if someone cbets 75% and always fold when ch then we can just call any 2. We also flop 2pair+ 5% of the time so I can see why you can flat super wide pre. (and just play fit or fold post)

Do you like flatting with a 60% range? let's say SB opens 35% in sb(tight), we can still call verry wide?


Sept. 20, 2013 | 7:22 p.m.

Nice vid!

Hope you can answer my quetions

2.32: A4o: What is your callingsrange BVB, you don’t have stats/notes
on the sb, how can you call with A4o?


 26:41: Q9o you 3b. I see you 3b a lot IP against MP/CO, I
don’t like that. Lets say MP opens 15% and fold a lot to 3bets and only defend
TT+AQs(3.8 % range). His f23b will be 75%, but we still have players behind who
can have AK/JJ+ (bu sb and bb each 3% of the time) 75%-9% is 66%. So our 3b
works 66% of the time. OUr 3b has to work 19/28= 68%.  So even if MP folds a lot, it’s still not

   47:22: QTo Don’t you think it’s a nice spot for MP to flat
your squeeze verry wide?If  he calls then
most of the times the fish also calls.(so he is getting nice odds) then the pot
will be 3way and he has position on you. Also think you wouldn’t cb flop much


Sept. 19, 2013 | 12:45 p.m.

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